Sprout, the first 24-hour preschool destination available on TV, on demand and online for kids ages 2-5 and their parents and caregivers, will premiere Driver Dan’s Story Train exclusively in the U.S. on Monday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. ET with the voice of Pat Monahan, lead singer for the multiplatinum band Train, as lead character Driver Dan.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/sprout/42014/
Más de 26,000 preadolescentes (de 8 a 12 años de edad) bajo el sistema de Cuidado Temporal de los Estados Unidos están listos para ser adoptados de acuerdo con el Sistema de Reporte y Análisis de la Administración para Niños y Familias en Adopción y Cuidado Temporal (AFCARS, por sus siglas en Inglés). Para promover la adopción de preadolescentes dentro del sistema de cuidado temporal de los Estados Unidos, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS), la Administración para Niños y Familias (ACF), AdoptUSKids (AUSK), y el Ad Council revelaron hoy una nueva serie de anuncios de servicio público (PSAs). Los anuncios fueron creados gratis por kirshenbaum bond senecal + partners (kbs+p) y Revolución y serán distribuidos esta semana como parte del Mes Nacional de Concientización de la Adopción.
para ver el Comunicado Noticioso Multimedia, vaya a http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52725-ad-council-adoptuskids-hhs-preteens-for-adoption-from-foster-care-spanish
Theo Kogan has been in the fashion and music industry for over 10 years, as a model and muse doing campaigns for Kenneth Cole, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Courvoisier, Rimmel and many more as well as tons of Fashion Editorial and runway work. As the singer of her former all female band Lunachicks, she inspired a gaggle of young girls and boys to emulate her style and start bands of their own. For over a decade she toured around the world with the likes of Marilyn Manson, Rancid, The Offspring and many others. Theo is also an actress and has been in films directed by Martin Scorcese, Jane Campion, and cult classics like High Times Potluck, and Terror Firmer by Troma Films and the animated feature Live Freaky Die Freaky. She is also involved in Avante Garde Theater, in the roster of NYC’s prestigious Performance Space 122 and the Summer Play Festival and Rotozaza UK and numerous collaborative performances with BIG ART GROUP, Theo\'s ongoing collaboration with Rob Roth in SCREEN TEST.2 in Jan 2008. Theo also hosted the hit Fuse show Pants Off, Dance Off, and had television roles on Law And Order SVU, Third Watch and more. She also appeared on VH1\'s The Metal Years and My First Time. She also did motion capture for the new game by the makers of Guitar Hero called Rockband. Characters in the game are based on her movement! Theo is a budding business mogul, about to launch a new lip-gloss and make up line called Armour Beauty with partner Allison Burns. The line will launch in Jan 2008. She is also a DJ and Party Promoter of Rated X The Panty Party with partner Michael T in NYC. Courtesy of Theo Kogan on MOLI.
Visit Theo Kogan on MOLI.com
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A la Agencia Federal de Administración de Emergencias (FEMA) del Departamento de Seguridad Interna y The Ad Council se unieron hoy el Alcalde de Los Ángeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, para lanzar una nueva serie de publicidades de servicios públicos (PSA), en español, que alientan a los estadounidenses a prepararse para las emergencias. Las PSA se lanzaron como parte del Mes Nacional de Preparación y llevan a los televidentes a Listo.gov, la extensión en español de Ready.gov. Según una reciente encuesta del Ad Council, casi seis de cada diez hispano-estadounidenses no han tomado acciones para prepararse para una emergencia.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/adcouncil/46032/
A tiempo para las fiestas de fin de año, la empresa Procter & Gamble (P&G) (NYSE: PG) trae la innovación y el beneficio de sus marcas participantes en la campaña ¿Ya Probaste Esto? para ayudar a los consumidores a verse bien, facilitar su rutina diaria y cubrir las necesidades de sus familias e invitados.
Para mas, va a http://www.multivu.com/mnr/53722-pg-have-you-tried-this-yet-clairol-nice-n-easy-color-blend-foam-martinez
DJs from Mars feat. Fragma - Insane (In Da Brain) - Official Video
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Today from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Pacific Time-US), surgeons from the Swedish Orthopedic Institute will offer people the opportunity to see a knee surgery in a way that has rarely been done before by a health-care system. Sean Toomey, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon, will repair the knee of a 70-year-old male patient, while it is streamed live online. The webcast will be moderated by orthopedic surgeon James Crutcher, M.D. The patient, identified by Dr. Toomey as a candidate for a partial knee replacement procedure, volunteered and consented to have his minimally invasive knee resurfacing surgery streamed on the Internet.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/swedish/49172/
24-hour preschool television channel Sprout will premiere the Pajanimals, a new, full-length series co-produced by Sprout, The Jim Henson Company, and Northern Ireland’s Sixteen South Television, on Monday, October 10 at 8:00 p.m. ET. Airing exclusively on Sprout in the U.S., Pajanimals was designed to help parents and caregivers with a bedtime routine for their preschoolers. Through their imaginary journeys, the Pajanimals model the skills preschoolers need to move through their days and nights successfully. Along the way, the Pajanimals discover how cozy and safe nighttime can really be when accompanied by friendship and songs.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/sprout/48461/
More than 26,000 preteens (children ages 8 – 12) are available for adoption from the U.S. foster care system, according to the Administration for Children and Families Adoption and Foster Care Analysis Report System (AFCARS). To promote the adoption of preteens from the U.S. foster care system, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF), AdoptUSKids (AUSK) and the Ad Council today unveiled a new series of national public service advertisements (PSAs). Created pro bono by kirshenbaum bond senecal + partners (kbs+p) and Revolución, the PSAs will be distributed this week as part of National Adoption Month.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52724-ad-council-adoptuskids-hhs-preteens-for-adoption-from-foster-care