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A trove of forgotten letters reveals a love that is defied a world war. In 1924 Robert accompanies his missionary parents to Japan. Robert and his parents are forced to leave Japan but Roberts stays in contact with Makiko by writing letters. With the outbreak of war all correspondence ends. Robert fears the worst for his friends. Find out more here- Historical
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3177 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 1239 | Comments: 1



Wiping up finger paint and tackling juice spills is a routine every parent has down pat. Yet they may find themselves playing hide-and-seek with the invisible things little hands leave behind—like bacteria and viruses. Germs stick to all types of surfaces, and kids spread them to more places than you can imagine. To track down where germs linger, The Clorox Company and global public health organization NSF International conducted a study in homes of families with young children. Researchers analyzed 100 samples from five commonly-touched surfaces, and found bacteria or viruses on all five of the surfaces tested, from the kitchen to the common area to the bathroom, with the bathroom sink being one of the surfaces with the most germs. In fact, the study results found that four times as many households had bathroom sinks that were germier than kitchen countertops. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3752 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 1200 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated How to stop being jealous treatment and help with hypnosis and NLP overcome insecure feelings and jealousy. Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP master practitioner has put her years of experience helping clients to leave their jealousy in the past where it belongs. Jealousy is a poison which holds you back from being your best. When you are jealous, it masks a feeling of insecurity and possible rejection and feelings of being less than or not good enough as you compare yourself to others. Anger often sits side by side with jealousy to mask those insecure feelings beneath the surface. Again a very destructive emotion. Wouldn\'t you rather feel in control; of your emotions and ditch the jealousy and feel good about yourself for a change? Get your copy of Birmingham hypnotists self help NLP and hypnosis recording now, read more about the freedom from jealousy hypnosis recording here
Tags // jealousy  video 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4468 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 1185 | Comments: 2
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Hero’s Reward is a moving memoir through one man’s life changing moment in time that will leave readers everywhere feeling a little closer to their fellow man. Hero’s Reward: That Hero Bus Driver Story by Mr. Rodney M. Plummer. Non fiction memoir. Find our more at Non fiction, memoir
Tags // hero  bus  driver  rodney  plummer  non  fiction  memoir  new  york  hero  new  york  basic  book  trailer  heros  reward 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3693 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1118 | Comments: 0



Well here's the scoop on this poop ...... My Windows crashed on my main PC and I had lost all of my studio programs a few months back ..... I was focused on creating more pop orientated songs such as what I've been doing for 2017 but all of my vocal songs are still missing vital audio pluggins to continue on with them ..... I've now upgraded from FL 7 to FL 10 and I've got my studio program back but I'll need to work with it more to create new vocal material .... In the meantime, I'm composing new Electronic music with my FL 10 and I have a couple of monster size Electronic tunes created from my FL 7 but I'm still shying away from making videos for them and uploading them to here ...... So what I have here is a project that I was working on with my 7 version but it's also lacking the pluggins for me to go the full route with it ...... What inspired me to do this was after watching Youtube videos of rock songs being spliced together, most likely by university students with an engineering degree and I figured that I could probably do a better job with my old school methods ..... perseverance and a good hammer and nail ..... What I'd like to add to this description was that 4 months back, I had made this comment to a fellow MUSICIAN ??? ...... Youtuber who had just put together a mashup that took him a whole 5 hours to create ...... "A world's record from what I've seen around here" ...... My comment to him pretty much describes what I have here ..... "This sound's awesome bro ..... I'm involved in a similar project right now but with me it's always months of work ..... I'm doing the impossible right now of mashing up classic rock tunes with me accompanying them ..... I started off with Space Truckin .... The problem with this work is that they're not Electronic tunes and so they have no digital BPM .... I have to take my best guess as bands often speed up or slow down .... I added Smoke On The Water by speeding up the track and raising the pitch up 2 steps and then Strange Kind Of Woman which is in 3/4 timing and then Lazy over Space Trucking to Daft Punk's Robot Rock to Chicago's version of I'm A man to Alvin Lee's Going Home to Van Halen's I'm The One to the Stones Around and Around to Sympathy For The Devil mixed in with April Wine's Could Have Been A lady and now I'm gonna try to work in Aerosmith's guitar riff to Walk This Way to Could Have Been A lady ..... Boy ..... and people wonder why it takes me so long to upload a new song." ....... and his reply back was ...... "LOLOLOL Well with Projects like that, ... Do they know what you do??? ...and why put so much pressure on yourself... or is that just what you do? You're obviously talented, why don't you just simply make originals or covers? Oh, and Thank you!!! :-)" ......... ??? ...... Well "LOLOLOL dee DOH" on me ........ What the Hell is wrong with me anyway? ........ Spend over a day to create something special when all I need to do is to pick up my acoustic guitar and sing you all a song through my cell phone and come back to you tomorrow and the next day and then every day afterwards? ....... We'll that may be the Youtube way but it's not my way to all of you Frank Sanatra wannabies ........ You want to make something great? ..... you gotta work at it and spend more time composing than uploading ....... YEAH !!!!! ......... and you gotta wait for me when I feel it's time to sing because I'm the FAT LADY here and the fat lady want's to shine like a pair of dancing shoes and leave some kind of memorable musical poop stain on this planet before making her grand exit ...... Mr. POOPY LOLOLOL 5 hour PANTS !!!!!!
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2763 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m46s | Views: 1044 | Comments: 6
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The Cone doesnt follow the norm when it comes to shape, but dont be fooled, the handsfree design will leave you more than satisfied. The innovative shape hits all the spots and the funky, contemporary style means it doesnt need to be hidden away in the bedroom drawer. Enjoy waves of pleasure with 16 automated programmes including an orgasm button for the less patient. Great fun to use on your own or even more fun for two. We hope you have as much fun with it as we have
Tags // sex  toys  adult 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4313 days ago by sextoys123
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 1
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QROPS - Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes were introduced in 2006 as part of a major overhaul of Britain\'s pension framework, aimed at simplifying pension transfers to another country. New legislation was passed by the UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), in order to comply with an EU directive that pensions be free to move across Europe\'s borders. This ruling means that individuals, wishing to retire to countries such as France, Spain and Portugal can effectively take their UK pension funds with them: Who can apply for a QROPS? A QROPS is specifically designed to allow anyone, not intending to retire in the UK, to transfer existing and frozen UK pension plans into a more appropriate retirement vehicle. Individuals who are, or have been members of a UK registered pension fund and are currently living outside of the UK, or intending to leave the UK on a permanent basis, can consider transferring their retirement fund into a QROPS: Transfers to QROPS The UK Government allows transfers to QROPS to be made free of UK tax. Their aim is to simplify the affairs of individuals leaving the UK on a permanent basis and to encourage them to continue saving in order to provide an income when they retire. There is no official limit to the amount of funds that may be transferred to a QROPS: QROPS - HMRC Rules What makes a scheme a QROPS? In order to transfer your UK pension into a QROPS, it is necessary for the overseas pension scheme to be accepted by HMRC. The criteria outlined by HMRC for an overseas scheme to qualify as a QROPS include: - The pension scheme must be established outside of the UK - It must be recognised for tax purposes in the country where it is located - It must be regulated in the country in which it is established Age that benefits can be taken from a QROPS The QROPS regime mirrors that of a regulated pension scheme in the UK. Benefits, including lump sum payments, from the transferred funds may not be distributed earlier than the normal retirement age of 55, if an individual has been a non-UK resident for less than five complete tax years: QROPS Reporting requirements HMRC should be notified if a payment is made within the first five tax years of a member becoming non-UK tax resident. Any benefits paid before five complete tax years of non-UK residency and not in accordance with UK Pension rules will be deemed an unauthorised payment. The scheme manager does not have to notify HMRC if the payment is made 10 or more years after the day of the transfer that created the QROPS fund for the \'relevant member\', provided that the person is non UK resident for the duration of this period. This 10 year \'bracket\' for reporting payments took effect as of 6 April 2012. QROPS List When transferring your UK pension to a scheme overseas, it is important to check that the scheme meets the conditions to be a qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme (QROPS). Not all transfers to overseas or offshore schemes are QROPS transfers; it is therefore essential to verify that the scheme receiving your UK benefits is on the QROPS list published by HMRC, otherwise a transfer will be treated as a transfer to a non-qualifying overseas scheme and substantial penalties may be applied by HMRC at the time of transfer: How do I know if it is a legitimate QROPS scheme? QROPS approved plans that agree to have their details published are listed on the HMRC website. A UK Pension administrator will confirm a QROPS listing before agreeing to a transfer. If not listed, the administrator will contact HMRC
Added: 4365 days ago by dcooney
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 1
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Goody®, the leader in hair accessories and styling tools, today announces the launch of Clean Radiance®, a sophisticated new line of copper bristled hair brushes, which reduces buildup in all hair types and restores natural moisture balance for a healthier shine. The copper bristles in the new Clean Radiance brushes massage the scalp and work through the hair to reduce buildup that is produced over time, which in turn leads to beautiful and radiant locks. By incorporating the Clean Radiance brush into their daily routine, beauty enthusiasts everywhere will be thrilled to notice healthier looking hair with added shine in a matter of weeks. “Healthier looking, radiant hair can now be achieved by anyone, with the help of our Goody Clean Radiance brushes,” says Monica Tyler, Director of Marketing for Goody. “The strong copper bristles sweep easily through hair to leave behind beautiful and lustrous tresses.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3399 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 1024 | Comments: 0
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want to get in shape the fun way? check out these awesome super beneficial methods to get a great workout in a fraction of the time, plus it's the ultimate stress buster! the no-nonsense guide to create a better you. nowadays time plays a huge factor in our lives, learn how you can get a super charged workout the fun way, subscribe to the channel for additional fitness information to help you get in shape the fun way for more beneficial fitness hacks be sure to subscribe to the channel and leave a like and comment on the video, don't forget to check out the list for the top-selling trampolines according to Amazon's customer's reviews 1, Zupapa Trampoline with Enclosure nets Pad Ladder 2. Skywalker trampoline with enclosed net and basketball hoop 3. Skywalker Rectangle Trampoline with Enclosure net 4. Skywalker 8 foot trampoline with basketball hoop 5. SkyBound Trampoline Safety Net & Top Ring Built to last
Tags // easy  at  home  workout 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2069 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1024 | Comments: 0
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Rewind Scotland 2015 Jimmy Somerville Dont Leave Me This Way
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 3509 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 984 | Comments: 1



Enter the Adam and Eve Coupon Code HANS to enjoy 50% OFF at the checkout. Order today to get FREE Shipping, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Hot DVD’s. The Casting Couch Professor Puppet and Sasha Snow discuss about the casting couch situation in Hollywood. Sasha is an aspiring actress who’s trying to get her way through stardom. Everyone knows that it’s hard to achieve one’s dream of becoming a celebrity but it’s definitely even harder for women because it frequently happens that a producer would leave some subtle impression of a Quid pro quo “this for that” situation. Say, a producer would solicit some sexual favors in return of becoming a cast in a show. Sasha, in her experience, has a few to mention just like male producers would come up to her and would say something in a smooth connotative language but the meaning is still the same. In a form of straight forward language, it only means one thing and that is “I want to f*ck you”. So it’s like this, they’re just working it out in a professional context like getting drinks here and there, wining and dining, etc. But behind the scenes there are some celebrities out there who made their way through the top by sleeping with everyone in the corporate ladder.
Tags // hollywood 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4326 days ago by marghans333
Runtime: 6m24s | Views: 986 | Comments: 2
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Sabra Dipping Company, maker of America’s best-selling hummus, has launched the most significant campaign in U.S. hummus history and along with it… a more mindful pre-dinner meal occasion for the American consumer. A national broadcast and digital campaign introduces the ‘Unofficial Meal,’ inviting consumers to foster a pre-dinner ritual that revolves around fresh, real food and human connections. “We are on a mission to inspire consumers to start a tradition around the kitchen counter, creating a daily ritual of enjoying fresh food together,” said Eugenio Perrier, Sabra’s chief marketing officer. “Eating wholesome food should be easy as should finding fresh ways to create connections, embrace those you care about and enjoy a relaxed moment together. It is this sentiment we seek to bring to life through the Unofficial Meal.” The campaign titled “Sabra. Welcome to the Unofficial Meal” debuts April 18th with 15 and 30 second spots that depict the Unofficial Meal as family and friends finally unwind, gather and graze after a long day. Fresh dips and vegetables are laid out on the countertop and it is clear that for this moment, it is perfectly fine to help yourself, open up, share a laugh and leave behind formalities. The creative includes filmed footage, animation and a charismatic voice to convey the enjoyment of this occasion. Fully integrated digital, PR, social and experiential activations will help deliver campaign messaging across platforms. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3249 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 984 | Comments: 0
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