What would you do to peer inside the walls of successful corporations to discover the most closely guarded secrets of their success? To be a fly on the wall in the executive boardroom, to find out how they consistently make and exceed their sales quotas, while other companies struggle to survive? Well, now you can.
Sandler Training, a global sales and management training firm, has made available at www.sandler.com a valuable report on a research study that provides a glimpse into what these ‘best-in-class’ companies do differently, plus the opportunity to participate in an interactive research assessment. This assessment provides companies with a scorecard that can measure how their process, approach, and technology stack up against those ‘best-in-class’ companies, while identifying actionable recommendations for improvement if gaps exist.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/sandler/49633/
For the fourth year, Men’s Wearhouse has held a successful National Suit Drive, the country’s largest collection of gently used professional attire. The company devoted the month of August to encouraging patrons to transform their unwanted businesswear into a second chance for millions of disadvantaged Americans facing joblessness.
Despite recent job increases in select industries, the unemployment rate is still hovering just above an alarming 9 percent.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51934-men-s-wearhouse-fourth-annual-national-suit-drive
Grant Matthews journeys to the Himalayas in search of an ancient mystery hidden in a remote monastery when he confronts a conspiracy of zealots who will kill to protect this secret that could transform the world's understanding of religion. Grant's life will change forever, if he survives. Learn about the book here, http://bit.ly/hvGZnq Learn about this author here, http://www.jeffreysmall.com Suspense/Thriller
Philips, the makers of Sonicare power toothbrushes and Zoom whitening, announced today the launch of a new educational campaign called Get It Right!, which encourages people to engage a dental professional in the teeth whitening process to ensure a healthy smile worthy of a great first impression. Smiling is an instinct that starts as early as one month of age and as we grow it becomes one of our most important social assets. “Smiling affects not only how someone feels, but also how others perceive that person,” said psychologist, executive coach and author Ann Demarais, Ph.D. “In fact, research suggests there are a number of benefits to smiling – from a mood enhancer to being more socially appealing.”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52322-philips-get-it-right-educational-campaign-teeth-whitening
The photographic series “Forgotten” by celebrated photographer Donald Leon Farrow is presented in eight installments. These works capture a solitude in situations involving structures and nature that generally go unnoticed or unremembered. An unshared story lies behind the situation of each image. Some perspectives almost appear abstract, whereas others suggest a history. Many are unsettling.
In an online effort to put new books in the hands of poor children around the world, supporters of Children International helped Visa donate $50,000 towards the purchase of books for impoverished children, the result of the organization’s “Click for a Cause” program sponsored by Visa Inc. The donation will allow Children International to buy books to fill nearly 100 libraries in seven countries with new textbooks and storybooks that will provide children with the opportunity to strengthen their reading skills.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/childreninternational/46384/
Deep in the Rocky Mountains, a gruesome discovery—hundreds of mummified bodies—stir international attention and fervent controversy. Despite doubts to the bodies’ origins, the local Native American Heritage Commission lays claim to the prehistoric remains, along with the strange artifacts found in the same cavern: gold plates inscribed with an unfathomable script. Learn more about the book http://bit.ly/I1SNGI and more about the author bit.ly/mrQN7 Thriller
RNIB -- I\'d miss -- World Book Day. To mark World Book Day, RNIB (The Royal National Institute of Blind people) has launched an online campaign to highlight the acute shortage of books accessible to blind and partially sighted people, especially children.
Have you ever considered what you would have missed out on if you weren\'t able to enter the magical world of children\'s stories?
RNIB needs your help to give children who have lost their sight the same reading opportunities this World Book Day.
Click here to get involved -- http://www.facebook.com/rnibuk
Clarence Knight, a filmmaker making it big in Hollywood, was suddenly summoned back home by his best friend, Reggie Dunn. Reggie’s father, who played an intricate part in Clarence’s upbringing, was dying. Clarence started a documentary of his old hood, Woodland Heights, and got much more than he bargained for. Learn about the book, http://bit.ly/fjeJ4x Learn about this author, http://bit.ly/hKtAKQ mystery, suspense, thriller
From your garden to your dinner table, growing delicious fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits is an easy, fun and simple way to get your family outside, cook up new recipes, and on time for a delightful dinner. The makers of Miracle-Gro® and America’s Test Kitchen have partnered to provide exciting gardening projects, insightful tips and mouthwatering recipes for you and your family. Grow your own produce at home with the help of Miracle-Gro, and bring those veggies and fruits to your table with delectable new recipes from America’s Test Kitchen. These ideas will make it simple and fun to Gro Your Own.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/47691-Scotts-Miracle-Gro-Americas-Test-Kitchen/
Sara is not a typical 11 year old. Her parents are dedicated to saving animals and using nature to cure diseases. Sara learns of an ancient legacy and the power within her to save endangered animals. An 800-year old medallion holds the key to unlocking her power. Learn about the book here http://bit.ly/Serpentauria Learn about the author here http://bit.ly/ErikDShein Adventure, Tween