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Solta Medical, Inc. (Nasdaq: SLTM), a global leader in the medical aesthetics market and manufacturer of the industry's three premier brands: Thermage®, Fraxel®, and Isolaz®, is pleased to announce that it has partnered with PGA TOUR golfer Scott McCarron to raise awareness about skin protection and the Fraxel re:store® laser treatment. As the leader in fractional laser technology, Fraxel delivers minimally invasive clinical solutions to resurface aging and sun damaged skin, including the removal of actinic keratoses (AK’s ) — a precancerous skin condition caused by sun exposure. Fraxel re:store treatment provides superior results for AKs on the face or other areas of the body displaying the signs of photodamage. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5329 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 7449 | Comments: 0
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The pathway to better health for teenage girls starts with the first meal of the day, and when they make a “good-for-me” choice their odds of having a healthier body weight and lower cholesterol improve. These are the latest peer-reviewed findings summarized in Public Health Nutrition. This analysis of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study (NGHS) data was funded in part by the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition. The NGHS followed the diets of 2,379 girls who, at the beginning of the study, were between the ages of nine and 10 from 1987 to 1997; 51 percent, or 1,213, were African American girls and 1,166 were Caucasian girls who lived in Berkley, CA, Cincinnati, OH and Washington, D.C.
Added: 5219 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7444 | Comments: 1
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The pathway to better health for teenage girls starts with the first meal of the day, and when they make a “good-for-me” choice their odds of having a healthier body weight and lower cholesterol improve. These are the latest peer-reviewed findings summarized in Public Health Nutrition. This analysis of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study (NGHS) data was funded in part by the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition. The NGHS followed the diets of 2,379 girls who, at the beginning of the study, were between the ages of nine and 10 from 1987 to 1997; 51 percent, or 1,213, were African American girls and 1,166 were Caucasian girls who lived in Berkley, CA, Cincinnati, OH and Washington, D.C.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5219 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7433 | Comments: 1
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hotty with amazing body
Tags // hotty  with  amazing  body 
Categories // Sexy  Webcam 
Added: 6102 days ago by bullchipper645
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 7399 | Comments: 2



Every Body Matters explores how positively addressing our physical condition can lead to a fortified soul better able to serve and love others. Through confessional and engaging stories of people who intentionally got physically fit as a way to grow spiritually, Thomas draws a fresh, compelling, nonjudgmental body and soul correlation. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Christian, Nutrition, Health, Fitness
Tags // gary  thomas  zondervan  health  fitness  faith  body  soul  book  trailer  book  video 
Categories // Family  Sport  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4841 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 7186 | Comments: 0
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As soon as you start feeling run down or have other flu-like symptoms, take Oscillococcinum. Oscillo® is supported by published clinical studies, as well as more than 65 years of use throughout the world. -Clinical studies show that Oscillo reduces the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches, chills and fever -Great taste and convenient to take -No side effects; no drug interactions; non-drowsy -Safe for everyone 2 years of age and older To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5154 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 7050 | Comments: 0
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For Laura Ann McGehee, her body represents the one remaining financial resource that can save the family farm. For Sophia McQuistion, Laura Ann’s unusual sacrifice fulfills her own dream of having a child. Weaving together bioethics and faith, Nobody’s Child dramatizes a question we can no longer ignore: Just because we can do something … should we? Learn about the book here, Learn about this author here, Bioethics Suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4985 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 6844 | Comments: 0
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Reduce weight naturally and detox your body for optimum health. You may not be aware that many diet vpills contain harmful substances that can ruin your internal organs and overall health so we have come up with the top 3 natural solutions to reduce your weight naturally.
Tags // reduce  weight  naturally  effective  weight  loss  how  to  loss  weight  quick  weight  loss  diets  need  to  loss  weight  help  losing  weight  best  ways  to  loss  weight  lose  weight  diets 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5344 days ago by bernie7270
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 6831 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated What is Kidney Stones? How can they be removed or prevented? Do you need doctor's help for this all the time all the time? The problem of what is kidney stones can be solved without the help of a doctor if water is used extensively in the body. For more details regarding kidney stones visit
Tags // what  is  kidney  stones  what  is  kidney  stones 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4804 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 6699 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Watch my 90 day body transformation where I lose my fat belly and gain a six pack and get ripped.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4772 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 6681 | Comments: 0
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Fashion Stylist Cher Coulter, recently named “Stylist of the Year” at the 2010 Hollywood Style Awards, is well known for creating innovative and head-turning looks for some of today’s hottest stars including Kate Bosworth, Sienna Miller, Orlando Bloom, and Teresa Palmer. Coulter is now stepping in front of the camera, hosting a video series called “Love Your Assets,” sharing tips that help women dress to accentuate the part of their body they love the most. The videos are presented by INVISTA, the manufacturer and marketer of LYCRA® fiber, and feature body shaping solutions from ASSETS by Sara Blakely, a shapewear brand from the founder of SPANX®. To view Multimedia News release, go to
Added: 5150 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 6593 | Comments: 1
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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6173 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 6477 | Comments: 1
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