www.zeitgeistmovie.com/main (Conspiracy) New World Order (Top Secret)(MUST WATCH) I uploaded this on youtube but it was removed within seconds saying that it was against terms and conditions even though it isn\'t it any way, they just want to keep you from the truth. The fact that they remove things like this just backs up the theory\'s. Just remember they can screw with you any time they want and we can\'t do anything about it, we have no control! Even the president has no control, he is just a puppet. The banks and people with money control the world. I would also like to add that i have no involvement in the making of this video nor to i have contact with the creator, so no questions please.
Baby shrek on his wallpainting obra. Watch this clip as Baby Shrek turned out his playfull dance movers in a wonderful masterpiece. Vote for this clip!
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
Hillary Clinton decides to prepare herself her own cup of hot coffee, only to fail and become befuddled as to how to
get the coffee machine to work. Get a good laugh as you watch this presidential hopeful actually try to make her
own coffee. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of
Thanks to RubixBromide for the submission: http://www.youtube.com/user/RubixBromide
Rock all night for Youth Outreach. Hong Kong;s favourite bands battled it out. Fistiwave, Broken Lighter, Darkness Pool, Scratch, Killersoap, T.S., Hazden, Silent Chamber, Bomber, Abyssal Desire and Dark Fringe. T.S. took the top honour. Watch the highlights at http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?id=4727
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
An extreme sports athlete thinks that he can jump onto the roof of a house after being towed in by a speeding van. Watch as this bike jump ends in fail and biker crashes to the ground, only because he was only just two feet short of making the top of the buildings roof. If your still bored, check out/add my prtofile if you like 'fails' or are into hat sort of thing.
SO-U.TV bring you to another cool party this week. On 22 July HK Alley Cats Watch will throw the Glamour Puss Party for the forth times to raise money for helping the plight of Hong Kong’s street cats.http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?contestid=&id=2769
Along the snowy mountain top you will find a man breaking on ice. Watch his unbelievable moves and see how this clip is different among the rest. More of these clips? Check out our website it's http://www.adasport.com/. Animation clips here is endless. And Please...DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!
In the last episode of Bedazzle Kitchen, AIDS concern and Queen Collection will bring more understanding to Gonorrhoea, our two hostess show off their hot red costumes. Making the hottest cooking show even hotter, watch out for the hot plate!
Hong Kong Future Cyclists Race - Kids of all ages dominated Victoria Park as they turned it into an urban race track. Pedal power kicked into high gear. Watch the highlights and cheer the winners at http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?id=4726
Visit www.thespiritconnect.com for videos on Martial Arts philosophy and spirituality. Information on Qi-Gong, Energy Work, Zen and Taoism.
Sequel to Revenge of my Brother and Revenge of my Dog. The Chi Wong Gung Fu school is issued a challenge from its rival school. Watch as the two schools battle for supremacy. A Kung-Fu Parody: dubbed-voices, high-kicking and cross-chopping action
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