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Acclaimed Actress Amy Brenneman may play a silenced police chief’s wife in her new role on “The Leftovers,” but she generously lends her voice to help raise awareness for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in a newly refreshed public service awareness campaign. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3849 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1110 | Comments: 2
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The creature known as Frankenstein, created by a madman of the same name, lives on, re-imagined throughout time. Follow these four stories, each in a different time, a different place. Mary Shelley's League of Supernatural Hunters: Origins of Adam Mary Shelley learns of supernatural creatures and real meaning of the word monster as she encounters a man unlike any other. A creature not born of woman, but created from the body of a circus strongman killed while trying to save a lion tamer. She must decide who to trust, the vampire, the witch, the mad scientist or the creature. Either way, Mary's seen enough to know she will need an army to fight those things not easily killed. Frankenstein's Companion 19th century England, friendless and alone in the world, Adam Frankenstein, the creation of a mad scientist and his witch lover, becomes an assassin for hire. When a powerful mage hires him to find his kidnapped daughter and kill the man who took her, Adam strikes a bargain of his own. The mage has an immortal dog and Adam will do anything to own it. The Therapist and the Dead Brooklyn, New York in the 1980's was a place where monsters could blend in. Life has been long and cruel, so Adam keeps his appointment with Dr. Stein, the most expensive and sought after psychologist in the city, to talk of immortality and murder. Adam Frankenstein, U.S. Marshal Adam joins the 21st Century, and takes up residence in Houston, Texas. While waiting for his next mission from the League of Supernatural Hunters, he becomes Adam Frank, U.S. Marshal. His new partner is Marshal Rebecca Hughes, a by-the-book woman with a non-nonsense approach to life, with no idea who he really is, but that’s all about to change. When he wakes up dead and learns someone has stolen his dog, Texas may not be big enough to hold his wrath. Find out more at or on Twitter at @SheilaEnglish67 Thriller/Suspense/Horror/Time Travel
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3102 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1102 | Comments: 1
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A Love Story. This song has all the feelings we have all felt in our lifetime and brings back those feelings of being in love and loving someone so much you hurt when you think about them. It's All I Can Do not to lose my mind from thinking about you...a lyric video produced by James Bruce. Digital downloads available for this song at
Tags // home  love  heart  i  car  tears  wish  choice  wonder  mind  thinking  night  phone  music  video  lyrics  singer  songwriter 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3298 days ago by jimbruce
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 1084 | Comments: 3



Living Wills is a document authorized by statutes in which you appoint someone as your representative to make decisions. For more info
Tags // legal  documents 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4416 days ago by quicklawdocs
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 1083 | Comments: 1
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Someone is killing women in the name of the Virgin Mary. Police ask Frank Newman, priest/psychologist, to help them stop the violence. But Frank has his own demons, and when he is forced to face them he must make a terrible choice. Is this the moment of salvation? Or damnation? Learn more about this book Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4289 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1086 | Comments: 0
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It won’t cure the common cold, but Appvion, Inc.’s new eco-friendly receipt paper, Alpha Free, proves vitamin C works wonders at the cash register. Alpha Free is the first and only thermal receipt paper to use a vitamin C formulation in place of phenols like BPA or BPS. Whole Foods Market is now the first major national grocery retailer in America to use the new, natural and sustainable choice in receipt paper that shoppers can feel good about at checkout. ”In the last few years, multiple studies concluded that BPA found in receipts can be absorbed into the skin. If you are someone who handles receipts daily, like a cashier, that can be scary,“ said Dave Pauly, Alpha Free Product Manager for Appvion. ”A growing number of shoppers and employees are looking for more natural product options. That movement encouraged us to develop our vitamin C-based receipt paper, Alpha Free.“ To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3555 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 1059 | Comments: 1
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As part of its new brand campaign, Share A Legend, New Holland Brewing Company is tapping into its heritage and success as the top craft Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout to unveil a nationwide storytelling contest. The #ShareALegend contest is inspired by the nearly two decades of legends told over Dragon’s Milk™ stout—and celebrates the lore of the brew that began when it was first bottled 17 years ago. The top user-generated story submission will earn the winner $5,000 cash plus $5,000 from New Holland Brewing Company to donate to one of several charities selected by the brewery. Share A Legend is an open-ended storytelling project that invites fans to share their personal tales, whether they are everyday stories of triumph, the goodness of humankind or someone who has made an impact on them. Throughout the campaign, New Holland Brewing Company will release the legends of six real people who fall into the archetypes of Warrior, Huntress, Smith, Poet, Alchemist and Performer to inspire contest entrants. The videos, the new website and other branded elements adopt a half-illustrated design that embody the true but imaginative and creative nature of legendary tales that are passed down over time. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2331 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 3
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Deng Bin is one of China’s few practitioners of Jin Shan, or Kintsugi in Japanese. It’s the art of fixing broken pottery with lacquer resin dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. “The demand from a specific customer group is strong,” Says Deng. “They used to send the broken wares to Japan for repairing, which is rather time consuming and costly. So they were very happy when they found someone in China can do the job.” People don’t want to throw away the broken wares for many reasons. They might feel attached to them after using them for a long time. Another reason could be that the wares carry some special meaning. Something perhaps passed down from the father or the grandmother. They become reminders of the older generation who’ve passed away. “Chinese people usually dislike broken things which they regard as useless and of no value,” says Deng. “However when it has been properly restored, the once broken object is reborn and its life is prolonged. That is then considered an immense gift.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3376 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 1
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Epic fantasy novelist, Fred Chappell brings us his new book A SHADOW ALL OF LIGHT—which has been compared to a Jack Vance classic and is, at times, Gothically romantic. Shadows are commodities and wearing them lets you experience the life of someone else. A young man from the country comes to learn the art of stealing shadows from the master. Find out more at A Shadow All of Light Fantasy
Tags // fred  chappell  a  shadow  all  of  light  epic  fantasy  shadow  thief  jack  vance  princess  bride  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3264 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 0
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Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease you might not know a lot about until someone you know has it. It is a progressive disorder where brain cells gradually degenerate and die, causing impairments in memory, learning and mental functioning. In this video you will also learn the 7 stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Added: 3815 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 1014 | Comments: 2
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Who You Are?? Best Motivation Video For Success In Life Hit that subscribe button for more amazing videos! Some say that’s selfish. Some might say they owe it to their family to be there for them… Let me tell you something: You owe it to your family to SET AN EXAMPLE An example of someone who lives the life they want to live.
Tags // motivation  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1786 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 998 | Comments: 0
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Watch this video by NRMA for top tips on motorcycle lane filtering, to keep you safe and moving on NSW roads. NRMA offer comprehensive motorbike insurance, providing you with cover for your bike against any accidental damage, collision or crashes. In NSW, lane filtering became legal as of the 1st July 2014. In heavy traffic on multi-lane roads, riders often filter between the lanes. It can be an efficient way to road your motorcycle when done correctly. 1. When you are lane-filtering look out for drivers on both sides. 2. Watch for body language as an indication that they are about to change lanes. 3. Get your speed right. While it may be legal to travel at 30km an hour, it may not be safe to do so. 4. Never ride to the left of a vehicle; it puts you at risk of a collision with a vehicle entering a driveway. 5. Be aware of circumstances where it is still illegal to filter lanes, this includes active school zones. Accidents happen and if you ride a motorbike or scooter then a motorcycle insurance policy could cover someone else’s property and your motorcycle, should you have an accident.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3544 days ago by Australia10
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 925 | Comments: 1
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