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Results 769-780 of 929 for ' u ' (0 seconds)
Parce qu’aujourd’hui nos clients sont multiples et que leurs modes de consommation et d’usages évoluent, ce nouveau concept d’agence a été conçu pour aller plus loin que l’offre traditionnelle actuellement existante et rompre avec les codes habituels du secteur en leur proposant le meilleur de l’humain et du numérique. Dans un lieu ouvert, chaleureux, et accueillant, pensé pour se sentir « comme à la maison », nous proposons à tous nos clients particuliers un parcours à la fois innovant et connecté. Nous leur donnons accès à toute l’expertise immobilière de Nexity avec l’ensemble des offres métiers (immobilier neuf et ancien, gestion locative, location, syndic de copropriété,…) regroupées en un seul et même lieu afin qu’ils vivent une nouvelle expérience immobilière. Accueilli dans un espace café convivial par un conseiller, le client sera guidé selon ses besoins dans un parcours immobilier organisé en 4 univers « Découvrir, Construire, Développer et Imaginer », en mettant à son service outils digitaux et nouvelles technologies (expérience immersive, Oculus Rift, écrans tactiles…), pour être plus en adéquation avec ses attentes et son rythme de vie. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3408 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 826 | Comments: 0
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Country music superstar Luke Bryan is no stranger to celebrating America’s hard-working farmers. At this year’s Bayer Presents Luke Bryan Farm Tour, tour sponsor Bayer will join him in toasting U.S. farmers with its Here’s To The Farmer campaign. “I come from a farming background so I understand the hard work and passion it takes for farmers to feed America and feed the world,” Bryan said. “That’s why I’m proud to join my friends at Bayer in thanking farmers for everything they do by saying, ‘Here’s To The Farmer.’ ” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2737 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 828 | Comments: 3
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The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) today announced a new, national effort aimed at ending hunger in the communities Kroger calls home and eliminating waste across the company by 2025. “No family in a community we serve should ever go hungry, and no food in a store we operate should ever go to waste ,” said Rodney McMullen, Kroger’s chairman and CEO. Across the United States, 42 million Americans struggle with hunger. At the same time, an estimated 72 billion pounds of food ends up in a landfill every year. “More than 40 percent of the food produced in the U.S. each year goes unconsumed, while one in eight people struggle with hunger. That just doesn’t make sense,” Mr. McMullen said. “As America’s grocer and one of the largest retailers in the world, we are committing to doing something about it.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2729 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 827 | Comments: 2
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Müslüman ama hadis karşıtı felsefeci Caner Taslaman ve hadislerin yılmaz savunucusu Ebubekir Sifil arasında yaşanan deve sidiği hadisi tartışması sırasında Taslaman'ın daha fazla dayanamayıp ''Madem şifa, alın için!'' deyip masaya hunharca deve sidiğ...Canlı yayınında "hadis tartışması" yapan Caner Taslaman ve Ebubekir Sifil arasında deve idrarı tartışması yaşandı. Bir hadisi çürütmeye çalışan Taslaman, ... Caner Taslaman Masaya Deve Sidiği Koydu / Ebubekir Sifil - Caner Taslaman Tartışması Caner Taslaman ve Ebubekir Sifil arasında deve idrarı tartışması ... Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü öğretim üyesi Prof. Caner Taslaman ile Yalova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi öğretim üyesi Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ebubekir Sifil ... Ahmet Çam ahmet çam Ahmet çam ahmet Çam Ahmet Çam Kısa film Ebubekir Sifil Caner Taslaman HaberTürk deve sidiği tartışması Deve sidiği cübbeli ahmet ... Habertürk TV'de Veyis Ateş'in sunduğu programda Caner Taslaman ile İlahiyatçı Ebubekir Sifil hadislerin kaynağı ve güvenilirliğini tartıştı. Hadislerin bir ...
Added: 1938 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 828 | Comments: 0
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Bayer Healthcare, the makers of Coppertone®, kicked off an exciting multi-year deal with U.S. Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League to encourage the use of sun protection on and off the field and help soccer fans across the country enjoy every minute of the game. Christen Press, star forward for the U.S. Women’s National Team, will be joined by fellow soccer stars Graham Zusi, Kelley O’Hara, and Matt Besler as brand ambassadors for Coppertone. “I’m so excited to be a Coppertone brand ambassador because as an athlete, taking care of my body is a huge part of my job and sunscreen is a vital part of that,” said Press. “Whether I’m running up and down the field or running errands, I make it a point to ensure that my skin is protected. Everyone, especially athletes and fans everywhere, need to make sunscreen and sun protection a priority.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3577 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m16s | Views: 826 | Comments: 0
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Results from a new national survey released today indicate that our lifestyle exacerbates the challenge of trying to lose weight, making it more difficult than ever for adults to do so. Findings further suggest that adults who are trying to lose weight need a new approach that’s compatible with how we live today. Specifically, most healthcare professionals and a majority of U.S. adults say losing weight is harder today than it was for previous generations because of the busy, modern lifestyle of Americans (77% of primary care physicians or PCPs, 81% of pharmacists, 62% U.S. adults). In fact, approximately seven in 10 healthcare professionals say it’s harder for Americans today to lose weight compared to just 10 years ago (69% of PCPs, 73% of pharmacists), and the vast majority believe Americans need to take a new approach to weight loss that fits with today’s modern lifestyle (89% of PCPs, 95% of pharmacists). To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2533 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 827 | Comments: 4
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Facing new evidence from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) that world hunger continues to rise1, Kellogg today announced a new campaign that will make it easier for people to fight hunger by donating 10 foods hungry families request most, to Feeding America® food banks across the U.S. In a world where we produce enough food for everyone, how can more than 820 million people, or one in nine, struggle with hunger? The answer, according to Matt Knott, Feeding America President, lies in our ability to get the right foods in the hands of the people who need it most. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2339 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 827 | Comments: 2
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Bacon. Eggs. (Thank U, Next Parody Ariana Grande) by ADLEY This parody is available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music etc. Subscribe to me ➥ Turn on notifications to never miss a new upload! Bacon. Eggs. (Thank You Next Parody Ariana Grande) by ADLEY. Im a pretty big fan of Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next! But like most of you, when I heard it, I kept hearing Bacon, eggs instead of thank you next! Follow me on Facebook: Instagram: Website:
Tags // next  parody 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2236 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 823 | Comments: 0
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Kişinin mensub olduğu din -ezici çoğunluk için- özgür bir tercih midir, yoksa çevresinden devraldığı sosyal gerçekliğin bir parçası mı? Herhangi başka bir dinin egemen olduğu bir coğrafyada o dine mensup insanların çocuğu olarak dünyaya gelseydiniz de yine şimdiki dininizi mi seçerdiniz? Dünya insanlığının çoğunluğunun ''Hak Din''e mensup olmayışında nasıl bir ilahi hikmet var dersiniz? Kendi yarattığı insanların büyük çoğunluğunu yanlış coğrafyada doğdu diye ebedi cehennemde cezalandıracak bir Tanrı anlayışı, adalet algınıza uyuyor mu?
Added: 3026 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 6m4s | Views: 826 | Comments: 3
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America’s traffic congestion recession is over. Just as the U.S. economy has regained nearly all of the 9 million jobs lost during the downturn, a new report produced by INRIX and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) shows that traffic congestion has returned to pre-recession levels. According to the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, travel delays due to traffic congestion caused drivers to waste more than 3 billion gallons of fuel and kept travelers stuck in their cars for nearly 7 billion extra hours – 42 hours per rush-hour commuter. The total nationwide price tag: $160 billion, or $960 per commuter. Washington, D.C. tops the list of gridlock-plagued cities, with 82 hours of delay per commuter, followed by Los Angeles (80 hours), San Francisco (78 hours), New York (74 hours), and San Jose (67 hours). To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3485 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 820 | Comments: 1
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Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) today announced the launch of the Company’s new direct-to-consumer website, will provide consumers with increased choice, value, innovation and now added convenience to improve their overall shaving experience. Today’s announcement also extends consumer choice in Men’s Systems to an entirely new level, with the launch of Schick Hydro Connect – the next evolution in the brand’s razor franchise designed to fit Gillette® Fusion® and Mach3®† handles***. The first-of-its-kind branded refill will initially be available exclusively on (in the U.S.). To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2847 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 821 | Comments: 0
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The egg has been regarded as a symbol of new life and has been associated with springtime celebrations, such as Easter and Passover, for many centuries. But, even during festive occasions, eggs can cause food poisoning (also called foodborne illness). That’s why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reminds consumers to follow safe food handling practices when buying, storing, preparing, and serving eggs or foods that contain them during their springtime celebrations and throughout the year. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3276 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 820 | Comments: 0
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