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Quadratic equations, factorization, and imaginary numbers are all math concepts often learned in high school algebra. Now imagine determined fourth, fifth or sixth graders quietly working through these concepts on their own. This is exactly what you would see if you peeked into many Kumon Centers. As a learning program based on ability, rather than age or grade, Kumon Instructors across North America are helping children learn without limits by inspiring them to reach heights they never imagined possible. It is common to see children in Kumon Centers studying math and/or reading material two to three years above their school grade level. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2734 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 769 | Comments: 1
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Nickole Colletti is the Mafia Queen. Her methods will make many a male Mafioso flinch in horror. She is one of the most powerful, feared, and despised underworld czars since Al Capone. She will stun and fascinate the readers of this scorching tale. Mafia Queen is fast-paced, adult reading, that is not at all recommended for the squeamish. It has scenes of raw power and unbridled passion that will burn a place in your literary consciousness for years afterward. Mafia Queen...woman enough for a hundred men...and man enough to blow their brains out at the bat of an eyelash. Read about her if you dare! Thriller
Tags // thriller  mafia  abuse  rusty  kontos  mafia  queen 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2376 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 759 | Comments: 2
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The website aims to help people with Parkinson’s, their relatives and caregivers in taking care of their nutritional requirements in order to help them enjoy tasty food that meets their dietary needs. The website is endorsed by the European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) and sponsored by Zambon, and has been designed as an easy-to-use scientific information tool so people living with Parkinson’s can be confident that what they are reading is reliable. “As the only European Parkinson’s umbrella organisation, the EPDA is very proud to endorse this project, which is based on solid scientific and medical grounds,” explains EPDA president Knut-Johan Onarheim. “A balanced and varied diet is important for everyone but it is even more important for people living with Parkinson’s disease because the right food intake can improve their quality of life as well as the effects of therapeutic treatments”. “Zambon is very proud of having supported this project, which will help people with Parkinson’s and all those involved in the management of the disease. We are strongly committed to drive research and develop solutions to help patients in all their needs“. states Elena Zambon, President of Zambon. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3176 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m20s | Views: 742 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Top five basketball shoes for wide feet, Picking your next pair of good basketball shoes for wide feet can be a pretty laborious process. Review of best vertical jump program! Finding out about the latest releases, reading reviews, checking prices and getting the right size - it would often take me days or even weeks to settle on a new pair. Now, maybe I am just a lot pickier than most when it comes to basketball sneakers, but there is a reason why!
Tags // basketball  shoes  for  wide  feet 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2598 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 688 | Comments: 3
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Do you want to get rid of them, then keep reading or viewing my video. Hi, Rudy here to discuss varicose veins and their cause. In this short video, I hope it will get you thinking about doing something about varicose veins. If you don’t have them, then prevention is what you should be thinking about.
Tags // varicose  veins  veins  spider  legs 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1762 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 672 | Comments: 0
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As the global relocation landscape continues to change, leading multinational companies are navigating through it with new approaches that help them get their preferred employees to take global transfers while controlling costs. For the seventh time since 2002, Cartus Corporation has released its Trends in Global Relocation: Global Mobility Policy and Practices survey report, which outlines the challenges companies are facing, the solutions they are employing and where they are sending their transferring employees. Sponsored by the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), the study elicited responses from 176 mobility managers – representing nearly 10 million employees, globally – on dozens of topics. Below are just three of multiple key findings that can be found by reading the full report. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3010 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 665 | Comments: 0
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