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Train passengers experience travel unlike any others; they get to see the vastness of the American landscape more intimately when traveling by rail, from cities big and small, to country vistas and everything in between. In honor of the fifth anniversary of National Train Day, Amtrak is inviting train fans to share what they see and experience on their train journeys and enter the See More On A Train online contest.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/55018-amtrak-national-train-day/
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Director... Denis Durfresns, Artist ... Donna Alima, Editor... James Saint- Surin, Grip.. Donald Cuffy, Cameramen... Denis Durfresns & James Saint- Surin, Vocal Coach... Anita Wilson
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http://youtu.be/Xjth89D7CHI this is the 1st part of a two sets of
videos. Watch the Key Lock Sequence at
http://magneticmessaging.com/free read the original article at