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Search // love
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Two of HGTV’s top experts, Jonathan Scott and Drew Scott, stars of the Property Brothers, are in an all-out battle to win HGTV’s newest competition series, Brother vs. Brother. The six-episode series, premiering on Sunday, July 21, at 10 p.m. ET/PT, pits Jonathan’s skills as a licensed contractor against Drew’s experience as a real estate agent as they and their teams vie to execute the smartest home renovation upgrades and score the biggest property-value increase. Each week the results of the completed home renovation is evaluated by the discerning eyes of HGTV real estate stars, including Mike Aubrey (Power Broker), Kennon Earl (Selling LA) and Hilary Farr and David Visentin (Love It or List It). While the 6’4” identical twins brothers go head-to-head to win championship bragging rights, the competing teams stop at nothing to take home the $50,000 grand prize To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4293 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1187 | Comments: 0
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Please support! Metanoia Us Spoken Word Written by Zuhayr Essenouni & Mounir This spoken word is about how some young boys are enticed into gang life due to the lack of choice. Their upbringing saw this as the only option. They didn't find acceptance in school or home but got respect from gang members. They felt like they were part of something bigger than themselves. I also try to depict how they don't really care about you and the only aim is making money. so when you do slip up or make a mistake they will turn on you. The final part is about regretting what you did and wanting to change. This is a 100% guarantee for all gang members. There will come a time where it is either love, family or moral/ ethical reasons to stop. one way or another all gang members realise that the life is not for them. We as youth should not be swayed but the idea of money and acceptance. Gangsters are not role models they are humans that are in a very bad situation and need help themselves. It is not a life that should be glamorised. Keep in touch with me around the web for more inspiring content. •FACEBOOK: •TWITTER: •SNAPCHAT: metanoia-us •mounirpdg Spoken Word by Zuhayr Essenouni Audio by Zuhayr Essenouni
Tags // slam  poetry 
Categories // Street 
Added: 2892 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 1194 | Comments: 3



A vengeful young genius sabotages a new supermall in a murderous plot to ruin and kill those who caused the death of his father and friends, but must rethink everything when he reconnects with a girl whose life he saved years earlier and they fall in love. Young adult; neo-gothic horror/thriller
Tags // ya  horror  mall  murder  thriller  suspense  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4267 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 1182 | Comments: 0
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For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield - Live with Lyrics (cover by @Delanastevens) Download My New Single Free Here is a Live version of For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield that we did not too long ago. From time to time, we like to throw a cover tune into our live show. Being a huge Buffalo Springfield fan, as well as a big Crosby Stills Nash and Young fan, this has always been one of my favorite songs to play live.If you like it, please feel free to like the video and share it. I would also love to have you subscribe to my channel and keep in touch with me! I'm including all of my links below as well as the lyrics to the song. Enjoy!‎‎
Tags // buffalo  springfield  cover 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4045 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 1178 | Comments: 0



At the end of June 2012 I learned through an Akashic Reading that my soul is from another star. My research led me to the 2012 Scenario website. I started tuning in to radio shows on InLight Radio including Let\'s Talk 2012 & Beyond which I find inspiring. In mid August after hearing listeners talk about their personal galactic encounters I had a close personal encounter with a ship that was so real it was undeniable. I was beamed onto a ship to communicate with my galactic family. There were no words communicated to me but a tremendous feeling of love. Where I had initially felt fear, it melted and was replaced with love and gratitude. Two days later my twin flame and I began seeing ships in the night sky. We could confirm that these were not stars or satellites because they pulsated light when we asked them questions and acknowledged them. They actually moved around in many directions, freezing when airplanes would come close to them. There have been many exciting encounters throughout the month of September and now October (time of video posting) which have been shared with Koreans and other foreigners. See my article on
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4507 days ago by vidpro883
Runtime: 3m40s | Views: 1170 | Comments: 0
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The story: Innocent debutante Madison Archer has hit the headlines for a scandal not of her making. Now, marriage to the unscrupulous Viktor Beck is the only way to save what’s left of her reputation!The contract: Maddie has always featured in Viktor’s plans to take over her father’s company and expand his empire. The intense attraction between them only sweetens the deal he’s offered….The secret: Though love doesn’t beat in Viktor’s heart, he’ll show Maddie just how hot their chemistry can be. But even this corporate shark is in for a shock—his wild socialite is still a virgin! Find out more at Romance
Tags // harlequin  lucy  monroe  heiress  for  his  empire  romance 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3811 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1181 | Comments: 0
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Just for fun, I decided to try recording my voice and I discovered that once again I can sing through my sound system and so I'm giving my vocoloid program a break as I am once again singing the lead vocal work. I still used my vocoloid program for the backup vocals to the chorus of this song .... I love collaborating with my computer .... Even if it does terminate my voice from time to time. As long as it doesn't try to terminate me because I'm the one who hold's the hammer ..... and the remote control. Lyrics July 2nd, it was 1994. A terminator come knocking upon my door. I said "Whoa now son, what you got to give?" He said "Come with me if you want to live. Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator, what you gonna terminate tonight? I said "Son, we don't have to mess around here. I've got lots of whiskey and plenty of beer." "Why don't you and I go take a ride in my limo?" He said "I'll be back, no problemo." Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator, what you gonna terminate tonight? So then I asked "Boy, you got yourself a name? Gotta call you something if we're gonna play this game." "Shall I call you Maurice, Rick Nick or Rob?" He then shrugged his shoulders and replied "Uncle Bob?" Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator, what you gonna terminate tonight?" He terminated my whiskey. He terminated my rye. It all went down his hatchet, he said here's mud in my eye. I said "Now son, you gonna pay this tab maybe?" He just grinned and said "Hasta La Vista Baby." Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator. Hey Terminator, what you gonna terminate tonight? Repeat chorus.
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 3062 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 1178 | Comments: 3



#PLIM 02 - The official music version of #plim (Perfect Love Is Me). This is a love song for adding to 77,000,000 Playlists. No sound effects just the music. Full cartoon release here: PLIM 77,000,000 Narcissists, Perfect Love is Me AWARDS Honorable Mention: Animation - Top Shorts, Film Festival (London July 2019) - ABOUT Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), isn’t common. It only effects between (0.5 & 1%) of the general population. ( World Population 2019 - 7,711,235,000 (world 1% = 77,000,000 Narcissists (Probably answering the question, why you seem to end up in a relationship with one!) SUPPORT INDEPENDENT CREATORS One animator, one musician, No backup, No budget. Show a little perfect love and buy our music here:
Tags // cartoon  love  song 
Categories // Music 
Added: 2035 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 1171 | Comments: 0
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The official music video for Love Space by Dubstep Producer Convulsic from San Diego, CAAvailable from collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages:
Categories // Music 
Added: 3903 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m3s | Views: 1163 | Comments: 0



A teenage piano prodigy enlists the help of renowned pianist Clare Cardiff. Though she is more than twice his age, he falls in love with her. After Clare is diagnosed with early onset dementia, she is taken away to pursue further medial testing. Clive is faced with the challenge of traveling to Moscow and performing at the competition without his beloved mentor. Find out more at – Literary Fiction/Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3778 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1183 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 1971 Rod Stewart and The Faces - Live At the BBC 1971 (Bootleg)
Tags // rod  stewart  faces  robert  johnson  love  in  vain 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4116 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 8m10s | Views: 1166 | Comments: 0
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Francesco Saverio Boni mc -The rap of the love! 2016
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 3243 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 6m56s | Views: 1160 | Comments: 3



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