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Steven Rhianna and Cailin up the Scottish Highlands in the year of our lord 1792.
Tags // scottish  highlands  glens  scotland 
Added: 3409 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 2935 | Comments: 2



Creating a sustainable cocoa sector that can meet the chocolate industry’s long-term demand for cocoa, the essential raw material for chocolate, while providing economic opportunities to cocoa farmers will require billions of dollars in agricultural investments across research, third-party certification and technology transfer to farmers, according to Mars, Incorporated, one of the world’s leading chocolate manufacturers. Although many groups and individual companies have made singular investments towards a more sustainable sector, to benefit a significant portion of the world’s five to six million cocoa farmers, Mars believes the industry must work together even more closely to scale up positive impacts for farmers and achieve higher yields without compromising limited natural resources. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4538 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 2929 | Comments: 0
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Greenbeard is a guinea pig who farms lettuce, until one day, a fine salt breeze blows up from the sea and through his garden. Greenbeard leaves his simple life to go in search of adventure as a pirate. He buys a boat which he names THE GOLDEN LETTUCE, and hires a rat named Snug Rumkin to be his crew. As Greenbeard sings a pirate song, they sail away in search of adventure and treasure. Children’s
Tags // guinea  pig  pirates  kids  rats  adventure  sailing  animals  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4277 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 2917 | Comments: 1



Columbus businessman Scott Ressmeyer and 11 friends have started their 2013 Scott’s Ride for Miracles, a 21-day, 9,000-mile, 48-state motorcycle trek to raise awareness and money to benefit Children’s Miracle Network at The Medical Center in Columbus, Ga. The Miracle Send-Off Ceremony was held at 11:30 a.m. Friday morning, then at noon, the riders revved up their Harley engines and roared out of The Medical Center. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4328 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 2916 | Comments: 1
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Music video by Young Flex performing I Nah Give Up (C) 2013 Startime Family Entertainment
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4198 days ago by reggaerelease
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 2905 | Comments: 1



After 15 years of gym sessions, relentless training and high pressure competitions, 6-times Olympic Champion and 11-times World Champion Sir Chris Hoy can finally kick back and enjoy cycling just for the fun of it. To celebrate, he’s teaming up with the UK’s leading specialist bike shop Evans Cycles to create “Hoy’s Summer of Riding”. Together they are connecting people from up and down the UK, encouraging them to share their experiences of riding their bikes in the summer. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4247 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m17s | Views: 2884 | Comments: 2
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New York based Aways Away definitely has a unique sound that is best described as punk/indie rock. We caught up with them at their show at Webster Hall in NYC and got the scoop. Lead singer, Evan De Augustinis feels he was meant for the industry, “I’ve been playing music my whole life, I grew up with music, my father played in bands his whole life…music is in my blood,” he says. So where does the inspiration come from? “These are crazy times that we’re living in, so it’s not hard to make it into a song.” Their album, Some Things We'll Never Know is available now on ITunes.
Tags // aways  away 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4614 days ago by Lifeminute
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 2878 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated If you are looking for information on chinese herbs or looking to try out their benefits, visit our website
Tags // chinese  herb  chinese  herbs 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4665 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m31s | Views: 2878 | Comments: 0
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Superstar model, producer, television host and designer Heidi Klum unveiled her secret to strong, beautiful hair last year with the launch of CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™, and is now asking women everywhere to join her in the 7 Day Scalp & Hair Challenge for stronger, more beautiful hair in 7 days. From frequent red carpet appearances to countless hours on set at photo shoots, Klum goes through rigorous daily styling that really takes a toll on her scalp and hair. To nourish her scalp for stronger, more beautiful hair, and to gear up for her next big event, Klum turned to the 7 Day Scalp & Hair Challenge. As part of the challenge, Klum is using CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ shampoo and conditioner daily before styling. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4401 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 2864 | Comments: 1
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Houston Undercover Cops cartoon series will resume with a brand new episode on June 28, 2013 after being on hatius hold for three months since the last episode. Creators of the cartoon series successfully make changes to Houston Undercover Cops by changing the stick figure animation world to 2d animation world. Undercover Police officers: Magic Simpson and Chad Holland are back on the streets after returning from vacation in Brazil. Yes Magic and Chad is the 5 0 and if you are caught committing a crime they will get you. If you step to them that will be suicide. Yeah we know that you have been in trouble with the law before. But have you ever been in trouble with Magic and Chad? You can run but you can't hide because the universe demands justice and the people who are out to serve and protect going to get you one way or another. Think twice before you make bad decisions shoot at them and you're dead. We didn't write the law nor we didn't make the rules. We have to enforce the law and breaking the laws will not be tolerated. The undercover officers are back on the streets so all the thugs better watch out because you never know when they will creep up on your set. Tell me what you going to when they come for you! MagicSimpson1 Productions 2013
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 4280 days ago by Magic123
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2854 | Comments: 4



Whenever I indulge in a new genre that I know nothing about, I do what I did here. I typed up Dubstep on Youtube and listened to about 2 hours of Skrillex. I fell asleep to it in the coffee shop so that I could absorb it in more depth...and catch up on a few zs
Categories // Music 
Added: 4058 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 2838 | Comments: 1



Buy this incredible song on iTunes: Facebook: Twitter: Bookings: Music video by Noa Neal performing Skydive. (C) 2013 NN Records. MUSICVIDEO CREDITS: Produced by De Kosmonauten ( ) Producer: Frank Molnar, DOP: Michel Bienfait, CO: Kevin DeScheemaeker, 1st AD: Ren-Horng James Wang, Art Director: Frank Molnar, Styling: BCBG, Make-up: Stefania Koszti, Editor: Michel Bienfait @ De Kosmonauten, Grader: Dr.Frank / S.Jespers, Music: Chicks With Hits
Categories // Music 
Added: 4159 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 2815 | Comments: 0



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