Millions of families will head to the beach this Memorial Day weekend, many without adequate sun protection. As part of a national effort to reduce the incidence of skin cancer, Neutrogena® is kicking off the 2016 Choose Skin Health® Campaign with a video featuring Brand Ambassador Kristen Bell asking moms everywhere to get real with their kids about the importance of sunscreen—and a pledge to donate $1 for every video share to the non-profit Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation.*
Bell’s video acknowledging the challenges moms face tackling serious topics with their children is frank and funny—but skin health is no laughing matter. The fact that only 39% of women and 14% of men use sunscreen regularly is a health issue of national importance when you consider that just one to two severe sunburns can increase lifetime risk of developing melanoma by 40 percent.
The Neutrogena® Choose Skin Health® Campaign was created to change the future of skin health and reduce the risk of skin cancer through education, empowerment, and early detection. This year the brand is developing in-school sun safety programs with the potential to reach 1.6 million students annually with a sun safe behavior curriculum, sponsoring 13,000 free skin cancer screenings annually with charitable partners, and working toward a goal of donating $35 million worth of sunscreen to families in need by the end of 2016.
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„Der neue Rapid Spaceback ist für uns ein Meilenstein: Er bedeutet den Einstieg in das strategisch wichtige Segment kompakter Kurzheck-Modelle. Im neuen Skoda-Design und den bekannten guten Eigenschaften unserer Autos tritt er frisch und dynamisch auf. Ein Kompakter mit sportlichem Chic, geräumig und praktisch, ideal für junge Menschen und Familien“, gibt sich der Skoda Vorstandsvorsitzende Winfried Vahland bei der Vorstellung des jüngsten Sprößlings des tschechischen Autobauers optimistisch. Und der Optimismus ist durchaus nachzuvollziehen, da der Spaceback nicht nur viel Platz, jede Menge ‚Simply Clever’ Ideen, Top-Sicherheit, interessante Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten, geringen Verbrauch und mit einem Einstiegspreis von 14.990 Euro ein sehr gutes Preis-/Wert-Verhältnis bietet, sondern sich bei ersten Testfahrten auch als leistungsstark und agil erwies. So macht Autofahren – wenn die Straße denn halbwegs frei ist – einfach nur Spaß. Der Rapid Spaceback setzt auf einen klaren, eigenständigen Auftritt – mit besonderem Chic. Ein Auto mit sportlicher Frische und dynamischer Eleganz. Besondere Akzente setzt die Seitenansicht. Sie wirkt im Vergleich zu konventionellen Kurzheck-Modellen sportlicher und gestreckter, fast Coupé-artig. Damit setzt sich das Fahrzeug optisch und funktional vom Wettbewerbsumfeld ab. Die dynamische Silhouette wird geprägt durch eine klare Linienführung, den langen Radstand (2,60 Meter) und die scharfe, hohe Tornadolinie. Das Heck unterstreicht den sportlichen Charakter des Spaceback. Es ist klar gezeichnet und wirkt ausgewogen und aufgeräumt. Ein schwarzes Diffusor-Element betont die horizontale Ausrichtung ebenso wie die breiten Heckleuchten im Marken-typischen C-Design. Das Frontdesign des Rapid Spaceback folgt dagegen bis zur B-Säule der Gestaltung der Rapid Limousine. Kernelemente: markanter Grill mit 19 vertikalen Lamellen und Chromeinfassung und neues Logo. Das Interieur zeichnet sich durch sportliche 3-Speichen-Lenkräder, schicke Dekorleisten und frische Designs für die Sitzbezüge aus. Typisch Skoda bietet der Innenraum viel Platz: Obwohl das neue Modell im Außenmaß knapp 18 Zentimeter kürzer ist als die Rapid Limousine, sind die Platzverhältnisse für die Insassen genauso großzügig wie beim ‚großen Bruder’. Der Rapid Spaceback bietet in seinem Segment die größte Kniefreiheit (64 Millimeter) und die größte Kopffreiheit hinten (980 Millimeter). Auch das Kofferraum-Volumen zählt mit 415 Litern bzw. mit 1.380 Litern bei umgeklappter Rücksitzbank zu den besten Werten im Segment. Zu diesem großzügigen Raumangebot kommen zahlreiche ‚Simply Clever’ Lösungen: Der Kofferraum hat zum Beispiel auf Wunsch einen doppelten Ladeboden, so dass das Gepäckabteil in zwei horizontale Ebenen eingeteilt werden kann und damit doppelt nutzbar ist. Den Doppelboden muss man nicht zu Hause lassen, falls man den maximalen Raum nutzen möchte – er ist einfach in die untere Position verschiebbar. Darüber hinaus bietet der Spaceback alle nützlichen Features, die aus dem Rapid bekannt sind.
Bang & Olufsen, the global provider of high-end custom made audio and video products, today announces the launch of a cutting-edge, surround sound speaker system that presents an entirely new category of speakers to the Bang & Olufsen product portfolio. The BeoLab 14 surround speaker system will revolutionize the marketplace as it is a conveniently packaged, all-inclusive solution that delivers compact aesthetics, exceptional sound quality and a high-end surround sound performance. BeoLab 14 is available in a 4.1 or a 5.1 digital surround sound set up, with up to six individual active speakers, each with its own amplifier, resulting in an unprecedented level of sound quality despite the speakers’ compact shape. BeoLab 14 can also be used with all other television brands, so it is non- exclusive to just Bang & Olufsen televisions.
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Wer Verwarngelder vermeiden möchte, sollte nicht zu schnell fahren. Vor allem nicht gestern, wenn ab 6 Uhr bis zum nächsten Morgen um 6 Uhr der erste bundesweite Blitz-Marathon stattfindet. Im Rahmen der Aktion, die auf die Gefahren durch zu schnelles Fahren aufmerksam machen soll und in Bayern sogar eine Woche dauert, kontrolliert die Polizei mit mobilen Messgeräten die Geschwindigkeit. In der Regel wird vorab bekannt gegeben, an welchen Stellen geblitzt wird. Die breite Ankündigung des Blitz-Marathons sowie die Bekanntgabe der Messstellen in den Medien – insgesamt 14.724 Polizisten und kommunale Mitarbeiter sind an 8.599 Gefahrenpunkten im Einsatz - leisten auch nach Meinung des ADAC einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit. Noch 1991 war „nicht angepasste Geschwindigkeit“ die Ursache für 84 000 schwere Unfälle mit Personenschaden. Bis zum Jahr 2012 ist diese Zahl auf 34 000 gesunken.
Jointly hosted by several government departments including the National Tourism Administration of China, the General Administration of Sport of China and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, the 14th West Lake International Expo Hangzhou, China officially kicked off on October 13. Organization of the 22-day event was administered by Hangzhou’s municipal government.
The main venue for the event is located in the heart of Hangzhou, while activities are also taking place at an additional 14 smaller venues located in nearby locations including at the Hangzhou metropolitan economic zone and throughout the Yangtze River Delta. The 132–program event features a series of shows including West Lake International Fireworks Show, West Lake Art Expo, China International Press Photo Contest, West Lake International Sculpture Exhibition and China Arts and Crafts Masterwork Exhibition.
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BOMBAY SAPPHIRE®, the world’s fastest-growing major gin brand by volume and value1, in association with Tribeca Film Festival®, today announced the four winners of the Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series: Film competition. The competition offers budding filmmakers the chance to realise their own short film, using their imagination to interpret a short film script created by Academy Award® winner Geoffrey Fletcher.
Starting today, Bombay Sapphire is giving members of the general public the chance to vote for a fifth film to be made through its open vote selection. By visiting a vote can be cast, with the winning film announced on 14 November 2013.
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Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey has named Alana Miller of St. Pauls, North Carolina, as the winner of the Grand Prize 2015 Rare Life Award. Eagle Rare will donate $50,000 to Miller’s charity, Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, and host an awards ceremony in St. Pauls on March 14.
The Rare Life Award is an annual recognition program created to honor individuals who exhibit courage, leadership, survival, devotion, character and heroism. Candidates are nominated by friends, family and colleagues. Their stories and photos are posted online at, where many people vote for their favorite inspirational stories.
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For the millions who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), a study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) provides clinical evidence of safety and effectiveness for a new, FDA-approved medical device. Torax Medical’s LINX® Reflux Management System was studied in a controlled, prospective, multicenter trial involving 14 U.S. and European medical centers as part of the FDA pre-market approval process. The patients were evaluated before and after treatment to determine the effect of the LINX System on their GERD using pre-defined success criteria, which included reduction of esophageal acid, improvement in quality of life and elimination of reflux medications.
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Riot From Wrong is a remarkable feature
length young people made, documentary; filmed across the breadth of the
United Kingdom in the aftermath of the London Riots. The documentary
was created by 14 Passionate young people from across London to bring
you one of the most anticipated documentary of 2012. The documentary
includes key witness statements, interviews with those involved, and
some of the best London Riot footage available, which was independently
sourced from a vast network of contacts. I went to one of the
screenings in London, I loved it so much, that I had to re-upload the
trailer! The BBC need to watch this! Official Channel:
The full length book trailer for Deborah Henry's novel about love, suffering, and interfaith marriage in 1960's Ireland.
Starring Courtney Schleinkofer, Luc Austin, and Eric Roberts.
Directors: Adam Cushman, Mike Sandow
Cinematographers: Mike Sandow, Luciano Blotta
Opening Music by Jose Villalobos
Edited by Mike Sandow
Produced by Red 14
iRobot Corp. (NASDAQ: IRBT), the leader in delivering robotic technology-based solutions, today announced the Roomba 980 vacuum cleaning robot – iRobot’s most capable and best cleaning robotic vacuum to date. Roomba 980 is the first Roomba to combine adaptive navigation with visual localization, cloud connected app control, and increased cleaning power on carpets, helping people to keep cleaner floors throughout the entire home at the push of a button.
“With more than 14 million robots in people’s homes worldwide, iRobot is the global leader in automated home cleaning,” said Colin Angle, chairman and chief executive officer of iRobot. “Roomba 980 is the next big step as it marks iRobot’s first cloud connected product with mapping capabilities for the consumer market. Leveraging the cloud and mapping technologies, robots gain a better understanding of their environment, and customers are provided with more control. Looking ahead, these technologies will also enable expanded capabilities for connected robots in the smart home.”
“Vacuum cleaning robots can’t rely on any one feature or technology to clean effectively,” said Christian Cerda, executive vice president and general manager of iRobot’s Home Robots business unit. “Vacuum performance, efficient navigation, adapting to ever-changing environments and cleaning under furniture where dirt is hiding are all important factors, and they must be balanced. Roomba 980 takes this into account to deliver convenient, customized, powerful cleaning assistance, each and every day.”
To view the multimedia release go to:
14 Hands Winery will officially open its doors for business on Saturday, April 12, to the new 14 Hands winery and tasting room in Prosser, Washington. Owned by Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, 14 Hands is Washington's 3rd largest wine brand. To secure a ticket to the grand opening event, please visit:
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