John 3:16 The Gospel Of Grace
Artist - Gospel Jazz by HL Steins c2013
Very few songs cut to the chase regarding the Gospels, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact few ever captured the entire Bible message as does this artist lyric video so dramatically does. As you listen and read each line to this piece, it is nothing short of spectacular. Scripturally revealing, filled with biblical truth and absolutely inspiring.
This and other spiritual songs can be found on this artist latest CD album titled, “Come Fill Me Up Lord | Volume 2”. This artist combines vocal choral with contemporary Jazz groves, driving percussion and syncopated horns.
His soothing and eclectic sound adds an appealing and captivating mix to the wholesome and spiritual aspects of gospel jazz. Truly a unique worship style fit for one and all.
Available on Amazon, Itunes, and more.
Pamukkale tour was very nice and there are all the pictures I took here in Pamukkale and the ancient city of trustik both a historical pattern consists of 2 parts the
first of which each party bem white cotton castle fortress pamukktan call it soft like cotton and below we have a chalky texture, the beauty of everyone\'s surprise
caused by water that is composed of white stones. With this feature, from the title of a world-famous place trustik. A second feature of the ancient Greek city with the distinction of being hierepolis here are a lot of tour arrangements. Here, there is a large theater area of the Archaeological many Greek works sculptures are exhibited in the museum of tombs and coins, and this combined with a lot of items from that period at the beginning of the most beautiful sights in the ancient pool klopatra pool in summer and winter this place is a beauty center yourself every semester here at a time that is entered into the pool evokes the feeling of living in Greek. one There are a lot of four and five star hotels and spas where water may be utilized.
This video is created by The Daily Reminder.
References to the hadith mentioned:
1) In Musnad Al-Imam Ahmad: Classified as Saheeh by the scholar Imam Ahmad Chaker.
2) And it can be found in Saheeh ibn Hebban: Classified as authentic by Ibn Hebbaan.
3) And it can be found in Saheeh ibn Majah: The scholar of hadith Imam Al-Albani classified it as Saheeh (authentic).
Aurora Flight Sciences announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company the prime contract for Phase 2 of the Agency’s Vertical Takeoff and Landing Experimental Plane (VTOL X-Plane) program.
VTOL X-Plane seeks to develop a technology demonstrator that could:
• Achieve a top sustained flight speed of 300 kt-400 kt
• Raise aircraft hover efficiency from 60 percent to at least 75 percent
• Present a more favorable cruise lift-to-drag ratio of at least 10, up from 5-6
• Carry a useful load of at least 40 percent of the vehicle’s projected gross weight of 10,000-12,000 pounds
The Aurora team’s design for its unmanned aircraft, named LightningStrike, seeks to provide an approximately 50-percent increase in speed over existing VTOL aircraft designed for comparable mission applications.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Today the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Ad Council and Project Yellow Light announced the winners of the fifth annual Project Yellow Light scholarship competition. The contest calls on students to develop and produce a short video educating their peers on the dangers of using mobile devices behind the wheel of a vehicle. For the first time, Clear Channel Outdoor Americas has joined longstanding partners Mazda Motorsports, the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) and U-Haul to launch the first Project Yellow Light out-of-home media design contest. The winners of both the video and out-of-home design contests will be unveiled this afternoon on a digital billboard in New York’s Times Square that was donated by Clear Channel Outdoor.
Brothers Sam and Wrenn Senser from Louisville, Nebr. scooped the two grand prizes of $5,000 for the video contest, with Sam winning the college category, and Wrenn winning the high school category. The winners of the out-of-home media design contest were college student Bethany Wheeler from Snellville, Ga., and high school student Emily McDonald from Anaheim, Calif., with both receiving $2,000 scholarships. The winning videos can be viewed here.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Gleich zweimal fallen erstmals Kindersitze der Traditionsmarke Römer beim aktuellen Test des ADAC und der Stiftung Warentest mit „mangelhaft“ durch. Ein Sitz versagt beim Frontaufprall, der andere hat viel zu hohe Schadstoffwerte. Insgesamt erhalten vier von 15 getesteten Sitzen das ADAC Urteil „mangelhaft“. Bei einem Sitz von Axkid reißt sogar die Isofixverankerung, bei einem Sitz von Nania wird das Kind beim Seitenaufprall ungeschützt an die Autotür gedrückt. Generell gibt es dieses Mal auffallend viele schlechte Modelle. Als bestes Produkt im Test erweist sich der Cybex Juno 2-Fix mit einer sehr guten Beurteilung. Dieser wird mit Fangkörper in der Klasse I für Kinder von etwa 1 bis 4 Jahren angeboten, er ist damit besonders empfehlenswert. Da allerdings nicht jedes Kind einen Fangkörper akzeptiert, sollten Eltern dies vor dem Kauf unbedingt ausprobieren. Folgende Sitze erhalten ein „gut“ und sind empfehlenswert: Der Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix und der Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix & Support Leg (mit Stützfuß) für die Klasse I (von etwa 1 bis 4 Jahren) sowie der Römer Kidfix XP SICT, der Recaro Monza Nova 2, der Storchenmühle Solar und der Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix, alle für die Klasse II/III (von etwa 4 bis 12 Jahren). Beim Römer Xtensafix (Klasse I/II/III von etwa 1 bis 12 Jahren) rutscht der Gurt beim Crashtest aus der Führung und schneidet in den Hals des Kindes ein, was ein hohes Verletzungsrisiko darstellen kann – der Club bewertet deshalb das Produkt als „mangelhaft“. Auch der rückwärts gerichtete Römer Max-Fix (Klasse 0+/I, bis etwa 4 Jahre), ein sogenannter Reboarder, erhält aufgrund seiner hohen Schadstoffbelastung das ADAC Urteil „mangelhaft“. Durchgefallen sind auch die Babyschale Nania Baby Ride (bis etwa 1,5 Jahre) und der Axkid Kidzofix (Klasse I/II von etwa 1 bis 7 Jahren). Während die Babyschale beim Seitenaufprall versagt und das Kind bei einem Unfall ungeschützt an die Fahrzeugtüre geprallt wäre, reißt beim Axkid die Isofixverankerung im Frontcrash und der Sitz fliegt durch das Fahrzeug. Darüber hinaus ist dieser Sitz hoch belastet mit Schadstoffen. Die vollständigen ADAC Kindersitztestergebnisse sind unter zu finden. Getestet wurden die Kindersitze aus allen Gewichtsklassen in den Kriterien Sicherheit, Bedienung & Ergonomie, Schadstoffgehalt, Reinigung und Verarbeitung. Wichtig für die Eltern: Die Kleinsten müssen bei jeder Fahrt im Sitz richtig gesichert sein. Vor dem Kauf sollte man sich unbedingt Bedienung und Einbau erklären lassen. Um Fehler beim Einbau zu vermeiden, muss die Bedienungsanleitung genau befolgt werden. Außerdem empfiehlt der ADAC, den Sitz vor dem Kauf im eigenen Fahrzeug auszuprobieren: Nicht jedes Produkt passt optimal in jedes Auto. Der Kindersitz muss sich stabil befestigen lassen und besonders auf den richtigen Gurtverlauf ist zu achten.
A good breakfast satisfies you until lunch. A better breakfast prepares you to conquer the day! September is Better Breakfast Month, which is all about making breakfast a priority. Rebecca Lang, author of five cookbooks, is an advocate for starting the day with a healthy, tasty breakfast.
For more great-tasting breakfast recipes, visit You can also enter the Roman Meal Baked Fresh Sweepstakes throughout the month of September at Receive a $1 coupon when you enter to win $2,500.
Vayama (, a leading online travel agency uniquely focused on international travel, announced today the Vayama Go Somewhere Sweepstakes on Facebook. As a way to inspire people to think about where in the world they’d like to travel, Vayama is inviting Facebook users to participate in the sweepstakes for a chance to win an international trip valued at $5,500. A lucky winner will receive two roundtrip air tickets on Emirates Airline, plus US $2,000 spending money.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to & http://www.ummagma.comUmmagma
is a Canadian-Ukrainian duo delivering an eclectic, harmonious
potpourri of sublime resonance, beats and rhythm. McLarnon’s delicate
airy gossamer-like vocals are often compared to Liz Fraser (Cocteau
Twins) with glimmers of Stereolab, The Sundays, Curve, Nathalie
Merchant and Slowdive. Kretov's spellbinding guitar, vocals, synths,
beats, programming & effects create soundscapes with elements of
Pink Floyd Peter Gabriel to help you take flight.Ummagma
won the 2013 Alternative Eurovision from 21 countries, and picked up 2
awards at the Australian Independent Music Video Awards. This duo has
regularly featured in The Scottish New Music Chart and had a full-page
feature in Rolling Stone Russia.
The winners of the Natural Light - International Design Competition have now been chosen from the 172 impressive Natural Light Lamp designs submitted from 65 countries around the world. The winners are two very talented Argentinian Industrial Design students, Ms. Mariana Arando and Mr. Luca Fondello, both from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The production phase of the winning design for the Natural Light Lamp will begin shortly, followed next year by shipment of the lamps to three African countries without access to electricity.
Last year, the VELUX Group and Little Sun joined forces to launch the Natural Light – International Design Competition, which challenged design students around the world to create a design for a solar lamp which would help to bring clean, reliable, affordable light to some of the 1.2 billion people worldwide living without electricity. Now the jury has voted and decided on the winning solar lamp design by two Industrial Design students from the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
The topic of friends is in many times overlooked or underrated whether the talk is about having good friends or staying away from the bad ones. This video is filled with evidences from the Quran, Sunnah and real life examples of how friends influence you in this life, in the grave and in the afterlife. This topic should be learnt by every Muslim. May Allah bless you and gathering you on the day of judgment with Prophet Muhammad -salla Allahu alayhe wa sallam-.