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Go to to find out more about your number one Electrician in Penrith. We an electrical contractor in Penrith offering a complete range of Electrical Services and a 24 hr Emergency service.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4783 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 6803 | Comments: 1
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It is an extraordinary challenge for extraordinary people. The Dakar Rally - the toughest automobile race in the world - has long been a great lure for adventurers and adrenalin seekers. 2011 marks the 33rd anniversary of the desert race and draws drivers from around the globe to South America. After having lost by only a small margin last year, one driver has high hopes for 2011.
Tags // dakar  rally  2011  carlos  sainz  team  volkswagen 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 5177 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 6801 | Comments: 2
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Working for corporations, heads of state, private clients, and anyone else who can pay for her unique brand of expertise, Vanessa Michael Munroe deals in high cost information. Hired to find the missing daughter of an oil billionaire, Vanessa must face her dangerous past she worked a decade to forget. Learn more about The Informationist here, Thriller, Suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5105 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6802 | Comments: 2
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If you’re planning a move this summer, you’re not alone -- nearly 40 million Americans are expected to move this year. And with an average of 60 tasks to do to prepare for a move, it’s no surprise that important things can sometimes slip through the cracks. HGTV’s LISA LAPORTA, Interior Designer and organization guru shares some practical tips to help Americans prepare for a move, including smart decisions you can make when moving your belongings from one home to another, the latest on “techorating” – or how to incorporate technology into your new home and the best kept secrets for using your existing belongings to create a brand new look in your new space. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5001 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 6806 | Comments: 0
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The CIGNA Health Awareness Tour Mobile Learning Lab is an experiential exhibit on 18 wheels that helps to raise awareness and understanding of traditional and non-traditional influencers of health. Many health awareness efforts seek to increase individual understanding of the importance of key “numbers” or medical indicators of health, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. While these measures are important, the Mobile Learning Lab takes awareness to a new level, challenging guests to look at health more holistically. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5128 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 6792 | Comments: 0
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Some wounds go deeper than others and nothing helps more than strong arms pulling one tightly in to an even bigger heart. These stories feature women who have survived bitter pasts, and the men who have become stronger for understanding them. Together they can overcome anything, with a love born of compassion. This wonderful anthology is brought to you by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, Sylvia Day, Jamie Denton, Kate Douglas, and Kathy Love. Learn more about the book and its authors here, Author proceeds are donated to the One Way Farm home for abused and abandoned children. Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5136 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 6789 | Comments: 2
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Today from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Pacific Time-US), surgeons from the Swedish Orthopedic Institute will offer people the opportunity to see a knee surgery in a way that has rarely been done before by a health-care system. Sean Toomey, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon, will repair the knee of a 70-year-old male patient, while it is streamed live online. The webcast will be moderated by orthopedic surgeon James Crutcher, M.D. The patient, identified by Dr. Toomey as a candidate for a partial knee replacement procedure, volunteered and consented to have his minimally invasive knee resurfacing surgery streamed on the Internet. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5107 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 6781 | Comments: 0
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Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.* At Kaplan University, we recommend that students look for support and encouragement in those around them. This journey is one that requires commitment and dedication and finding mentors along the way helps to keep students motivated. We want to encourage our students to try new things, to take a variety of courses to help ensure they are well-rounded and prepared when they complete their online college degree. We are an accredited university that believes online courses can enrich your life just as much as attending a course in a brick and mortar classroom.† Our unique approach to distance learning sets us apart from other online colleges. At Kaplan University, we strive to make every resource available to our students to help them succeed in the field they choose. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. †Kaplan University is regionally accredited. See our website for details. “I want to learn from someone who has really been there. I want access to the best minds in the world, access to real leadership. I want to be inspired by people who are inspired, someone who understands the passion and the hunger to create; inspire me. I want to learn from someone who made a difference, from somebody who tried something new and succeeded at it, who broke the rules and are breaking new ground. I want to learn how to make decisions that will make a difference. The world’s preeminent innovators, a timeless exchange of ideas from established experts to aspiring new candidates, a new form for this inspiration is here, at Kaplan University. Until Kaplan [University] and comparable schools did their instruction online, there really hasn’t been appreciable disruption in higher education. If I were to have any advice for a Kaplan University student thinking about an entrepreneurial career path, I would say don’t be afraid to fail. What you want to do is to acquire the habit of trying new things. There’s a saying that you’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind. Finding that right balance between your needs and your profession and your own growth is always something that is evolving. One of the principals I teach is find a wing to climb under and what that means is you need to find someone in your life who can mentor you through different stages of your life. Kaplan [University] provides access to powerful ideas from brilliant thinkers, the practical intelligence and inspiration that are vital to success today and critical for a brighter future. I want to think on a different level. I want to be provoked by original ideas; I want to have a hand in my destiny. I always tell young people, ‘finish your education and don’t rush.’ You actually need education more than you need money. You need ideas, you need to know how to teach yourself, you need to know how things work, you need to be able to look around you and see combinations that other people haven’t seen before. For a Kaplan [University] student thinking about, or interested in, being an innovator I would often say, ‘take a wide range of classes.’ We too quickly pigeon hole people. Reality is that we’re all capable of being so many things. My advice is be broad, understand that things change quickly, and understand what’s happening
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4890 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 6794 | Comments: 0
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A rally racing success story from the Volkswagen team. After victories at the Dakar Rally in 2009 and 2010, it has now presented its latest car in Trier. In Germany’s oldest town, state-of-the-art technology met historical surroundings in an impressive spectacle. Against the breathtaking backdrop of the 2000-year-old amphitheatre in Trier, Volkswagen presented the car that will defend the title at the 2011 Dakar Rally.
Tags // race  dakar  rally  desert  car 
Added: 5312 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m38s | Views: 6764 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated - We figure that some people would give up almost anything for an all inclusive trip to the 2010 World Cup it's the football experience of a lifetime. We want to know what you'd be willing to trade to be in South Africa this year. So tell us What would you
Tags // what  would  you  trade  2010  world  cup  south  africa  hyundai  competition 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 5408 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 6754 | Comments: 2
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A degree in nursing from Kaplan University addresses the challenges and scenarios real nurses work through on a daily basis. Kaplan University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN program) is based on relevant material to help ensure our students are prepared for their careers. Our online nursing degrees are based on flexible coursework; students enrolled in the Kaplan University School of Nursing program are already nurses and there is no easier way to cater to the ever-changing schedule of a nurse than attending university online. We offer our students the courses to help develop their career through program offerings such as an RN-to-MSN option and nurse practitioner certificates.* Nurses don’t just work in hospitals. At Kaplan University, we understand the different capacities in which nurses work and have developed our nursing school online to accommodate all capacities of nursing. We see our nurses follow through with their training in programs that help students progress from their RN to an MSN program online. After years of hard work, our nurses look back at their time spent with Kaplan University and know it was a key element in getting them where they wanted to be. * At this time, the nurse practitioner certificates are available only in the following states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont. “It’s important to Kaplan [University] to make sure that the students have the skill set and the abilities to function well in the world of nursing. We want our graduates to be considered the employees of choice so if they’re in a position or applying for a position, when the employer looks, ‘Oh you graduated from Kaplan [University].’ They know there is a certain currency and a certain relevance to the information and the knowledge they’ve gained. All of our online students are already nurses so they’re out there working in a variety of fields all over the country. We ask our nurses, we ask our students that are in our bachelor’s and our master’s program, what do they think? What’s important to them? We try to think outside the box. Not all nurses work in the hospital. Nurses in the community, nurses in informatics, nurses in education—because when you find something that you’re passionate about, that’s when you’ve learned. Their method of teaching was phenomenal. It was so phenomenal that when I went to take the boards I knew I passed the board. Why? Kaplan [University] taught me how. What makes the Kaplan [University] School of Nursing so unique is the ability to offer the beginning nurse Vocational Nursing diplomas, Practical Nursing diplomas, and then to be able to be with them all throughout their career as they advance and progress with additional diplomas, certificate and degree programs to meet every need. We give them opportunities to build their own professional portfolio throughout the nursing program we encourage the students to hold on to the things that they did well and to refine their skills. All of that are things that are absolutely embedded in the curriculum because we’re all about students’ success. Our students are challenged; they are working adults, they have families, and they have responsibilities, perhaps for children or older relatives. The personal touch is when the students know that the faculty care about them, that the advisors care about them and that people follow up. I initially went with Kaplan [University] because I had a lot of returned calls from them and a lot of encouragement. Being that it was an online school I was nervous about, “What if I need help?” “What if I have a question?” All of the instructors that I had said call me if you have a question, email me if you have a question; I really needed that extra little push to get me started. Our students feel like they really develop a personal relationship with the faculty. We see that when they graduate they’re always interested, if they
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4890 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 6760 | Comments: 0
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Rapid urban growth in emerging nations has rarely been accompanied by foresight and planning. As economies expand, sucking more and more people into towns and cities in search of jobs and prosperity, the up-shot has too often been uncontrolled development, scant regard for building standards and an ugly urban sprawl. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 5437 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 6761 | Comments: 3
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