www.Clicktecs.com The digital world has permeated every aspect of our daily lives, from the way we spend our time, to the way we spend our money. It has changed the way we communicate, and it has really changed the way we seek and receive information.
Businesses are recognizing this shift from offline media to online media, and realizing that in order to acquire leads, build targeted traffic and convert more customers in the new normal, they have to start measuring different metrics.
Some companies have started testing SEO, and others may be doing some Social Media. If you are publishing content, then you may unknowingly be doing content marketing. These three commonly used marketing tactics, when executed together on a consistent basis can produce some really great results and it is what smart marketers have figured out. Conveniently named \'Optimized Content Marketing\'.
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Brain Resource, Inc., a developer of innovative tools to improve brain health, announced today at Health 2.0 the launch of MyBrainSolutions for Parents and its companion site for children, PoweringUp –an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) management tool for the home.
MyBrainSolutions for Parents empowers families to work together to improve skills needed for the classroom, the playground, at home and in life. A key feature of the site is a scientifically validated assessment and report that provides a better understanding of their child’s unique pattern of strengths and relative limitations.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/58473-brain-resource-mybrainsolutions-for-parents-poweringup-online-tool-adhd
For one extraordinary night, and in an unprecedented manner, seven Cirque du Soleil Las Vegas resident productions became one for ONE DROP, the non-profit organization established by Cirque du Soleil Founder Guy Laliberté.
To share the experience around the world, an exclusive broadcast of the full-scale production is available for online viewing at ONEDROP.org through March 31, with a donation of $5 or more to ONE DROP.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/60862-one-drop-cirque-du-soleil-world-water-day-global-philanthropy-event
Today gamers can join in the celebration of 50 years of James Bond with the release of 007™ Legends from Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard Inc., (Nasdaq: ATVI). Available at North American retail outlets today, across Europe on October 19th and in Australia on October 31st, 007 Legends is the latest installment in the esteemed franchise, delivering a first-of-its-kind Bond video game experience featuring a story inspired by five classic Bond films – Goldfinger, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Moonraker, Licence to Kill, Die Another Day. Additionally, 007 Legends will feature a sixth mission based on this year’s highly anticipated Bond film – SKYFALL – which will be available to unlock as downloadable content. Timed to the North American release of the feature film, PlayStation®Network subscribers will gain exclusive early access to the SKYFALL mission on November 9, 2012, and then on November 20, 2012, the mission will be available on Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/58457-activision-publishing-50-years-of-james-bond-007-legends-video-game
https://www.datingws.com Professionals who don’t have the time to arrange socializing activities can find information to avail the services of dating websites in order to find a suitable soul mate and partner.
Was ein wirklicher Auto-Freak ist, hat jetzt Spiegel Online aufgedeckt. Das ist jemand, der beispielsweise einen 6,2 Liter großen V12 Motor aus einem Lamborghini Murciélago samt Allradgetriebe, Bremssystem und Sechsgang-Schaltgetriebe in einen Fiat 500 aus dem Jahr 1971 einbaut. Kein verspäteter Aprilscherz wie die Bilder beweisen. Und das Beste: Der kleine Oldtimer mit seinem nun 580 PS starken Triebwerk fährt sogar ohne zu mucken. Vorerst nur getestet auf einer Rennstrecke, doch die beiden Enthusiasten - der 55jährige Werkstattbesitzer Gianfranco Dini und sein 27 Jahre alter Sohn Leonardo - sind sich sicher, schon bald eine Straßenzulassung für das kleine „Monster
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Wilton Enterprises, the leader in cake decorating inspiration, instruction and products, is celebrating 85 years of making it easy to create amazing cakes and charming sweet treats. The Wilton story began in 1929 with one man’s passion and talent for making confectionery art, and resulted in a method of dessert decorating that today has benefited millions of people.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/63568-wilton-enterprises-celebrates-85-years-of-making-cake-decorating-easy
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