Original music on piano by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. ' Beatinthepocket' in sites, ( Search Google, Yahoo or Bing)
Original lyrics by Kate Brauerman snd music by David Vigil (Morningstar0 artist / musician of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. \'Beatinthepocket\' in sites, Search Google, Yahoo or Bing).
Original music on piano by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket in sites Search bing, Yahoo and google)
Lyrics by Tess Moore, Piano by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. \'Beatinthepocket\' in sites, (Search Google, Yahoo or Bing).
Original music on piano by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of Santa Fe, new mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' in sites, (seaarch Google, Yahoo or Bing).
Original music by David vigil (Morningstar), asrtist / musician of santa fe, new mexico. USA. 'Beatinthepocket' in sites, (Search Google, Bing or Yahoo.
Original Music on piano by david Vigil (Morningstar0, artist / musician of Santa Fe, new mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' in sites, (Search bing, yahoo or google).
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