: If you are planning to feel the exotic beauty of the beaches, then immediately visit the immaculate Mexican beaches stretching from north to south. It is a place, entirely filed with the beauty of deep green forest of pam trees and wild animals. The entire area is enclosed with eye-catching shorelines, featuring aquatic activities, luxurious resorts and soothing spa’s, along with a vivacious nightlife.
Golf Lessons Irvine Call (949) 554-9926 - Are you looking for golf lessons in Irvine (or the nearby area) or just golfing tips in general? Ryan Trengrove (Class A PGA member), owner of a state-of-the-art indoor golf training facility called Golf Swing Prescription (Laguna Hills, CA), shows you how conquer one of the most common problems in Golf - keeping your lower body stable while swinging the golf club!
Ryan states that if you can get your lower body to be more stable, you will have a lot more fun when you are playing golf. Ryan shows you a video of one of Golf’s great player’s, Davis Love III, to display great lower body stability. Ryan points out how Davis’s lower body not only stays in the “same sit” and “same flex” as Davis goes up to the top of his golf swing, but, also when he goes back down to hit the golf ball.
Ryan also points out the importance of NOT having your lower body “sway”, but to have it “swivel” instead. The goal is to keep the lower body in its flex, so that you can have it sit, and keep the hip in the same spot. If you are able to do this, as you come from the top of your swing down to the ball, you should make solid contact.
In order to assist you in achieving better lower body stability, Ryan shows you a golf drill called the “Feet Together Drill”. This drill has the golfer setup to hit the golf ball with their feet together, which will prevent the golfer from going “side to side” during the swing. The idea behind the drill is to have the golfer hit a number of shots with their feet together so that they can get the “feeling” of not “going side to side” and being stable. Once you get use to the feeling, then you can widen your golf stance, trying to maintain the same “stable feeling” felt during the drill, with your base “swiveling” and not “swaying”.
Ryan goes on to show you one more drill to help you that he got from Golf Professional, Nick Faldo called the “Right Foot Forward – Left Leg Back Drill” (just switch if you are left handed). The goal of this drill is to help you focus on keeping the flex in your right knee. You get in your normal golf stance, but, just move your left leg back a couple of feet, and then hit the ball. So what this drill does is to focus you on keeping the proper flex in your right knee.
What Ryan wants you to do is to work on the combination of the “Feet Together Drill” and the “Right Foot Forward –Left Leg Back Drill” so that when you get up to your golf ball you focus on staying centered – no “side to side” and keeping your right knee flexed. Ryan points out that if you can do this, that you should make better contact with the ball!
Ryan performs over 1,500 golf lessons per year, when compared to the average club pro that only conducts approximately 300. Ryan is extremely popular for a reason; his indoor
John Peden was one of those larger-than-life personalities. “When he would walk into a room, it was like all the attention was on him,” said his stepdaughter, Jenna Peden. “He just had this power emanating out of him.”
The 6-foot, 4-inch former U.S. Air Force captain was a respected dental surgeon in Nashville. He was active in his church and made many mission trips to provide dental care in Central America through Health Talents International.
That’s why it was such a shock to his family and friends when an MRI revealed a brain tumor the size of a golf ball. “Life as we knew it was no more,” said his wife, Vicki Peden. “John never worked another day in his life.”
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Top Hybrids and Electric Cars Must Buy 2016 [ Buying Guide ]
Top Recommended Hybrids and Electric Cars
List Car you need to buy:
====== 2016 Tesla Model S ========
We owned a 2013 Tesla Model S for 18 months and despite numerous dealer visits and maintenance issues, we were ultimately sad to see it go. It's quick, comfortable, quiet, spacious, and can tote as much cargo as some crossover SUVs. The "85" version can go 265 miles on a charge, so range anxiety is a nonissue. We even drove ours from L.A. to New York in less than three days using Tesla's free Supercharger quick-charge network. We definitely have gripes, including some underwhelming interior trim pieces and a lack of small item storage. There's also the below-average reliability, although our dealer experiences were exceptional. So even though it's not perfect, the Model S remains our favorite electric car.
============2016 Kia Soul EV============
Kia's first real foray into the electric vehicle world is a success. In fact, the funky Soul is arguably more appealing when it swaps out its internal combustion engine for an electric motor. In our testing, the Soul EV went farther on a charge than its similarly sized and priced competitors, and then recharged quickly thereafter. It also doesn't suffer a reduction in cargo space versus the non-EV Soul, meaning it provides the utility of a small SUV rather than that of a small hatchback like its rivals. A long warranty and generous features are other benefits.
===============2015 BMW i3=============
BMW's i3 is a remarkable vehicle. Its main structure is made of light yet strong carbon fiber instead of the usual steel or aluminum. This helps reduce the i3's weight, which pays dividends for both electric range and performance. With its electric motor in back and the battery under the floor, the i3 boasts sporty acceleration and handling.
======= 2015 BMW i8 ===========
You want your plug-in hybrid to be a head-turning sports car? Look no further than the BMW i8, the two-door supercar for the environmentally conscious. Like the more attainable BMW i3, the i8 is built around a carbon-fiber passenger cell. But in the i8 an electric motor drives the front wheels and a turbocharged three-cylinder gasoline engine pushes from behind.
===== Luxury Hybrid 2016 Porsche Panamera E-Hybrid =====
Porsche's flagship sedan is the Panamera, a low-slung four-door with a hatchback trunk. The 2016 Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid is the plug-in hybrid version, and it offers 16 miles of pure electric driving before the supercharged 3.0-liter gasoline V6 engine takes over. Acceleration, handling and braking are pure Porsche, which is something of a trick for a car this large. It's perfect for those shoppers
======= Hybrid SUV 2016 Toyota Highlander Hybrid =========
No other automaker bothers to offer a hybrid version of its three-row SUV. But Toyota's Highlander Hybrid doesn't earn a spot in our Buying Guide purely by default. It continues to show just how well the hybrid formula can be applied to a big, family-friendly crossover SUV. The hybrid version earns a 28 mpg combined estimate, or 7-8 mpg better than the V6-powered Highlander. In addition to that, the Highlander Hybrid offers solid build quality, respectable acceleration, a sophisticated and quiet ride quality and plenty of standard and available features.
====== 2016 Toyota Camry Hybrid 2016 Toyota Prius =====
Substantial changes last year vaulted the Toyota Camry Hybrid onto our top-recommended list. Although it doesn't quite match the fuel economy of some competitors, the real-world cost of that difference is negligible. Plus, dismissing the Camry simply because of an mpg or two would mean missing out on an otherwise compelling sedan. Comfort remains a Camry priority, but this latest Camry Hybrid also handles pretty well.
====== Hybrid Cars 2016 Ford Fusion Hybrid / Energi =====
The 2016 Ford Fusion Hybrid is a great choice for car shoppers who are new to hybrids. It's quiet, comfortable and feels very much like a normal family sedan, while delivering the fuel economy you expect from a hybrid. It's also a Ford Fusion, which means you also get impressive refinement, good road manners and plenty of standard and available high-tech features.
======= 2016 Volkswagen e-Golf =====
Among entry-level EVs, the Volkswagen e-Golf is our favorite. It handles well, has a handsome interior, delivers class-competitive range and has the optimal equipment for quick battery recharging. What's even better, cargo space is unchanged from the non-EV Golf because the batteries are located under the floor.
Now, THE ONLY APP TO CALCULATE YOUR OFFICAL USGA HANDICAP can be yours! myGolfstats helps you keep easy track of driving, GIR, scramble, sand saves, putts, score, handicap, just like the pros do! In mere seconds, you can input your score then check your season progress on the US handicap site and get a real USGA handicap. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
Die ersten reinen Golf-Stromer sind Im Volkswagen Werk Wolfsburg vor einigen Tagen von der Montagelinie gerollt, im Sommer werden wir die ersten e-Golf dann auf unseren Straßen sehen. VW schließt damit als erster Autohersteller einen Kreis, der - innerhalb einer Baureihe - alle heute relevanten Antriebssysteme - Benziner und Diesel, Erdgas-Variante, Plug-in-Hybrid (GTE) und reiner Elektroantrieb - beinhaltet. Der potentielle Käufer hat also die Qual der Wahl, wobei der neue Stromer es am schwersten haben dürfte. 34.900 Euro sind schließlich ein Wort und auch die noch mangelhafte Ladestationen-Infrastruktur dürfte sich auf die Verkaufslust auswirken. Daran ändert auch nichts, dass der Stromer mit seinem niedrigen Verbrauchswert von 12,7 kWh/100 km mit den Energiekosten knausert und damit im Alltag den Geldbeutel schont - pro 100 Kilometer fallen lediglich 3,28 Euro an. Nach VW-Angaben ist der e-Golf damit auch dank eines besonders...
Bis zum Jahr 2018 hat Sich der VW-Konzern das Ziel gesetzt weltweiter Marktführer bei der Elektromobilität zu sein. Dr. Rudolf Krebs Leiter der VW-Konzern Elektro-Traktion erläutert uns die VW-Strategie. Vorboten seien die rein batteriegetriebenen e-up! und e-Golf sowie die Plug-in Hybriden Audi A3 etron und Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid. Doch bereits in 2014 würden 14 Modelle mit Elektro- oder Hybridantrieben zur Verfügung stehen. Und bei entsprechender Nachfrage könnten mittelfristig bis zu 40 neue Modelle mit alternativen Antrieben ausgerüstet werden. Ein Novum ist auch die Produktion dieser Fahrzeuge auf den ganz normalen Produktionsbändern.
Benzinmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung sind gefährlicher für Umwelt und Gesundheit als bislang angenommen. Das beweisen die Ergebnisse eines neuen Tests, den die Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (DUH) bei der Abgasprüfstelle der Fachhochschule Bern (AFHB) in Auftrag gegeben hat. Die erstmals auch unter realen Fahrbedingungen gewonnenen Daten machen deutlich, dass der Ausstoß von Nanopartikeln und anderen Schadstoffen, im Vergleich zu den Ergebnissen auf dem Rollenprüfstand, auf der Straße massiv ansteigt. Deutlich höhere Emissionen gibt es jedoch auch im Labor, sobald die Testbedingungen einem realistischeren Fahrverhalten angepasst werden. Aus diesem Grund fordert die DUH eine rasche und umfassende Markteinführung entsprechender Abgasreinigungstechnologie, wie sie bei Dieselmotoren seit langer Zeit im Einsatz ist. Die Abgasprüfstelle der Fachhochschule Bern hatte die Emissionen eines Hyundai 30 GDI (1.6 L) und eines VW Golf VII TSI 1.4 L in verschiedenen Messzyklen sowie in jeweils fünf gleichen Straßenfahrten pro Fahrzeug ermittelt. Zur Messung von Nanopartikeln verwendete die AFHB ein „on board“-Gerät (NanoMet 3). Anschließend vermaß die Abgasprüfstelle beide Autos auf dem Prüfstand nach dem „Neuen Europäischen Fahrzyklus“ (NEFZ) und dem sogenannten Autobahnzyklus, der im Vergleich zum NEFZ einen realitätsnäheren Fahrbetrieb simuliert. Den Autobahnzyklus führte sie beim Golf einmal ohne und einmal mit eingebautem Partikelfilter durch. Während der VW Golf im NEFZ-Zyklus sowohl die ab 2014 als auch ab 2017 geltenden Grenzwerte für Partikelanzahl einhielt, blieb der Hyundai nur unter den schwächeren Grenzwerten für 2014. Auf der Straße zeigte sich dagegen ein gänzlich anderes Bild: Die Emissionen des Golf stiegen stark an und waren höher als die des Hyundai. Der im Golf für einen zweiten Durchlauf eingebaute Partikelfilter verringerte den Ausstoß fast vollständig.
Golf Tips - Short game Tips Free Download . The Scoring Zone is a guide
to help you maximize your scoring opportunities. Short Game Golf Tips,
Chipping tips, Pitching Tips, course management and mental game
techniques. Golfing Techniques is a blog for club and armature golfers
to help them improve there game.
Wednesday 26 March 2014, marked exactly six months until the start of one of the world’s largest and most iconic sporting events. Scotland, the Home of Golf, is getting ready to host The 40th Ryder Cup in September 2014, in addition to Welcoming the World in its Year of Homecoming.
Over 250,000 spectators are expected to travel to Gleneagles to enjoy the magnificent tournament set against the backdrop of the rolling Perthshire glens.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Volkswagen hat mit dem Tiguan und Touareg zwei der erfolgreichsten SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) europäischer Herkunft im Programm. Künftig wird Deutschlands größter Automobilhersteller dieses Spektrum mit neuen Modellen verschiedenster Klassen deutlich erweitern. Wie ein großes SUV für die USA respektive China oder mit dem Taigun ein kompaktes Modell im unteren Preissegment aussehen könnte, zeigte Volkswagen bereits in den letzten Monaten. Nun folgt als Weltpremiere auf dem Genfer Automobilsalon (04. bis 16. März) ein weiterer Ausblick auf einen künftigen Volkswagen SUV: der T-ROC. Eine SUV-Studie unterhalb des Tiguan im Golf-Format, nicht nur für den Urban Jungle. Das in Genf präsentierte Concept Car folgt einer neuen Design- und Interieur-Linie. Zudem verbindet der Zweitürer die Talente eines allradgetriebenen SUV - der auch vor felsigen Offroad-Pisten („ROCK