Welcome back to the Professor Puppet After Dark Show featuring booby babe green-eye brunette, Aria London. In this week's episode, we talk about love and sex. Is it really necessary to be in love with someone you are getting laid with? Some people make out and have much fun in a casual manner even in the absence of love.
So for all of you men out there, here's a little tip for you. Aria also loves playing hard to get when chased by men. But she knows that men, in generally, don't like women with too much confidence because it's becoming intimidating in their part. So just give it a little push you then who knows what might happen next.
Don’t forget to use the Adam Eve Promo Code HANS at the http://AdamAndEve.com checkout to enjoy 50% OFF almost ANY single item. Plus FREE DVD’s, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Shipping on your entire order.
This game is almost similar to temple run in concept but instead of running you have to fly, be safe from different obstacles and collect gems.
There are different other items that will boost the speed, provide magnetic power so that gems automatically follow the player etc.
See how long you can travel and survive.
You can download the iphone/ipad version of the game here https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jetpack-rocketman/id594440899?ls=1&mt=8
And android version here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.couk.hamzagames.rocketman
Here is a quick look at the No1 Vocal Group in the History of America's Got Talent!Catch them on tour around the US in a city near you in 2013! Check out their schedule at www.thetexastenors.com God Bless the USA!
I was inspired to write this song shortly after I had first watched a video by Danai Moraiti which was her performing a Greek song "i garsona (Panos Tountas)" on her electric piano. What really captured my heart was her most beautiful smile at the end of her performance. I have never seen such a smile in all of this world. From that moment on, I ordained her to be my QUEEN OF SMILES !!!! .... That was well over a year ago as I had encountered a problem after I had already sang the lyrics that I had written for this song. I didn't know then as I do not know now, how to pronounce her name in English .... A most embarrassing dilemma .... In English, the combination of "ai" creates a long vowel "A"sound but her name is in Greek. I spent over a month researching her name on Google and I asked people who were European but nobody knew for sure and so I abandoned this song. I didn't know Danai as well back then and I did not wish to mispronounce her name but we are such good friends now that I feel more comfortable in taking this risk. If I am wrong on the pronunciation of her name, I will then wear a tutu and dance the Nutcracker for DANAI as we go fishing.
You can see and hear more of Danai here https://www.youtube.com/user/danai2014
Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Danai and me go fishing by the sea ... She and me ... "She and me."
We shall catch a fish or maybe 2 or 3 ... We'll see ... "We shall see."
I'll bring the poles and she'll bring the worms.
I'll bait the hooks and then we'll take turns
casting our lines out into the bay
where we shall fish onto the break of day.
Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Annie’s life is deliciously full as Christmas approaches. Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt for her niece before the child arrives. But God’s plans are different from Annie’s and the quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined. Find more about this book here, http://www.vannettachapman.com/ Christian Fiction, Inspirational, Christian Romance, Amish, Holiday
It's finally here. The opening game of the football World Cup in Brazil will get underway. Croatia takes on host nation Brazil. And there is extra excitement in store for the members of the teams. It also represents a duel between two club mates: Ivica Olic and Luiz Gustavo.
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Professor Puppet After Dark is brought to you by Adam & Eve. Go now to http://AdamAndEve.com and enter the Adam & Eve Coupon Code HANS to enjoy 50% OFF almost ANY item. Plus FREE Shipping , a FREE Special Gift, and FREE DVD’s.
Professor Hans and Penelope Lombard address an excellent viewer fan mail question from Lory this week. Will using a vibrator too often desensitize one from regular sex? There are two main results that you can get when using an electronic device or an artificial toy during solo play too often. One is that, essentially, you will get yourself numb and will crave for more powerful vibrations. Second, is that you will tend to train yourself to cum too quickly. We all know that women take a little longer to get off than men. Here’s another point though. It’s really good to have your prostate ejaculate maybe every couple of days but you just need to discipline yourself not to make it too often. Otherwise, you will lose your sexual appetite.
We've heard that some of you love the baby kissing the mirror from our latest family products TV commercial. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is some behind the scenes footage. We think he's just gorgeous! http://www.medibank.com.au/healthcover/families-children-health-insurance.aspx
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