Flashrock hit the road once again only in this music video to cover 4 very different bands when it comes to musical style. We set up a little stage in the backyard of one of the band members house somewhere in Arleta, California and rocked all night long.
New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries delights readers yet again with the third novel in her Hellions of Hallstead Hall series, featuring the independent Lady Minerva Sharpe and the reckless Giles Masters. Learn more about this book here: http://bit.ly/cK2NeD and its author here: http://www.sabrinajeffries.com/ Romance
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
During a biking race, two bikers get tangled and begin to fight ontop of a bridge. Just as the winner gets going again, a spectating fan gets upset, tackles and then throws the cheating bicyclist over a bridge to a cold lake below. Talk about getting your panties in a wad! Guess this will teach you not to cheat during a bike race. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
With budgeting becoming a greater concern over the past few years, Kmart and Sears have made their interest-free layaway a greater focal-point for their customers. To encourage shoppers to take advantage of this incredibly relevant shopping solution, the mass retailers are again declaring National Layaway Week Oct. 4 through Oct. 8, 2010.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/sears-kmart/46532/
Cox Communications announced today that it has once again increased the viewing choice and flexibility available to its TV customers by introducing TV Online. Now customers have the choice to view favorite shows: on TV, On DEMAND and now Online via the cox.com/tv site anywhere they have access to a broadband connection.
With the launch of TV Online, Cox TV customers can view movies and TV shows from broadcast, cable and premium networks anytime, anywhere. This new viewing option is included at no extra charge with a Cox TV subscription.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/cox/50169/
http://acne.gd/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-on-back-the-secret/ No sooner have you How To Get Rid Of Acne On Back solved the concern of pimple inside your face an additional issue raises its ugly head, how to get rid of pimples in your back? The back is created up of innumerable sebaceous glands generating excessive oil. Furthermore, the back again once again usually remains covered, a lot much less accessible and receives most physical pressure. Therefore you
Once again, Applebee’s will thank our nation’s veterans and active duty military by inviting them to their neighborhood Applebee’s for a free meal on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. Last year, Applebee’s served more than one million military men and women and expects that number to be even higher this year. The company’s appreciation efforts last year were the largest of its kind to give back to the communities nationwide where Applebee’s restaurants are located.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/applebees/46625/