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The Ad Council is joining forces with BAM! Body and Mind and KIDZ BOP to premiere The Greatest Action Movie Ever (G.A.M.E), a kid-targeted film offering fun ways to channel the inner action hero and take steps towards a more active and nutritionally-balanced lifestyle. Starring Ryan Ochoa of the hit Disney XD series Pair of Kings, the first half of the six-minute long G.A.M.E. film will premiere on Sunday, April 14 on Disney XD as part of Disney’s Magic of Healthy Living, an initiative that inspires kids and families to lead healthier lifestyles. Audiences will then be directed to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s BAM! Body and Mind website,, to see the second part of the film and access additional health-related resources. The full-length film will also be featured on and To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family 
Added: 4339 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m47s | Views: 2815 | Comments: 1
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GNC Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: GNC), the nation’s largest specialty retailer of health, wellness and sports nutrition products, today announced the nationwide availability of MARKED™, a new comprehensive line of performance nutrition products developed by leading GNC scientists and wellness experts in partnership with Mark Wahlberg. The MARKED line – consisting of seven sports and active nutrition products – provides the ultimate performance nutrition for anyone who wants to achieve their health and fitness goals. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4591 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 2763 | Comments: 1
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With one third of American children overweight and 75 percent not getting enough daily exercise, Henkel, the company behind some of the nation’s leading brands, including Dial®, Purex®, Right Guard® and Soft Scrub®, is actively addressing this urgent health and fitness crisis facing our nation’s youth. In cooperation with Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG), Henkel today announced the launch of its annual Henkel Helps Get Kids Fit program in an effort to make a change and improve the quality of life of an entire generation. With schools facing budget cuts and limited resources across the country, the Henkel Helps Get Kids Fit program will award one deserving school with $25,000 to be used toward equipment and services to enhance their students’ health and fitness education. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4597 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 2730 | Comments: 0
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SCI Total Fitness is an online program which offers those with spinal cord injuries a wheelchair exercise program. This disability exercise class is for those who want to get fit and lose weight. visit here for more information :
Tags // online  exercise  class 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4329 days ago by scitotalfitness
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 2685 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Hi my name is John Hine, welcome to Hine Tai Chi. You will find a host of ways to learn Tai Chi and Chi Kung on this site. From weekly classes, to workshops and DVD’s, there is something for everyone from beginner to advanced instructors. Research around the world has shown that Tai Chi Reduces Stress, Anxiety and Builds Immunity. It improves everyday physical functioning, improves cardiac health and generates a feeling of well being. It also alleviates the symptoms of many diseases including, helping reduce chronic pain, Lower Back Pain, aids Arthritis, helps lower blood pressure,. And as if that is not enough helps you sleep better too. If you find it difficult to stand two of my DVD’s even show you how to gain the benefits of doing Tai Chi while sitting down.
Tags // hine  tai  chi  schools 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4576 days ago by John-Hine
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 2540 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated, an award-winning website, is dedicated to helping the public be healthy and safe through increased awareness and simple-to-use knowledge. With its latest topic, Sleep, Be Smart. Be Well. examines the importance of sleep and how to improve the quality of it. Sleep is as important to disease prevention as diet and exercise, according to Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D., a sleep medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic and Director of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine who is featured in a new video on Yet, many adults fail to get the recommended amount of sleep—some because they struggle with sleep problems like insomnia and some because they simply don’t make sleep a priority. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4254 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 2337 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Hi my name is John Hine, welcome to Hine Tai Chi. You will find a host of ways to learn Tai Chi and Chi Kung on this site. From weekly classes, to workshops and DVD’s, there is something for everyone from beginner to advanced instructors. Research around the world has shown that Tai Chi Reduces Stress, Anxiety and Builds Immunity. It improves everyday physical functioning, improves cardiac health and generates a feeling of well being. It also alleviates the symptoms of many diseases including, helping reduce chronic pain, Lower Back Pain, aids Arthritis, helps lower blood pressure,. And as if that is not enough helps you sleep better too. If you find it difficult to stand two of my DVD’s even show you how to gain the benefits of doing Tai Chi while sitting down.
Tags // hine  tai  chi  schools 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4576 days ago by John-Hine
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 2206 | Comments: 0
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Witness to Fitness: Pumped Up! Powered Up! All Things Are Possible! In Witness to Fitness, Donna Richardson Joyner, brings together faith, food, and fitness for 28 day program that will help you lose weight while you nourish both your body and your soul. Find out more at or Christian/Fitness/Motivational/Wellness
Categories // Miscellaneous  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4438 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 2051 | Comments: 1
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Fifteen internships in four years sounds like a pretty demanding exercise. Yet Lauren Berger did just that while at the University of Central Florida, and learned how to be a leader and a successful entrepreneur in the process. And now Berger, founder of Intern Queen Inc., is offering students a similar opportunity through the 2013 Ford College Ambassador Challenge. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4347 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1707 | Comments: 1
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According to a new AARP poll1, almost three out of ten people who are caring for a loved one say their life has changed since becoming a caregiver. More than one in five says their weight, exercise, or social life has suffered. To illustrate the complexity and help the 42 million sons and daughters, friends and spouses caring for parents and loved ones see themselves as caregivers, AARP and the Ad Council are unveiling a new suite of Public Service Advertisements (PSAs) as part of their Caregiver Assistance campaign. The PSAs will be distributed today as part of National Family Caregivers Month (November) and direct caregivers to tools and resources to help cope with their daily responsibilities at To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4134 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 1470 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Follow DualFIT expert trainer Steve Pfiester through this basic yoga workout. Repeat the complete sequence 2-3 times, as well as hold each pose for more breaths, for a more challenging yoga session
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4287 days ago by dualfitdotcom
Runtime: 9m1s | Views: 1361 | Comments: 1
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A new daily custom is sweeping across the country as more than 100,000 children at Childtime, Tutor Time, Children’s Courtyard, La Petite Academy and Montessori Unlimited schools nationwide are taking time out of their busy schedules for a dance break. It’s the latest addition to Grow Fit, the comprehensive health and fitness program introduced a year ago throughout Learning Care Group’s family of schools. The Daily Dance Break can happen any time and take many forms as children and teachers alike find creative ways to practice and enjoy their healthy new habit. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4156 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 1328 | Comments: 2
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