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6253 days ago
Profile Viewed:
1565 times
Age: 98
Gender: Male
Relation: Taken
About Me: Joker Paz. Arroyo is an incumbent senator of the Republic of the Philippines who has earned a reputation as a human-rights lawyer,anti-corruption advocate, and freedom fighter. A graduate of the University of the Philippines College of Law and Ateneo de Manila University, he made a name for himself when he challenged before the Supreme Court the constitutionality of Proclamation number.1081 imposing Martial law. He has held various posts in the government service first as Executive Secretary in the Aquino administration from 1986 t0 1987, then as Chairman of the Philippine National Bank, and as Executive Director for the Philippines of the Asian Development Bank from 1986 to 1990. He has received various awards and commendations such as Philippine Bar Association's Most Distinguished award for Justice. As a three-term Congressman for the first district of the City of Makati from 1992 to 2001, he was consistently voted by Media as the Outstanding Congressman of the year.He served as Lead Prosecutor during the Impeachment trial of President Joseph Estrada in 2000. During the Marcos dictatorship from 1972 to 1986. 1. Participated in the trials of political detainees such as Ninoy Aquino, Eugenio Lopez Jr.,Jose Maria Sison, Jovito Salonga, Sergio Osmena III, Aquilino "Nene" Pimentel Jr, Eva Estrada Kalaw,Roberto Tanada,Eduardo Olaguer,Bernabe "Kumander Dante" Buscayno and many others. 2.Handled the most number of human-rights cases than any other lawyer from 1972 to 1986. 3 Incarcerated in a military stockade. 4.Gassed, injured and hospitalized during protest rallies. 5. Counsel of President Corazon C. Aquino during the 1986 Snap elections. 6. Co-founded MABINI and FLAG. 7. Member- American Bar Association, London International Bar Association, Union Internationale de Advocates Paris. President Corazon C. Aquino Administration 1986 to 1992. 1.Executive Secretary 1986 to 1987 2.Chairman of the Philippine National Bank 1986 to 1990 3.Executive Director - Asian Development Bank 1986 to 1990. 4. The Senate enacted resolution 100."Commending Joker P. Arroyo for his Invaluable Services to the Filipino people." 5. The Philippine Bar Association awarded him its most distinguished award as a " Man beholden to no one except to his country."
Hometown: Naga City
Current City: Makati
Country: Philippines
Occupation: Senator
Companies: Senate of the Philippines
Schools: University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila
Interests & Hobbies: Fishing, tennis, camping, swimming. other outdoors activities, writing,
Favourite Movies & Shows: The untouchables, The green mile, Catch me if you can, Enemy of the State, The God father series, The Good fellahs, Independence day, Munich, Apocalypto.Blood diamond.Band of brothers.The Alchemist.The 39 steps, Icon,Eye of the needle, Enigma, Charlotte Gray.Behind enemy lines.
Favourite Music: classical jazz.
Favourite Books: Judge in the Senate, Be smarter than everyone else, Ask not, Open your mind and explore reality and beyond, The clock that talks and what it tells,Become a dissident, Forty years as a legislator,The unseen hand,The lawyer Legislator,Electing justice,Greatest speeches of President JFK,Guns, germs and steel,Beacon of freedom of expression, 31 Days, Legislators and Politicians,Experiencing politics, The education of a Senator,As they see it, Citizens as legislators,Republic on trial, Legislators, Leaders and Lawmaking, Shooting star, Keeping the people's Liberties,Issue politics in congress, Ideology and congress,Lawyers, Legislators and Theorists, It pays to know your legislators,How would legislators do it? The broken branch,Deadlock or Decision, Presidential courage, Churchill,From suffrage to the Senate, Art of war, The house and the senate explained,When Presidents lie, State of denial, Collapse,48 laws of power,Craft of intelligence, The Untouchables, King of the senate,The dysfunctional congress,Do legislators vote their constituents wallet?,The boobs in the house are men,Spectator in hell, Fools die, Inside the wire.The client,The summon, The sovereign individual, When news lies, The power of persuasion,The secret man,No holds barred,Dirty dealing,The politics of fear, Power in contemporary politics, Never to be lied again, Influence, The black swan,The 33 strategies of war, Get anyone to do anything,Death of media, Unorthodox lawmakers, The man versus the state,The most exclusive club,New Congress, Weapons of mass deception,Runaway jury,The color of Law, The sword and the shield,Dimensions of change,The third wave,The innocent man,The Pelican brief, The U.N. Exposed,Flags of our fathers, Visions of victory, House mouse, Senate mouse,Conspiracy,When the truth lies, No place to hide, Waging peace,Ready for the people,Master of the senate,The firm.By order of the President, All the President's men, Profiles in courage.Blowing my cover, Master of disguise, Code breaker, See no evil, Confessions of an economic hitman,Civil disobedience, House of war, Bringing representation home, Dark congress, Congress for dummies,The science of a legislator,Force of law,Mein Kampf,Winds of change,The age of reason,Call of the wild, Deception point, Enemy within,The housekeeper's diary,Wild swans, Animal farm,Rights of man, The wealth of nations, Enemies,For whom the bell tolls, The anarchist cook book, Shadow warriors,The falling leaf,Power plays,Easily led, The big lie,The Way to Win,The commandos, The word war, The psychology of rumor,The politics of propaganda,The new political strategies, Running for office, The reasoning voter,Campaigning to WIN,The campaign manager, Campaign craft,Campaign mode,No place for amateurs.
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