LG SIGNATURE is continuing to increase its global reach and visibility by partnering with prominent figures in fashion and design. LG SIGNATURE has teamed up with well-known personalities in one of the world's most acknowledged style capitals, Milan, Italy, to highlight the lineup's design credentials and natural relationship with high-end couture and luxury goods.
LG SIGNATURE's campaign in Italy is composed of different activities focused on design. Popular TV and cinema personality Federica Fontana - a former model, TV presenter and actress - will be involved in a product placement activity aimed to create social buzz about LG SIGNATURE products through social media postings. Moreover, in order to communicate the products' many benefits, LG will ask the opinion of Marco Bocci, one of Italy's most popular actors and director, about LG SIGNATURE OLED TV's unrivalled performance and refined aesthetics.
To view the multimedia release go to:
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