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Today, Novo Nordisk announced a four-year extension of its Changing Diabetes® in Children programme which provides access to diabetes care and free insulin to children with type 1 diabetes in developing countries. The expansion sees five new countries join the programme; Cambodia, Ivory Coast, Myanmar, Senegal and Sudan. By 2020, more than 20,000 children over the course of 11 years will have benefited from the programme. Ten years ago, a child in Sub-Saharan Africa diagnosed with type 1 diabetes often had a life expectancy of less than a year1. In response, Novo Nordisk established the Changing Diabetes® in Children programme to support sustainable quality care and improved diagnosis of the condition. Since the start of the programme in 2009, 13,700 children in nine countries in Africa and South-East Asia have received free human insulin and access to diabetes care. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3020 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 672 | Comments: 0
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Axon (Nasdaq: AAXN), the global leader in connected law enforcement technology, today announced the results of a study that sheds new light on the growing difficulties law enforcement agencies face in their recruitment efforts. In response to the study, conducted in conjunction with Wakefield Research, Axon is launching the “I'm In” Recruiting Campaign to help raise awareness and provide agencies with new tools to recruit the next generation of police. To learn more please visit The Wakefield Research study surveyed 200 law enforcement officers across the U.S. who revealed they've experienced a sharp downturn of new applications to their agencies. More than half (54 percent) of the respondents said the number of job applications to their department has decreased in the last five years. Meanwhile, 83 percent of officers think that it will be even more difficult to recruit new candidates in the next five years. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2677 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 630 | Comments: 2
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