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Dentro de las más de 50 propuestas de estudios de investigación, el estudio sobre ácidos grasos de omega 3 en pacientes hospitalizados que requieren nutrición parenteral y presentan complicaciones relacionadas con insuficiencias intestinales propuesto por la investigadora médica, la Dra. Aurora Serralde Zúñiga, ganó el primer subsidio para la investigación sobre nutrición parenteral en América Latina (Parenteral Nutrition Research Grant Latin America). To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 775 | Comments: 2
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The amazing table olives have been the favorites of the towns that surround the Mediterranean Sea for more than 2,000 years. It is also the sea that unites three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, which has made it possible for a tradition like the Mediterranean Diet to continue today. Everything that surrounds table olives of Spain, world leader in production and quality, is amazing. It is their way of picking the fruits of the olive grove, with great care not to damage them and that it reaches the consumer round and shiny. It is also the huge range of varieties throughout the Spanish olive grove, the largest in the world. Amazing for its diversity of presentations, whole, boned, sliced or being stuffed in over 140 different ways. It is finally possible to enjoy the best of the Mediterranean pantry in the US by merely approaching your usual point of sale and choosing between the Queen, Manzanilla or Hojiblanca to take home the essence of a gastronomy that continues to seduce foodies around the world in the same way that it convinces the experts of nutrition. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2768 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 774 | Comments: 1
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Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to helping families struggling with their son’s or daughter’s substance use, today announced that it has extended the hours of its free Parent Helpline. The bilingual Helpline is staffed by Parent Support Specialists, trained and caring Master’s-level counselors, who are ready to listen, help parents find answers and make an action plan for their child. Parent Support Specialists offer parents and caregivers the support and resources needed to care for a loved one who is struggling with substances. Families can connect with the Helpline via the website,, by phone at 855-DRUGFREE, through text messaging and Facebook Messenger. Help is available in English and Spanish. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // drugs  kids  helpline  drug  free  phone  hotline  call  spanish  help  multivu  8253451 
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Added: 2266 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 746 | Comments: 1
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Match Group (MTCH) y Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) anunciaron hoy el lanzamiento de Chispa, una nueva app de citas, para que los solteros latinos busquen pareja, se conozcan y conversen por internet. Las dos compañías han lanzado juntas una aplicación gratis para encontrar pareja, que ya está disponible en el país en tiendas de aplicaciones de Google Play y iOS. Según el Censo de Estados Unidos, entre los 57 millones de hispanos en Estados Unidos, aproximadamente 13 millones no están casados, no tienen pareja o no tienen una relación romántica. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2623 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 728 | Comments: 2
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Café Bustelo® is partnering with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) to launch the fifth-annual Café Bustelo El Café del Futuro Scholarship. Eligible U.S. students can submit their application for the opportunity to receive one of ten $5,000 scholarships. All eligible applications must be received by Friday, May 25, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. ET, and recipients will be announced on or about September 15, 2018. For complete information and guidelines, please visit here. Café Bustelo is asking students of Latino descent to submit an application that includes an 800-words or less essay in English or Spanish describing how their heritage, family, and community have impacted their desire and motivation to obtain a college degree; how they plan to give back to their community; and what they intend to accomplish with their degree. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2582 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 709 | Comments: 4
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International music icon Jennifer Lopez will hit the stage at this year’s “Billboard Latin Music Awards” and perform new music from her highly anticipated new Spanish-language album. The multitalented artist will also be honored with the Telemundo Star Award, presented by Xfinity, which recognizes the achievements of a musical artist beyond their musical career. The longest-running and most prestigious award show in the Latin music world will broadcast live on Telemundo on Thursday, April 27 at 8pm/7c and simultaneously on Universo, the fastest growing Spanish-language entertainment cable network in the U.S. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2869 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 687 | Comments: 1
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La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) alerta a las mujeres embarazadas sobre los riesgos de la listeriosis, una enfermedad transmitida por los alimentos que puede afectar gravemente a las mujeres embarazadas y a sus bebés no nacidos. La Listeria puede afectar a personas de todas las razas y grupos étnicos, pero las mujeres embarazadas tienen una probabilidad aproximadamente 10 veces mayor de contraer listeriosis que otros adultos sanos debido a los cambios hormonales que afectan el sistema inmunológico durante el embarazo. Las mujeres hispanas embarazadas son unas 24 veces más propensas a contraer listeriosis que la población general. Una mujer embarazada puede transmitir la Listeria a su bebé no nacido incluso sin saberlo porque no se siente enferma, pero la enfermedad puede provocar un aborto espontáneo, muerte fetal, parto prematuro, nacimiento de un bebé con bajo peso, una amplia gama de problemas de salud para el recién nacido o incluso la muerte del bebé. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2877 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m15s | Views: 666 | Comments: 0
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Legal -Ease International Software makes Legal Document writing easy. All legal forms on one CD, modify, file, send. Save time and money. Available in English and Spanish Order today
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Added: 1610 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 658 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated This article explains a heaing experience by Dena Falken in Spanish. Often times we need to remember that "what blesses one blesses all"
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Added: 1434 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 603 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Dena Falken is a life long Christian Scientist and linguist. She shares various testimonies and perspectives on her faith and Christian Science and shares it in these videos. Ranging from Portuguese, Spanish, French, and more... she shares her experiences.
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Added: 1148 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 593 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated @Dena Falken is a life long Christian Scientist and linguist. She shares various testimonies and perspectives on her faith and Christian Science and shares it in these videos. Ranging from Portuguese, Spanish, French, and more... she shares her experiences.
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Added: 1148 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 577 | Comments: 0
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