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Zhang Xinyuan, born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in 2012, BA of performance. In 2008, her self-made images ignited online communities in China. Heavy-eyebrowed and flame-lipped, but also chaste and ethereal, her images are both polarized and harmonious, no wonder they received so explosive acclaiming and spreading. From then on, Zhang Xinyuan becomes a fashion icon and favored by various media and industries, her images even initiated a tide of retro-styling in the youths of China. Instead of stopping on that, Miss Zhang keeps on sharpening her art language by the grindstones of her unique aesthetic taste, say-no-to-vulgarity attitude, and oriental wisdom. With the love to public art, Miss Zhang has crossover-cooperated with various artists and stylists, and become a rising star of arts, which made her the cover star of I-D, a famous British fashion magazine, in Mar.2012. The next month,Apr.2012, her high-profile photo album Girlfriend On The Cliff became the top one seller in the Amazon list of photographic books, and one of the best-sellers of Motie Company, who has published this book. Sold out in various online shopping sites, Dream Raider studio and Motie Company printed other batches of copies, all of which had been sold out now.
Tags // the  norwegian  forest 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4147 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 1096 | Comments: 0
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Dos son compañía, tres son multitud y uno es el asesino. Triángulos amorosos y apasionados romances que se convierten en crímenes violentos no sólo ocurren en las telenovelas: suceden todos los días en la vida real y en ocasiones, resultan más extraños e inverosímiles que la ficción. Con intriga y suspenso, Discovery en Español investiga el lado oscuro del amor en su nueva serie PASIONES PELIGROSAS, que el canal transmitirá todos los lunes a las 10 PM E/P a partir del 30 de septiembre. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1093 | Comments: 0
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Despite a major song composing setback due to computer failure "My keyboard broke down" I was still able to complete this song and video by using old school computer tactics. First I pleaded with my computer. Then I bribed it. Then I learned how to communicate with it by sign language. When flipping it the finger was no longer effective, I then brought out the hammer and smashed my keyboard in front of it and then said "You're up next Mr. Intel and if you don't smarten up, I'll smash you Inside Out el." I try as hard as I can to be computer friendly.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3640 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 0



We are surviving in the world of dangers around and there is no assurance to life of an individual as the danger may be in form of accidental or fortunate. So we have to take care of ourself and our dear ones. It is impossible to avoid all of life's potential pitfalls and with so much conflicting advice available, it can be tempting to give up trying to prevent dangers altogether.
Tags // bbq  smokers 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4323 days ago by robertmittchel
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 1081 | Comments: 2
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What can I say about this one that I haven't said before? ....... "SCOOBY DOOBY DOO DOOWAH" ..... I don't think that I've ever said that before on any of my prior songs ..... Maybe I said "Zippity Doo Da" or "Yabba Dabba Doo." ...... What I did do this time was to sneakily rip a vocal line off of a marvelous singer going by the name of Isabella Peter Blue "No relationship to Little Boy Blue" and inserted her voice into this song ..... A little extra sugar and spice for this new cake that I baked. You can check her out at Lyrics When I was a little child, the other children put me down. They always used to laugh at me and never let me hang around. But then one day my Grandma taught me some very simple words to say and now I say them night and day and I say them every time I play. I say Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. And so my Grandma said to me to scurry outside and play. The other children saw me coming so they turned around to run away. But then I thought about these words that Grandma had sang to me. The other children turned around and they came back running to me as they sang Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. You don't need no distractions. You don't need no delays to get some satisfaction and to Scooby Dooby Doo all day. You don't need no permission to Scooby night and day just follow me and Scooby Dooby every day and I say Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day.
Categories // Music  Funny  Cartoon 
Added: 3119 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m44s | Views: 1082 | Comments: 4



This year, the Crisco® Pie & Baking Hotline (1-877-367-7438) is back to help home bakers master their desserts and restore baking confidence everywhere. Now in its ninth year, the Crisco Pie & Baking Hotline is expanding its repertoire to include all baking categories and ensure no cake, cookie or pie gets left behind. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3803 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 1080 | Comments: 0
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The Absurdimals are a group of hybrid animals here to shake up our perception of normal! They represent the changing faces of our society and encourage children to embrace their individuality, while respecting that of others. Lola the Belephant is excited to go to school for the first time, until she finds out she’s not quite the same as the other animals. Treated like an outsider, and experiencing discrimination, Lola makes a fortunate – albeit accidental – run-in with Principal Hooves who tells her about the divided history of animals, and the simple truth that has since brought them all together. Once Lola realizes that there is no such thing as being too different, she goes back to school with a renewed sense of confidence. In learning to accept and love herself for who she is, Lola inspires other “normal” animals to come forward, and embrace their own perceived absurdities, too! Find out more here- Children
Added: 2536 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 1080 | Comments: 4
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No cute and fluffy hamsters were harmed in the making of this video, they were just well fed.
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 4510 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 1078 | Comments: 0
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Snap those selfies, head to the mountains, and don’t break the bank. Those are just three insights into how deeper vacation memories are formed from a first-of-its-kind study released today by the world leader in vacation rentals, HomeAway®. The unprecedented examination of more than 700 summer vacationers found that those who take photographs and selfies remember their vacations 40 percent better than their less snap-happy counterparts. That said, there are limits: Those who spent more than two hours using phones and other devices were 26 percent less likely to remember vacation details. Perhaps most surprisingly, the study revealed that the amount of money spent on a vacation has no effect on its memorability, among numerous other actionable findings. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3042 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 1079 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Video Games? We Got Games! Free Unlimited PC Play! Start your One Month Free Trial Here. You're gonna love it or cancel with no cost or obligation.‎
Tags // video  games  free  trial  free  pc  games  free  games  online 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4537 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1075 | Comments: 0
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McGruff the Crime Dog is about to “Take A Bite Out Of Crime,” specifically financial and investment fraud. Researchers estimate that consumer financial fraud cost Americans over $50 billion a year. In addition, a survey by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation of U.S. adults age 40 and older found that more than 80 percent of respondents have been solicited to participate in a potentially fraudulent scheme, and over 40 percent of those surveyed could not identify classic red flags of fraud. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3802 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 1073 | Comments: 2
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Como preámbulo al estreno de la tan esperada serie “Celia”, TELEMUNDO transmitirá tres especiales dedicados a la “Reina de la Salsa”. La programación especial comienza el sábado, 10 de octubre a las 8pm/7c con el tributo “Celia Cruz Azúcar”, un especial del concierto que le rindió homenaje en el año 2003. A las 10pm/9c se hará un recorrido por su vida personal y profesional a través de “Nuestros ídolos: Celia Cruz”. El martes, 13 de octubre, a las 7pm/6c se emitirá “Celia por Siempre”, seguido por el estreno de “Celia” (8pm/7c), la serie dramática que narra la vida y el legado musical de una mujer que lanzó su carrera en medio de la revolución cubana, en una era en que las cantantes femeninas no podían ocupar un lugar en los escenarios. Adicionalmente, TELEMUNDO rendirá un homenaje a la legendaria cantante cubana, Celia Cruz, con un tributo musical durante los primeros “Latin American Music Awards” en vivo desde el Dolby Theater en Los Ángeles, este jueves, 8 de octubre a las 9pm/8c. “Celia Cruz Azúcar” (10 de octubre, 8pm/7c), será una emisión especial de dos horas del concierto homenaje del 2003, conducido por la presentadora de Un Nuevo Día, Rashel Díaz. El especial contará con las presentaciones musicales originales del concierto, ensayos y una entrevista con Celia y su esposo, Pedro Knight, además de entrevistas con los artistas que participaron en el concierto, recordando esa noche mágica y los momentos inolvidables con la legendaria cantante cubana. Las entrevistas incluyen artistas de la talla de Víctor Manuelle, Olga Tañón, entre otros. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Music 
Added: 3448 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m24s | Views: 1070 | Comments: 0
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