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Every Wednesday night starting at 7pm/6c, it\\\'s a full-scale Hip Hop Invasion on Fuse TV all night long. This Wednesday, catch an EXCLUSIVE interview with Snoop Dogg on the Hip Hop Shop at 7pm/6c followed by Beef at 8pm/7c and Damon Dash\\\'s Death of a Dynasty at 10pm/9c! Check out the full schedule here:
Tags // jay  z  mariah  carey  chloe  sevigny  carson  daly  aaliyah  roc  a  fella  records  roc  a  fella  roca  a  fella  records  rocawear  roc  4 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5562 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 7412 | Comments: 0
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Year after year, there are many people who do not come out of the woods alive. And if they happen to make it out alive, they will have a story to tell. Some run, but not fast enough. Some hide, but not good enough. Grace (Lisa Johnston) and her boyfriend Rodney (Chad Waites) are destined to fall under the Booby Trapper’s blade, but rogue cop Mike Hawk (Robert Collins) is patrolling these woods as well – seeking out the reason behind these brutal slaughters. The closer the Mike Hawk gets to catching the person responsible for these serial killings, the closer he gets to un-covering his own mysterious past. Directed by Richard Stephenson, this film looks super low budget, super gritty, and super fun. You can call Stephenson grew up on slasher movies like the rest of us and is putting his love for the genre to work. While a little cheesy in spots, and a little too many day-time shots, based on the trailer below I\\\'d say this one is one to watch out for.
Tags // the  booby  trapper  horror  scifi  slasher  gore  troma  new  films  indie  low  budget  blair  witch  friday  the  13th  imdb 
Added: 5516 days ago by TheBoobyTrapper
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 7415 | Comments: 3



Let's groove tonight. Share the spice of life. --- by Sneakers. Visit our website at for more of these clips
Tags // sneakers  dance,  spice  of  life 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5523 days ago by ADASPORT
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 7407 | Comments: 1
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Woman taking a Crap is Attacked by a Polar Bear
Tags // woman  crap  attacked  polar  bear 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4930 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 7406 | Comments: 0
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