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Search // 14
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39 Honourees representing 24 companies have been shortlisted across 14 categories in the second edition of JNA Awards, the most prestigious awards programme in the jewellery and gemstone industry, JNA (Jewellery News Asia), main organiser of the JNA Awards, announced today. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4230 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 2306 | Comments: 1
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Cast appearance: Peddler - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio) Gazeem the Thief - Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers) Jafar - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under) Iago - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh) Cave of Wonders - Monster House Aladdin - Kermit the Frog (The Muppets) Razoul and his Henchmen - The Gangreen Gang (The Powerpuff Girls) Woman at the Window - Mulan Ladies Laughing at Aladdin - Flowers (Alice in Wonderland (1951)) including Madeline Kahn Abu - Conker the Squirrel (Conker's Bad Fur Day) Three Balcony Harem Girls - Muses (Hercules) Three Balcony Harem GIrls' Mother - Pocahontas Necklace Man and Woman - Philoctetes (Hercules) and Rapunzel (Tangled) Fat Ugly Lady - Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls) Two Hungry Children - Roo (Winnie the Pooh) and Lumpy (Pooh's Heffalump Movie) Prince Achmed - Hercules Two men watching Prince Achmed - Pain and Panic (Hercules) Sultan - Pumbaa (The Lion King) Rajah - Tod (The Fox and the Hound) Jasmine - Miss Piggy (The Muppets) Omar; Melon Seller - Tantor (Tarzan) Pot Seller - Woody (Toy Story) Nut Seller - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) Necklace Seller - Hamm (Toy Story) Fish Seller - Rex (Toy Story) Fire Eater - Mr. Potato Head (Toy Story) Boy wanting an apple - Andy (Toy Story) Farouk; Apple Seller - Edgar (The Aristocats) Old Jafar - Mr. Nebbercracker (Monster House) Carpet - The Powerpuff Girls Genie - Fozzie Bear (The Muppets) 'Laddie' Dog Genie - Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Rabbit Genie - Bean Bunny (The Muppets) Dragon Genie - Dragon Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone) Genie's Three Dancing Girls - Frog Tiana (The Princess and the Frog), Miss Bianca (The Rescuers), Duchess (The Aristocats) Sheep Genie - Ram (Charlotte's Web) Camel Abu - Great Prince (Bambi) Horse Abu - Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) Duck Abu - Duck (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) Ostrich Abu - Coco (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) Turtle Abu - Turtle Merlin (The Sword in the Stone) Car Abu - K.A.R.R. (The Powerpuff Girls) Elephant Abu - Manny (Ice Age) Old Man Genie - Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Little Boy Genie - Dash (The Incredibles) Fat Man Genie - George Darling (Peter Pan) 75 Golden Camels - Camel (Dumbo) Genie as TV Parade Host Harry - Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty) 53 Purple Peacocks - Crows (Dumbo) Genie as TV Parade Host June - Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) Exotic-Type Mammals - themselves Leopard Genie - Bagheera (The Jungle Book) Goat Genie - Sid (Ice Age) Harem Genie - Nita (Brother Bear 2) 95 White Persian Monkeys - Monkeys (The Powerpuff Girls) 60 Elephants - themselves Llamas - themselves Bears and Lions - themselves Brass Bands - themselves 40 Fakirs - themselves Cooks and Bakers - themselves Birds that 'warble on key' - themselves
Tags // aladdin 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4089 days ago by TheAubster07
Runtime: 4m37s | Views: 2244 | Comments: 3
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180 Klassiker der Baujahre bis 1993 sorgten bei der elften Sachsen Classic Rallye für einen Zuschaueransturm. Binnen drei Tagen nahm das Rollende Museum 610 Kilometer unter die Räder. Für Szenenapplaus sorgten die zwölf Fahrzeuge aus den norddeutschen Volkswagen Sammlungen. Auch die anderen Konzernmarken waren gebührend vertreten. Prominentester Copilot war zweifelsohne Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich in einem Horch. Die Sachsen Classic zählt zu den gefragtesten Oldtimerrallyes in Deutschland. Lange Wartelisten zeugen vom zunehmenden Bewerberinteresse, was vor allem Streckenführung und Publikumsbegeisterung geschuldet ist. Das, was als Rollendes Museum schließlich auf die sächsischen Straßen gelangte, kann sich sehen lassen. Das gilt besonders für die Marken des Volkswagen Konzerns, die erneut prominent vertreten waren: Ein Drittel der insgesamt 180 Klassiker kam von den Konzern-Marken Audi, Bentley, Porsche, SKODA sowie Volkswagen Pkw und Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge. Der sächsische Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich ließ es sich nicht nehmen, während der dritten Etappe als Copilot in einem Horch dabei zu sein. Die drei Rallyetage führten auf insgesamt 610 Kilometer über einige der schönsten Straßen des Freistaats. Highlights waren die „Steile Wand“ in Meerane, die am 22. August während der Sachsenring-Etappe gleich zweimal gemeistert wurde, das beschauliche Bad Elster während der Vogtland-Etappe sowie die Augustusburg während der abschließenden Erzgebirge-Etappe am 24. August. Fahrer der insgesamt 14 Autos von Audi, DKW, Horch, Wanderer und NSU sowie die 20 teilnehmenden Volkswagen Klassiker durften sich wie zu Hause fühlen: Die einst in Sachsen beheimateten Marken der Auto Union hatten Weltgeltung erlangt, zwei ihrer Standorte – Zwickau und Chemnitz – waren Eckpfeiler der Rallye. Heute ist hier Volkswagen überaus präsent; in Sachsen entstehen Golf, Passat und Phaeton sowie Drei- und Vierzylindermotoren. Sie sind noch zu jung, um an einer Oldtimerrallye teilnehmen zu dürfen. Die Fahrzeuge aus dem Bestand von Volkswagen Classic zählen dagegen zwischen 20 und 60 Jahre. Lieblinge des Publikums waren die hierzulande bislang unbekannten Karmann Ghia aus brasilianischer Fertigung, die sich in diversen Details von den in Osnabrück gebauten Autos unterscheiden, sowie der „DDR-Golf“ von 1977, von dem 10.000 Einheiten nach Ostdeutschland gelangten und als begehrte Traumwagen gehandelt wurden. Dass heute Golf Variant und Phaeton exklusiv in Sachsen gefertigt werden, rundet die Historie auf eine einmalige Weise ab.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4218 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 2201 | Comments: 4
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To promote the adoption of teenagers from foster care, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), AdoptUSKids and the Ad Council are unveiling a new series of multimedia public service advertisements (PSAs). Today, more than 33,000 teenagers await adoption from the U.S. foster care system. Nearly 50 percent (14,000) are between the ages of 14 and 16. These new PSAs are part of the Adoption from Foster Care campaign launched in 2004. Since the launch of the campaign more than 15,000 children have been placed with a permanent family. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4503 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2185 | Comments: 1
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Tor Books is thrilled to announce the THREE NIGHTMARES YOU CAN’T RESIST tour, featuring three amazing YA titles: Kristen Simmons’ THREE, Mindee Arnett’s THE NIGHTMARE DILEMMA, and Jenna Black’s RESISTANCE. YA Paranormal Tuesday, March 11: Lexington – Joseph-Beth Booksellers Wednesday, March 12: Cincinnati – Joseph-Beth Booksellers Thursday, March 13: Dayton – Books & Co Friday, March 14: Louisville – Carmichael’s Bookstore Monday, March 17: Chapel Hill – Flyleaf Bookstore
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4056 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 2161 | Comments: 0
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2013 Shanghai Tourism Festival opened on the evening of September 14. The Opening Ceremony Grand Parade, a legacy of the festival, gathered 32 performing teams from 23 countries and 21 sleek floats, providing tourists with a spectacular visual display on Shanghai’s Huaihai Road. It was the first time that teams from Belgium, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania and the Bahamas participated in the parade. Over 80 percent of the performing teams came from outside China. The 2013 Shanghai Tourism Festival with the tagline “Tourism makes your life richer” included a wide variety of events with a focus on sightseeing, food tasting and leisure. To vieew Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4185 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 2007 | Comments: 1
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Pre-order now at: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist offers two player CO OP mode with 4 mission types, 14 maps with 2 player split-screen. Play as Sam Fisher or Isaac Briggs (a CIA operative) and work as a duo : help your teammate access parts of the maps you couldn't access on your own, create your own tactics depending on your Play Style and watch each other's back as you complete missions. YOUR RULES. YOUR WAY Official website: Facebook page: Twitter: Splinter Cell Blacklist will be released on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC and WiiU. Release dates: US: August 20th 2013, EU: August 22nd 2013, UK: August 23rd 2013
Tags // splinter  cell  blacklist  splinter  cell  tom  clancy  xbox  360  playstation  3  pc  wiiu  sam  fisher  isaac  briggs 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4295 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 1989 | Comments: 0
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Following another hugely successful year, Facilities Show will celebrate its 15th anniversary by relocating from the NEC Birmingham to ExCeL London in June 2014. Facilities Show 2013 took place from 14 to 16 May and was a roaring success, welcoming 15,830 attendees (subject to ABC audit) through its doors, an increase of 17.25 percent on 2012, and a fifth consecutive year of double digit attendee growth. Reflecting this success, a 3 percent visitor increase was also seen across the whole of Protection and Management Week, including Safety & Health Expo, IFSEC International & FIREX International. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4283 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 1941 | Comments: 1
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See for details.Your next trip to Woolworths could be all you need to score the winning GOOOOOAAAALLLL of 2014!'Coca-Cola' is giving away 3 trips to Brazil to see the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Prize is 7 nights accommodation, double passes to 2 matches at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, hotel transfers, daily breakfast and 1 guided sightseeing tour . Plus you have a chance to win an adidas Brazuca Glider ball, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 14, and PlayStation® 4 Console INSTANTLY!For your chance to win:1. Buy any of the products* below.2. Enter the draw for 1 of 3 trips with your product barcode and Woolworths receipt number.3. And also enter the instant win draw to see if you have won one of the instant prizes.Participating packs include: 'Coca-Cola', 'Coke Zero', 'diet Coke', Fanta, Lift, Sprite, Powerade or Powerade Zero.Eligibility requirements and conditions apply. Promotion closes 12.4.14.‎‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4000 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1817 | Comments: 0
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The Energy Globe is the world´s most prestigious and respected environmental award. 151 countries participated and submitted over 6.000 projects that implemented a prudent and economical use of resources to the international jury of experts since the year 2000. Energy Globe nominees from 14 different nations convinced the jury chaired by Maneka Ghandi (member of the Indian parliament and former environmental minister) this year. They all have dedicated their life to one single goal: Providing sustainable solutions to diverse problems all over the world. The projects were presented at the 29th international CIRIEC congress taking place in the Vienna City Hall from 12-14 September. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4563 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m-0s | Views: 1796 | Comments: 0
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11/28/10 DONNA MILLS, KNOTS LANDING STAR, HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS PARADE ***** “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Tags // donna  mills  hollywood  christmas  parade 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4396 days ago by vanderKOK
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 1755 | Comments: 0
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Speed drawing under 14 mins using Paintology
Tags // paintology 
Added: 4559 days ago by paintology
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1744 | Comments: 0
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