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In their ongoing commitment to support fearless women, Secret Deodorant has created the Mean Stinks program; a supportive Facebook community that gives young women the courage to stand up to a stinky behavior – bullying. To help this cause, Secret is partnering with relatable role models—Amber Riley, best known as Mercedes on the hit FOX show Glee, and Rachel Simmons, nationally renowned relationship expert—to start a movement of “nice.” Together they are giving young women the strength to face challenges associated with bullying and mean behavior. Secret is also partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center by donating a portion of proceeds from select Secret Clinical Strength purchases to it’s prevention efforts. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4976 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 6281 | Comments: 0
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Six Flags Over Georgia’s 11th roller coaster, the highly anticipated DARE DEVIL DIVE, is now open for thrills! The innovative new coaster sends riders over a 10-story vertical lift at a spine-tingling 95 degrees: beyond vertical! Media, roller coaster enthusiasts and professional test pilots from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics were on hand for the launch of the park’s latest thrill offering. DARE DEVIL DIVE boasts three inversions, zero-gravity hills and high-speed turns. Riders travel in the world’s first “v-shape” trains fitted with lap bar restraints and stadium seating, paying homage to World War II-era stunt planes and the daring pilots that thrilled onlookers with their incredible aerial acrobatics. The ride soars at a blistering 52 miles per hour as it makes its way through 2,090 feet of twisted steel track. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // dare  devil  dive  six  flag  over  georgia  roller  coaster  thrill  ride  consumer  multivu  48781 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5027 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 6281 | Comments: 0
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Glamour girls from the popular E! TV series “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Kourtney Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian Odom stopped by the John Frieda® Destination: Style Salon Tour in New York’s Times Square on Friday, May 13 to celebrate the kickoff of the nationwide tour. The girls got their hair styled by celebrity stylist and John Frieda® International Creative Consultant Harry Josh at the Destination: Style Salon where women can sign up for complimentary styling sessions courtesy of John Frieda® hair care. Each client receives a 15-minute lesson with a top John Frieda® stylist, who will consult with her about her specific hair issues and educate her on how a John Frieda® regimen can help women achieve the style transformations they strive for. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5042 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 6286 | Comments: 0
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The U.S. Army and the Ad Council today unveiled a new television public service announcement (PSA) featuring NBA All-Star LeBron James designed to highlight the dropout crisis in America and encourage adults nationwide to motivate and inspire students in their communities. Created pro bono by advertising agency Publicis New York, the PSA shows how the support of people in LeBron’s life motivated him to graduate, and urges adults to give students across the country the support they need to stay in school by visiting The PSA is being distributed nationwide this month to coincide with halfway point of the school year. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4800 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 6279 | Comments: 0
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Avon Global Ambassador & Honorary Chairman of the Avon Foundation for Women Reese Witherspoon and Avon Chairman and CEO Andrea Jung today awarded four global non-governmental organizations with the inaugural Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out About Violence Against Women for their campaigns that are bringing attention to the need to end violence against women. Witherspoon and Jung presented the awards, funded by the Avon Foundation, at the 2nd World Conference of Women’s Shelters in Washington, D.C., which brought together more than 1,400 advocates, activists and leaders from 96 countries to collaborate to change attitudes about such violence. The awards are part of the Avon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program, which has donated nearly $40 million globally to end violence against women. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4752 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 6276 | Comments: 0
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Jessi Fahy’s heart broke when her childhood hero, John Reilly, left Ireland for America. Five years later, when he doesn’t come home, Jessi and Mrs. Reilly put their heads together and hatch a plan that includes John’s favorite recipes, the family Bible and Mrs. Reilly’s closely guarded secret about John. Learn more about this author here: Learn more about this book here: Historical Western Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5346 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 6272 | Comments: 2
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No more tiresome strains or pressure on your mind, scared of losing traffic tickets or house bills? Seembee is the app of choice, makes management of documents seem like a piece of cake. Never again will you have to go searching for receipts or documents around the house or your office desk, SeemBee enables you to upload snapshots, scanned documents or image files into your personal web based archive. With features that enable virtual stapling/un-stapling, folders/subfolders and multiple tag mechanisms that help in segregating documents, SeemBee is the choice for many who find it hard saving and segregating documents and events in their lives.
Tags // note  taking  app  document  backups  photo  notes  audio  notes  upload  photos  iphone  app  mobile 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5049 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6276 | Comments: 0
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Six Flags Magic Mountain, in partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and DC Entertainment, today launched their next generation of thrills with the debut of the new ride experience, SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton. Taking the record-breaking 100-mph-in-seven-seconds feature and elevating it to the next level of extreme by reversing the direction of the vehicles and sending riders shooting backwards up 41-stories into the sky, SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton leaves riders hanging for several seconds of weightlessness before they plummet back to earth … face first! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5101 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 9m7s | Views: 6261 | Comments: 1
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After a year of friendly feuding during the BC and Goody's Pick A Powder campaign that launched last summer, Trace Adkins and Richard Petty continue their rivalry by releasing 12 new videos on BC Powder's and Goody's Powder's Facebook pages. Fans of Petty and Adkins can see the two men interact in various humorous scenarios. Later in the year, fans will be able to once again support raising funds for Wounded Warrior Project on behalf of BC and Adkins and Victory Junction Camp on behalf of Goody\\\'s and Petty.
Categories // Funny  People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4961 days ago by a1broadcast
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 6264 | Comments: 0



Debt is a burden that millions of Americans carry on a daily basis. In fact, the average family spends 20 percent of their household income paying down debt. But the scary fact about debt is that it doesn’t just impact your finances. No one knows the far-reaching impact of debt more than Sharon, a former client of the nonprofit organization, Money Management International (MMI). Sharon struggled for years to stay current on more than $40,000 of debt, but eventually found a solution for overcoming the financial burden that she had faced for so long. Sharon, as well as others in similar situations, share their experiences and their journey throughout the debt repayment process through MMI’s new podcast series. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4895 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 6258 | Comments: 0
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Do you know the difference between a swizzle and a shrubb? Do you dream of Mojito’s? If so, Tommy Bahama has an opportunity for you! Tommy Bahama is excited to announce the search for the first-ever Tommy Bahama Rumologist™. We’ve created the most exciting consulting position in the world and we are scouring the country for the most qualified person to represent Tommy Bahama as our official Rumologist – sharing our passion for rum with the world! The Rumologist will win $50,000 and be an ambassador traveling the United States, speaking, educating, and experimenting with all things related to rum! We’re looking for someone who knows the history, how it’s mixed, how it pairs with food – and who loves to share that knowledge. Tommy Bahama is looking for bartenders, mixologists, and anyone that believes they can hold and honor the title. The contest application can be found on the Tommy Bahama Facebook page ( Participants will be asked to send a short video (45-60 seconds) declaring their candidacy and explain why they should be chosen. The Rumologist will be announced this October. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4969 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m-0s | Views: 6259 | Comments: 0
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Nearly 16 million children in America are living in poverty and facing challenges like never before. Mario Lopez is teaming up with Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) to encourage Americans to give the gift of a great future to young people in need this holiday season. BGCA is calling holiday shoppers to make a difference by allocating some of their purchases to help those kids most in need. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4858 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 6252 | Comments: 0
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