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A Newspaper from the Netherlands wanted to make an article on Laoshi Douwe geluk a famous teacher within the Chinese martial arts like Tai chi Chuan and Kung Fu. Here was a Photo Shoot with a professional photographer in 2019.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2082 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1108 | Comments: 2



Magic Wonderland, a 3D animation movie that is the result of three years of effort by Zoland Animation, will be released in cinemas across mainland China on 30 May. As the first movie released by Zoland Animation, Magic Wonderland is expected to quickly become a hit leading up to and on the upcoming Children’s Day due to its fantasy, story of mother-daughter love, aesthetic and exquisite Chinese elements, Asian-style animation characters as well as uncanny magic effects and grand war scenes. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 3941 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1061 | Comments: 2
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Documentary part 4: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland. The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2245 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1065 | Comments: 0
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Documentary part 1: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2245 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1058 | Comments: 0
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STN Stichting Taijiquan Nederland organised a a Taijiquan, Tai Chi teacher course in 2010. Chinese martial arts master Laoshi Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn in Holland participated on this course. This video contains some old pictures of 2010.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2118 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1049 | Comments: 0
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Deng Bin is one of China’s few practitioners of Jin Shan, or Kintsugi in Japanese. It’s the art of fixing broken pottery with lacquer resin dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. “The demand from a specific customer group is strong,” Says Deng. “They used to send the broken wares to Japan for repairing, which is rather time consuming and costly. So they were very happy when they found someone in China can do the job.” People don’t want to throw away the broken wares for many reasons. They might feel attached to them after using them for a long time. Another reason could be that the wares carry some special meaning. Something perhaps passed down from the father or the grandmother. They become reminders of the older generation who’ve passed away. “Chinese people usually dislike broken things which they regard as useless and of no value,” says Deng. “However when it has been properly restored, the once broken object is reborn and its life is prolonged. That is then considered an immense gift.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3377 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 1
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2019 Xinjia Chen style Tai Chi Chuan a form performed by Laura Bonthuis from Holland. Laura Bonthuis lives in Apeldoorn city and was next to practising martial arts a badminton player who became a 2 times Dutch champion. Later she practised Kickboxing with teacher Wim Scharrenberg and eventually started Chinese martial arts at Shaolin Kung Fu Apeldoorn
Categories // Sport 
Added: 1994 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 5m0s | Views: 1024 | Comments: 1



Laoshi Douwe Geluk has traveled to China to participate in the World Championships of Chinese martial arts in Emeishan 2019. Douwe Geluk and Laura Bonthuis will come out with Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin Kung Fu and other disciplins of the Chinese martial arts. Source TV Gelderland Dutch Television
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2095 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 1
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Martial Arts of the Saquatch by shifu Douwe Geluk The Chinese martial arts are often based on animals, also mythical animals like the Dragon, the Phoenix or the Sasquatch. Douwe Geluk is an international famous martial arts teacher. He studied How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu from 1985 until 1993 under grandmaster Fred Decramer. It was not a normal Monkey Kungfu but the way of the Standing Tall Monkey or the Sasquatch, Bigfoot or Yeti. Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn in the Netherlands has decided to record everything he still knew for the SRMAA Shintai ryu Martial Arts Association in West Virginia. Douwe Geluk has his own martial arts school called: Tai Chi Apeldoorn Bron van Geluk Fu Yuan. Douwe Geluk also holds a 4rd degree Black Belt in Ng Ying Kuen.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2250 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 1009 | Comments: 0



The Form: 9 Tigers of Five Animal Kung Fu - Gau Fu Kuen or 9 Tigers Form is a fundamental form of the Ng Ying Kungfu systems of Southern China. Performed here by shifu Patrick van Steen. Five Animal Kung Fu is a traditional southern Chinese form of Martial Arts. The style was taught by Christopher Fournier who passed on the lineage to master Patrick van Steen aka Long Juan Feng.
Tags // 9  tigers  five  animal  kung  fu  christopher  fournier  patrick  van  steen  martial  arts  ng  ying  kungfu  tiger  karate  bruce  lee 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 1506 days ago by 5_Animal_Kung_Fu
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 1007 | Comments: 0



This ia a trailer about a Dutch martial arts master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe Geluk practises Taijiquan and has his own martial arts school were he is teaching the Chinese internal martial arts such as: Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Qong, Pushing Hands, Mindfulness and much more. This video shows how Douwe Geluk operates
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2245 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 999 | Comments: 0
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Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers’ increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. This Barometer is conducted amongst the wealthiest Chinese women, and is about the 30 luxury brands in ready-to-wear/handbags/shoes/accessories that have invested the most in communication (source: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise and BNP Exane already conducted the same survey amongst French women in May 2015 ( ”This barometer in association with BNP Exane reflects our determination to move closer to the marketing and cross-section financial analysis. Our Monitoring Brand Assets® approach itself features very complementary analyzes with those conducted by BNP Exane’s experts. Hence, the obtained results from our joined barometer are based on two different angles of expertise, marketing and financial, which brings a unique added value to the managers and decision-makers in the Luxury sector. More concretely, our measure of the exclusivity of a brand takes into account the upper and more constant quality of products, the strong and unique valuation of the customer, the brand’s prestige, but also a matchless “savoir-faire” that justifies a very high price premium associated with top luxury. Finally, our measure of desirability synthesizes the dimensions of attractiveness of an intimate, social and symbolic nature, which are the strengths of exclusive brands, and characterize the particular relation that they maintain with their customers. In this respect, our Barometer synthesizes, in two proven scales, the numerous criteria to establish a ranking between the high-end brands from their customer’s point of view", states Pr. Philippe Jourdan, Promise’s CEO. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3320 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 982 | Comments: 0
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