The Internet now has a vineyard — a premium, award-winning one at that. Beginning today, Columbia Crest — the only Washington winery to be awarded Wine Spectator’s No. 1 Wine in the World* — will help the online community of wine-lovers create the first-ever Crowdsourced Cabernet Sauvignon from the beginning stages of the vineyard all the way to bottling and selling the wine through a new online experience.
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Renee Bernard's Black Rose Trilogy is a relentless gothic ride where a woman's power is measured
in subtle, sensual ways and where Revenge is an art form. From Victim
to Villainess, the journey of Lady Serena Wellcott is without
precedence--and when Love is merely currency in a game, only the strong
will survive. Romance
Seasoned business man Bill Foley, Hockey Vision Las Vegas and community leaders have joined together to launch a season ticket drive in support of bringing an NHL team to Las Vegas. Tickets will go on sale at at 1:30 p.m. PST on Tuesday, Feb. 10.
“The goal of the season ticket drive is to demonstrate the long-term viability of an NHL franchise in Las Vegas, and prove that our community, without question, can support a team,” said Foley. “I think this team will not only bring Las Vegas the excitement of its first major league sports franchise, it will bring renewed enthusiasm to the Las Vegas youth – developing and impacting them in a positive way.”
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A new online survey shows just how difficult life insurance conversations can be. Parents would rather talk to their children about drugs/alcohol, religion and politics before life insurance, which is a topic only slightly more comfortable than sex/puberty. The survey also shows parents are the primary source for initial conversations about life insurance. This topic avoidance might be one reason that 22 percent of Americans feel they are not at all knowledgeable about life insurance. The State Farm survey, conducted by Harris Interactive among over 2,000 U.S. adults also revealed a gap in Americans’ knowledge of life insurance and general misconceptions about the benefits life insurance provides to those who are insured.
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When it comes to choosing a washbasin and faucet for your bathroom, you are faced with a seemingly endless variety. But which faucet looks best with which basin? And what spout height and reach should I choose for a given basin? Answers to all these questions and more are provided by a new app called GROHE BestMatch™. This unique online configurator requires only a few clicks to identify the optimal combination of basin and faucet. Ensuring an attractive overall look, maximum comfort and a perfect flow of water has never been easier.
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Traveling these days can be complicated with all the rules, restrictions, additional fees, and shrinking leg room – but it doesn’t have to be. Amtrak revealed today an exciting new campaign, dubbed “Break the Travel Quo,” that goes head-to-head against some of the most prevalent pain points of modern day travel and reminds consumers that riding with Amtrak is a far easier, more comfortable and convenient way to travel.
“Break the Travel Quo” takes a lighthearted approach to push against the realities of air and car travel that have become par for the course, juxtaposing commonplace scenarios against the comfort and convenience of Amtrak. Not only does Amtrak boast one of the most generous baggage policies in the travel industry – allowing passengers to bring up to four pieces of luggage for free – but the rail company also offers free Wi-Fi, the freedom to use phones and electronic devices at all times (no “airplane mode”), the ability to travel with small pets on many trains, large spacious seats with ample leg room, and no middle seat.
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In the impressive conference center of the Milad Tower rising over Tehran’s roofs the 16th Energy Globe World Awards have been handed over in an international gala. Vice President Mrs. Masoumeh Ebtekar referred in her speech to the importance of such awards for outstanding environmental projects and their implementation. This event is the starting signal for intensified efforts concerning sustainability in Iran which is underlined by an expansion program for Renewables and energy efficiency. Also Maneka Gandhi emphasized that a sustainable change in our world can’t be achieved by talks or laws but only by taking action as showed by the Energy Globe submissions.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and presenter Prof. Munasinghe said: It is necessary that poor and rich countries take each other’s hand in order to exchange experiences and support each other.
3 nominees respectively from all 5 continents competed in the 5 categories Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Youth. The nominees have been chosen from around 2000 submissions from 177 countries.
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Moët Hennessy, Official Partner, reaffirms its support for Solar Impulse and its pursuit of the first round-the-world flight powered only by solar energy.
"Celebrating Sustainability"
Its support of Solar Impulse as an Official Partner shows Moët Hennessy's taste for pushing the envelope and conquering new territories, as well as recognizing the role of excellence and innovation as two key drivers of progress worldwide.
Growth in the Moët Hennessy group and its 22 prestigious brands has been powered by their pioneering spirit and the conquest of new territories. The first consignment of champagne was dispatched to Russia in 1780 by Veuve Clicquot. Hennessy began exporting cognac to the United States in 1787, two years before the French Revolution, followed by China in 1859. Today, Moët Hennessy exports 95% of its production and is the world's leading producer and exporter of luxury wines and spirits.
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From a Broken land is a new fantasy fiction novel that John Kelly of Cincinnati City Beat says is “highly imaginative, intricately told, and epic in its scope and ambition. It’s an edge-of-your seat action adventure story that will have you rooting for good to prevail over evil.”
From a Broken Land is author William R. Herr’s heroic tale as his characters do battle with an enemy that appears only as shadows and mist. In From A Broken Land, Herr created his own universe of Kings and Soldiers holding back the encroaching blight.
Find our more at
Media Contact: For a review copy From A Broken Land or to schedule an interview with William R. Herr please contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing, 734-667-2090 Fantasy
Last week, Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities had indiscrete photos stolen and distributed across the Internet. It’s speculated that their accounts were accessed by a “brute force” attack—which can only be successful if their passwords were weak.
Weak passwords are a risk for businesses, too. Verizon found that 76% of all network intrusions exploit weak or stolen passwords.
To protect critical data, every employee at every business must use strong passwords (which have no fewer than 12 characters). But with an average of 14.3 apps per business, users are likely to take shortcuts by creating passwords that are easy to memorize – and easy to crack.
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The Preeclampsia Foundation, the nation’s only non-profit patient advocacy organization for preeclampsia and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, today announced the results of a recent nationwide Preeclampsia Awareness Survey of more than 1,500 expectant and new mothers. These findings are driving the Foundation’s strategies associated with National Preeclampsia Awareness Month.
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NBA All-Star Paul George was only 6-years-old when his mother Paulette suffered a stroke that left her practically bedridden for two years. Today, Paulette remains partially paralyzed on the left side of her body.
“I remember every moment of it,” said the Indiana Pacers swingman. “I was always there at hospital visits, right by her bed. When she got a hospital bed in our home, I would lay in my bed next to her. I want to make sure that everyone knows the warning signs for a stroke so they can quickly take action and give their loved ones the best chance for recovery.”
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