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Results 61-72 of 144 for ' student ' (0 seconds)
Orlando’s future leaders are honored at Aio’s 30 Days, 30 Dreams Ceremony. College will be a little bit easier for 90 students in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Dallas thanks to a $1,000 college scholarship and tablet from Aio Wireless. It’s all part of Aio’s “30 Days, 30 Dreams,” a program designed to lock arms with local nonprofit organizations creating opportunities for future leaders in the communities it serves. After launching the program in Houston and Orlando earlier this year, Aio is expanding the program to Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Dallas. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4149 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 1957 | Comments: 1
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A hot topic in education, blended learning is a mix of traditional face-to-face teaching and online learning. As schools adopt digital learning platforms, teachers want to know how to use them efficiently. They are turning to blended learning approaches for the answer. “Blended learning is both simple and complex. At its simplest, blended learning is the thoughtful integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences says itslearning education researcher and former teacher Morten Fahlvik. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 1743 | Comments: 2
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There was a lot of excitement on the campus of North Shore Animal League America’s national adoption headquarters in New York when Renée Felice Smith of NCIS: Los Angeles loaned her time and talent to co-direct and film a Public Service Announcement for the Mutt-i-grees® Curriculum. The actress was joined by a cast made up of thirty five pre-k, elementary, middle and high school student volunteers. In addition to the human cast, the PSA features some of our best and brightest Mutt-i-grees®! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4269 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 1589 | Comments: 1
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Jane Daniel - Student of Early Childhood Assistant Program at centennial college in Toronto.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4247 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 1568 | Comments: 0



With nearly 100 days until the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 , Kellogg's® is proud to announce its continued sponsorship of Team USA and introduce the 2018 Team Kellogg's™ roster of U.S. Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls joining its lineup of storied athletes. The 2018 roster includes figure skater Nathan Chen, snowboarder Kelly Clark, ice hockey player Meghan Duggan and Paralympic snowboarder Mike Schultz. For the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2018, Kellogg's will continue its celebration of what inspires people to get up each morning, enjoy breakfast and embrace the potential of a new day. Whether you are a student, a parent or an elite athlete, we all awake with an individual reason and answer to the question, “what gets you started?” The drive at the start of each day isn’t always the same, but the routines we form, like eating Kellogg's cereal for breakfast, set us up to accomplish our goals. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2681 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 1573 | Comments: 3
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Umer Siddiqui is in the Motorcycle and Powersports Product Repair Program at centennial college.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4294 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 1528 | Comments: 0



The US federal government, which touts its historic 54.5 miles-per-gallon fuel-efficient standard for 2025 model year autos, might want to rethink that mark. It’s downright puny compared to what a team of students from Quebec’s Université Laval achieved today as its vehicle traveled a mind-boggling 3,587 miles on a single gallon of gasoline at the 7th annual Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2013 competition. It was the highest mileage ever achieved for both Université Laval and the Americas challenge. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4347 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 1503 | Comments: 2
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Grainger (NYSE: GWW), the leading broad line supplier of maintenance, repair and operating (MRO) products, today announced its sponsorship of 20 concerts throughout the Florida Georgia Line summer tour. During these stops, the duo will celebrate industrial trades professionals by honoring Grainger Tools for Tomorrow® scholarship program recipients. In addition, Grainger recently launched a sweepstakes for a chance to win Florida Georgia Line tickets for these 20 shows. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4289 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 1500 | Comments: 1
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Texas Instruments (TI), the most trusted brand in graphing calculator technology, “took a major step forward in our mission to improve student understanding and achievement in mathematics” with the release today of two new innovative apps: TI-Nspire™ App for iPad and TI-Nspire™ CAS App for iPad, said Melendy Lovett, president of Texas Instruments Education Technology. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4394 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 1498 | Comments: 1
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Dwight School, a 141-year-old, independent IB World School located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, ushered in the new academic year with an original song showcasing the School’s dedication to igniting the “spark of genius” in every child. Known worldwide for customizing the educational experience for each student, from preschool through grade 12, Dwight is ranked the #1 private school in New York City for the lowest faculty-to-student ratio of 1:4 by The New York Observer. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4182 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m54s | Views: 1357 | Comments: 2
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Australian Institute of Music student Jesse Watt uses Creative Cloud to turn individual chords and strums into a musical masterpiece. Watch the video. See what other sounds Jesse's brought to life through his compositions. Check out his latest work.
Tags // jesse  watt 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4153 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 1321 | Comments: 0



Pairing the endless possibilities of space exploration with the limitless opportunities of education, Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) and NASA are partnering to show students how science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) make feats like space exploration possible with mISSion imaginaTIon. The partnership and its programs aim to spur the imaginations of the next generation of scientists, engineers, explorers and innovators who are in today’s math and science classrooms. Combining expertise, TI Education Technology and NASA have developed programs that promote STEM-focused lessons for students and teachers in middle and high school. Launching today, the mISSion imaginaTIon online quiz allows participants to see if they have what it takes for a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station. After discovering how ready they are to live in space, students can then put their STEM skills to the test with the mISSion imaginaTIon design challenge, which asks students to devise solutions to four space-related challenges. “Imagination is the fuel that feeds progress and innovation,” said Peter Balyta, Ph.D., (@pbalyta), president of TI Education Technology. “Alongside NASA, we are excited to unleash student creativity as students explore how science, technology, engineering and math can solve future problems on earth, in space and beyond.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3336 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 1236 | Comments: 0
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