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Added: 2527 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m42s | Views: 737 | Comments: 6



Auto and tech companies are coming together to put driverless cars on the road. Data is what's powering the race. From design and manufacturing to safety and services, data is informing every step of the process towards fully autonomous vehicles. As transformative as they are, self-driving, connected cars are just one component in a much-larger data-collection network soon to be on the world's roads and highways. What's the future of transportation look like with self-driving and human-driving cars side-by-side? How will the data--some estimates go as high as 1GB per second--from driverless cars be put to use? To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3015 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 731 | Comments: 0
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West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. (NYSE: WST) and HealthPrize Technologies, LLC, today announced the completion of the first two phases of their four-phase strategic collaboration. The companies are working to integrate HealthPrize’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) medication adherence and patient-engagement platform with West’s injectable drug delivery systems to provide an end-to-end connected health solution for pharmaceutical companies and the patients they serve. The combined offering will provide voluntary, electronically connected drug delivery systems that track when patients take their medication. The HealthPrize system engages and educates patients to increase adherence and medical literacy, rewarding interaction and compliance with prescribed treatment plans, and contributing to better health outcomes. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3463 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 726 | Comments: 2
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Stressless® furniture, long known for its innovation and craftsmanship as well as its minimalist Scandinavian style, is on trend. The smart-home lifestyle of internet-connected devices is driving consumer preference for smart furniture. Stressless wraps ingenious functionality in natural materials, such as full-grain leathers and laminated woods, striking a balance between the desire for comfort and connectivity in the home. “Stressless sits at the juncture of modern technology and artisan craftsmanship,” said Beverly Kastel, marketing director for Ekornes, Inc. “Our Stressless recliner is a personal oasis in a hectic world. It’s constructed from environmentally friendly raw materials and engineered with cutting-edge technology. The look and feel of our furniture complements the smart-home sensibility, where tech and comfort intersect.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2547 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 724 | Comments: 4
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid. Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 – The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power. The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms. "In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us" To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3205 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m12s | Views: 708 | Comments: 1
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TASER International (Nasdaq: TASR), the global leader in connected law enforcement technologies, announced today that it is launching a new program to equip every police officer in America with a body camera and changing its name to Axon (Nasdaq: AAXN). It will also provide supporting hardware, software, data storage, training, and support to police departments free of cost for one year. “We are going 'all-in' to empower police officers to more safely and effectively do their jobs and drive important social change by making body cameras available to every officer in America,” said Rick Smith, Founder and CEO of Axon. “We believe these cameras are more than just tools to protect communities and the officers who serve them. They also hold the potential to change police work as we know it, by seamlessly collecting an impartial record and reducing the need for endless paperwork. That's why we're giving this opportunity to every single police officer in America.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2898 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 707 | Comments: 0
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Summer time brings freedom, fun and family vacation! While it may seem like a season of carefree leisure, planning a trip for the whole family can be stressful! From picking the perfect hotel and making sure all the bags are packed to getting the car serviced and ensuring you have the right technology to stay connected, the list of tasks can seem endless.
Added: 3931 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m17s | Views: 702 | Comments: 1
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“Imagine a world where road status data collected by cars is shared with other road users and with local authorities through a connected car cloud such as the Volvo Cloud: A world where the benefits of anonymized data-sharing support convenience and life-saving services while helping to contribute to a better society. Volvo Cars is working on realising such a future scenario,” said Klas Bendrik, Vice President and Group CIO at Volvo Cars Group. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Added: 3663 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 703 | Comments: 2
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Council Connections, a leading national group purchasing organization (GPO), today revealed its new brand including a modernized company name, logo and website. With a nod to its nearly 40-year legacy, combined with a link to the future, Council Connections becomes CNECT (“connect”) with a tagline of Every Link Stronger. “CNECT embodies our history of service excellence while better describing the undeniable link and connection that exist between us and our members,” says Henry Tuttle, president and board chair of CNECT. “We believe organizations can better focus on their customers if they are connected to a group purchasing organization that offloads the heavy lifting, helping them improve operational efficiencies, while reducing costs through contracts, collaboration and supply chain strategies.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3046 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 697 | Comments: 0
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid. Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 – The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power. The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms. "In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us" To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3205 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 695 | Comments: 1
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For the third consecutive year, Legrand, as a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, is participating in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) at Las Vegas from January 5 to 8, 2017. To illustrate the accelerated deployment of its Eliot program, Legrand is introducing a new connected home control solution, Céliane with Netatmo, a new connected door entry system, Classe 300, and the Digital Lighting Management system, a connected professional lighting management solution. This focus on the Eliot program is further accentuated by putting the spotlight on Legrand’s partnerships. Coming in the wake of the recent launch of Eliot in the US, this participation at CES 2017 evidences the innovation dynamic nurtured by Legrand around the Internet of Things and the notion of interoperability. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2987 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 668 | Comments: 1
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In today’s always-on world, people are more digitally-connected than ever before – yet less connected to one another in meaningful ways. That’s why Murad®, the pioneering clinical skincare brand, is launching the EyesUp Campaign, a new initiative designed to educate people about the danger of digital-only relationships and the power of real-world human connection. Through the campaign, Murad is encouraging people around the world to go “EyesUp” and connect with one another in real life. Renowned as the “Father of Internal Skincare,” Dr. Murad’s groundbreaking work and research over the past decade has centered on helping people cope with Cultural Stress™, or the stress of modern living. The hallmarks of Cultural Stress include digital dependency, the inability to disconnect from work, and lowered self-esteem due to increased social expectations. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2927 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 667 | Comments: 0
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