Fluke Corporation introduces five new infrared cameras with a broad range of powerful yet easy-to-use capabilities:
-IR Optiflex™ Focus System for fast, easy to take, sharply focused, accurate images.
-IR-Fusion® Technology blends digital and infrared images into a single image to precisely document problem areas.
-One-handed operation at only 1.63 pounds, balanced to sit perfectly in the hand.
-Built rugged to survive drops up to 6.5 feet.
-Multi-mode video recording to monitor processes over time and troubleshoot frame-by-frame.
-IR PhotoNotes™ annotation system to keep an exact record of equipment models, nameplates, etc.
-Electronic Compass saves precise location with the image.
-SmartView® professional IR analysis and reporting software for viewing, annotating and editing infrared images.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54932-fluke-thermal-imagers-best-in-class-focus-and-world-renowned-ruggedness
the game end is not so hard. many folks have never finished this game. it took me a long time to get through this end area the first time i played. now i can do it in 7 or 8 minutes or so. i say if you get out of the ammo supply room fast its better,if not the heavies move up closer to the outside door. and make your first 2 sniper shots. its all good from there.
Wendy Markland and her boyfriend make their living pretending to hunt vampires, fleecing people with folklore and props. Neither believe the things they pretend to hunt are real. Now, they learn otherwise. Vampire are real! Running from the evil pursuing them, they learn it is impossible to run fast enough. Learn about the book and this author: http://www.wix.com/scott_harper/scott-harper Horror, action, adventure, romance
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Fast paced thriller brings to cinematic life the sights, sounds, and smells of seventeenth century Bavaria, telling the engrossing story of a compassionate hangman and his headstrong daughter in a race against the clock to find a killer. The Hangman’s Daughter takes us back in history to a place where autopsies were blasphemous, coffee was an exotic drink, dried toads were the recommended remedy for the plague, and the devil was as real as anything. Learn more about this video and its author here, http://hmhbooks.com/hangman Suspense Thriller / Historical fiction
Many students leave the house without eating breakfast in the morning and at noon fast food restaurants and bakeries near schools enjoy the fact that they are becoming more and more popular. In times of increasing numbers of all-day schools it is time for things to change, more and more schools are convinced of this too. School cafeterias are the logical consequence. But the implementation is not so easy. French Fries and Hot dogs or greasy burgers definitely don’t help concentration in the classroom. Sluggish and tired students are the result.
Thirty-six million Americans suffer from migraines, leading to more than $20 billion in medical expenses and costs related to lost productivity each year¹. In recognition of National Migraine Awareness Month and the significant unmet medical needs of migraine patients, Zogenix, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZGNX) is highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate medication for a patient’s “treatment toolbox” to address specific types of migraine episodes.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/zogenix/50344/
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To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/47117-TheLadders-Passport/