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Dinosaurs brought busy weekend traffic to a halt on Saturday but thankfully avoided causing a tyrannosaurus wreck. Both residents and tourists of Dubai were stunned to see a convoy of ferocious dinosaurs making their way to their new home in IMG Worlds of Adventure, the world’s largest indoor theme park. Despite being escorted by Dubai police, one dinosaur was reported missing as the caravan roared through the city. A hunt to capture the fugitive dinosaur is on! Anyone spotting it is requested to report their sighting on social media using the hashtag #SpotTheDino. The dinosaurs are a part of a collection of sixty-nine state-of-the-art animatronic creatures created by leading Japanese company Kokoro, which are now installed at IMG Worlds of Adventure, set to open early next year. IMG Worlds of Adventure is owned by IMG Theme Park L.L.C. and comprises four zones: MARVEL, Lost Valley-Dinosaur Adventure, Cartoon Network and IMG Boulevard. IMG Worlds of Adventure will also feature a 12 screen state-of–the-art Novo cinema with 3 VIP theaters and a giant IMAX screen. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3447 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 1179 | Comments: 0



Die ersten reinen Golf-Stromer sind Im Volkswagen Werk Wolfsburg vor einigen Tagen von der Montagelinie gerollt, im Sommer werden wir die ersten e-Golf dann auf unseren Straßen sehen. VW schließt damit als erster Autohersteller einen Kreis, der - innerhalb einer Baureihe - alle heute relevanten Antriebssysteme - Benziner und Diesel, Erdgas-Variante, Plug-in-Hybrid (GTE) und reiner Elektroantrieb - beinhaltet. Der potentielle Käufer hat also die Qual der Wahl, wobei der neue Stromer es am schwersten haben dürfte. 34.900 Euro sind schließlich ein Wort und auch die noch mangelhafte Ladestationen-Infrastruktur dürfte sich auf die Verkaufslust auswirken. Daran ändert auch nichts, dass der Stromer mit seinem niedrigen Verbrauchswert von 12,7 kWh/100 km mit den Energiekosten knausert und damit im Alltag den Geldbeutel schont - pro 100 Kilometer fallen lediglich 3,28 Euro an. Nach VW-Angaben ist der e-Golf damit auch dank eines besonders...
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4001 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 1174 | Comments: 2
    Anyvape Official presentation video. Anyvape's new product Davide Glassomizer has been launched and goes on sale. Features: 1. Innovative tube locking structure design, no industrial glue assembling, simpler and safer. 2. Material, changeable pyrex glass tube, clean, economic and easier maintaining. 3. Customizable, Compatible, Flexible glass tube and atomizer coil match.
Tags // davide 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4241 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 1159 | Comments: 0
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The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, has collaborated with the Department of Homeland Security to launch a new PSA campaign in October to educate the American public in conjunction with National Cyber Security Awareness Month. An extension of the national cybersecurity education and awareness effort, STOP. THINK. CONNECT., the new PSAs provide helpful advice about being more vigilant and practicing safe online habits. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 3795 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1162 | Comments: 2



Urlauber, die erstmals mit einem Wohnmobil in den Urlaub starten möchten, sollten sich optimal vorbereiten. Vor Reiseantritt sollten verschiedene Fahrsituationen geübt werden, wie das Rangieren, Kurven- und Bremsverhalten. Auch über die korrekte Beladung des Wohnmobils, sollten sich Reisende vorab genau informieren. Falsch gesicherte Ladung kann nicht nur die Insassen verletzen, sondern auch die Fahrstabilität des Wohnmobils beeinflussen. Um die Wahl des passenden Wohnmobils zu erleichtern hat der ADAC fünf Modelle getestet. Nachgestellt wurde eine Urlaubsfahrt mit voll beladenen Wohnmobilen der Hersteller Frankia, Adria, Sun Living und Hymer (Gewichtsklasse von 3,3 bis 4,2 Tonnen), mit und ohne ESP. Ergebnis: Beim Ausweichtest könnten ungeübte Fahrer ohne ESP Probleme durch die Schleuderneigung und das Pendeln bekommen. Hier empfiehlt der ADAC die Modelle von Frankia und Hymer (mit ESP), die im ADAC Test das Urteil „gut“ erhielten. Der Adria (mit ESP), der Frankia und der Sun Living (beide ohne ESP) schnitten mit „befriedigend“ ab, der Hymer (gefahren ohne ESP) erreicht ein „ausreichend“. ESP ist zwar kein Wundermittel, das alle Fahrfehler ausbügelt, aber das Regelsystem hilft dem ungeübten Gelegenheitsfahrer in gefährlichen Situationen Unfälle zu vermeiden. Ab dem 1. November 2014 ist übrigens die Ausstattung aller Neufahrzeuge mit ESP vorgeschrieben.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4263 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m33s | Views: 1146 | Comments: 1
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Vier Modelle fallen im aktuellen Winterreifentest glatt durch und erhalten die Note „mangelhaft“. Aufgrund deutlicher Schwächen auf nasser Fahrbahn rät der ADAC vom Kauf des Kormoran Snowpro b2, des Maragoni 4 Winter E+, des Interstate Winter IWT-2 und des Sailun Ice Blazer WSL-2 ab. Verbraucher haben dennoch eine große Auswahl: Insgesamt haben ADAC und Stiftung Warentest 32 Modelle untersucht - elf Reifen erhalten ein „gut“ und sind damit besonders empfehlenswert. Gleich sieben gute Reifenmodelle gibt es in der kleinen Dimension mit der Größe 185/60 R15T (z.B. für Audi A 1, Citroën C3, Fiat Punto Renault Clio, VW Polo). Testsieger mit Bestnoten auf nasser Fahrbahn sowie auf Schnee und auf Eis ist der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850. Der neu entwickelte Dunlop Winter Response-2 überzeugt die Tester besonders auf nasser Fahrbahn, auf Schnee und beim Kraftstoffverbrauch. Ebenfalls sparsam ist der Semperit Speed-Grip 2. Der Michelin Alpin A4 glänzt beim Verschleiß und der Nokian WR D3 überzeugt auf trockener Fahrbahn. Bei den größeren Reifen (225/45 R17H z.B. für Audi A 3, Mercedes C-Klasse, Opel Astra, Skoda Oktavia) schneiden vier Produkte mit „gut“ ab. Drei Modelle setzen nach Ansicht der Tester besondere Akzente: Der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850 mit der Topbewertung auf Schnee, der Bridgestone Blizzak LM-32S mit der Bestnote auf Nässe und der Michelin Alpin A4 mit dem geringsten Verschleiß. Der ADAC Winterreifentest hat insgesamt 18 Prüfkategorien und bietet somit dem Verbraucher umfassende Informationen. Es wird unter anderem ein Praxistest auf einer verschneiten Passstraße, umfangreiche Brems- und Ausweichversuche auf Nässe, Schnee und Eis sowie Tests zu Verschleiß und Kraftstoffverbrauch durchgeführt. Im Gegensatz dazu bietet das EU-Reifenlabel nur Informationen zu Rollwiderstand, Nassbremsen und Außenfahrgeräusch - wie wintertauglich ein Pneu ist, zeigt es nicht.
Tags // winter  reifen  winterreifen  test  adac 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4166 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 1146 | Comments: 1



As N.Y.C NEW YORK COLOR’s ambassador since January 2015, Demi Lovato is celebrating her first anniversary by launching the highly anticipated “Lovatics Collection,” as a thank you to her loyal fans, the Lovatics. Demi seamlessly manages to emulate her cool and fashionable lifestyle through the collection allowing fans the ability to create their own unique city approved looks. “I am so excited to share my first makeup line with N.Y.C NEW YORK COLOR. The Lovatics collection is a true representation of my bold style and provides endless opportunities to rock your own individuality. One of my personal favorites, the Palette Eyeshadow, is a must-have that allows you to create your own unique look with 12 versatile nude shades!” – says Demi Lovato. The new fashionable Lovatics by Demi Eyeshadow Palette ($4.99) features 12 nude shades and allows you to channel Demi’s confidence all while showcasing your natural beauty. Your eyes will look naturally effortless with the Natural shades. Lovatics by Demi Lip and Cheek Tint ($3.99) will have you blushing because of its unique see-through texture and color. Go ahead, apply two strokes on the apple of your cheek with a brush or your fingers and blend it in for an instantly upbeat look. Then apply on your lips, adding more coats to build color to create a bolder, sexier look. You will radiate as the long lasting formula adapts to your unique skin tone, matching your cheek and lips without missing a New York minute. N.Y.C NEW YORK COLOR by Demi Lip and Cheek Tint comes in these four seductive shades. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3320 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 1148 | Comments: 0
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Subaru of America, Inc. and Center for Pet Safety (CPS), a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit research and consumer advocacy organization, announced today the results of the 2015 Crate and Carrier Crashworthiness Studies - a collaborative initiative to examine the effectiveness and safety of pet crates and carriers in the event of a crash. After several eye-opening and informative tests - including instances of complete failure - three top products emerged; CPS has selected the Gunner Kennels G1 Intermediate with 8’ Tie Down Straps as the 2015 Top Performing Crate and both the PetEgo Forma Frame Jet Set Carrier with ISOFIX-Latch Connection and Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed with PPRS Handilock as the 2015 Top Performing Carriers. To view the multimedia news release, go to
Added: 3499 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m7s | Views: 1143 | Comments: 2
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Bu videoda göreceğiniz Yeni Zelanda\'da koruma altında olan Kea\'ların ne kadar zeki ve yaramaz hayvanlar olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Bu haylaz kuşların süper eğlenceli hikayesi.
Tags // yeni  zelanda  kea  video  kus  zeki  hayvan  haylaz  yaramaz  komik 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4436 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 9m51s | Views: 1139 | Comments: 1



Only 3 vehicles of more than 100 evaluated by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety have child restraint installation hardware that earns a good rating for ease of use, while more than half have hardware that is poor or marginal. The Institute's new LATCH ratings will serve as a resource for families looking for a vehicle that makes it easy to transport their children safely. They also are intended to encourage vehicle manufacturers to pay attention to this equipment and make improvements. Properly installed, age-appropriate child restraints provide considerably more protection for children in crashes than safety belts alone. However, observational studies have found that parents and caregivers often fail to secure them tightly or make other installation mistakes. LATCH, which stands for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children, is intended to make it easier to install a child seat properly. It works: Child restraints installed with LATCH, rather than with vehicle safety belts, are more likely to be installed correctly, research has shown. But in many vehicles, LATCH hardware could be better. Parents are more likely to install the seat correctly when the LATCH hardware meets certain key ease-of-use criteria.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Family 
Added: 3536 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 1142 | Comments: 3
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Galderma, a leading global pharmaceutical company exclusively focused on dermatology, today announced that the European Commission has granted Marketing Authorisation in Europe for Mirvaso® (brimonidine) 3 mg/g gel. Mirvaso® is an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist that acts rapidly and can last for up to 12 hours.1 It is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of facial erythema (redness) of rosacea in adult patients. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4011 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 1137 | Comments: 1
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Colored Caps is the starting point for the campaign that sees the iconic Tuborg bottle as it’s never been seen before. The caps will come alive in 5 new colors, where each color is tied to a particular mood and set to be a trigger for having fun. Inviting people to Play, Feel, Dance and Share. The new campaign will see the colors used in numerous creative ways from unexpected events to artistic interventions in bars and supermarkets. The center of the launch of the new campaign is a film that aims to inspire people to live more colorful. A story that begins with the question “What happens when 3 friends tell their boss 
about last night”. In the story that has been dubbed “Last Night”, we follow the 3 friends through a thrilling and unexpected fun journey into the night, culminating in the ending scene on a beautiful beach the morning after. “Last Night” is a celebration of young people having fun together. Coming to live in an explosion of colors, fun and humor. The story demonstrates how Tuborg always aspire to bring colors of fun to people. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3565 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 1130 | Comments: 1
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