Pamukkale tour was very nice and there are all the pictures I took here in Pamukkale and the ancient city of trustik both a historical pattern consists of 2 parts the
first of which each party bem white cotton castle fortress pamukktan call it soft like cotton and below we have a chalky texture, the beauty of everyone's surprise
caused by water that is composed of white stones. With this feature, from the title of a world-famous place trustik. A second feature of the ancient Greek city with the distinction of being hierepolis here are a lot of tour arrangements. Here, there is a large theater area of the Archaeological many Greek works sculptures are exhibited in the museum of tombs and coins, and this combined with a lot of items from that period at the beginning of the most beautiful sights in the ancient pool klopatra pool in summer and winter this place is a beauty center yourself every semester here at a time that is entered into the pool evokes the feeling of living in Greek. one There are a lot of four and five star hotels and spas where water may be utilized.
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