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Hot To | Taking The Best Instagram Pictures | Top 5 picture Tips | How To Take Amazing Instagram Images | How To Take Better Instagram Photos | How to take Perfect Instagram Photo I'm showing you how to take the best Instagram photos. I have put togeather a list of the Top 5 tips to have perfect Instagram photos. This definitely works and it's helped me take amazing Instagram pictures! Check Sean out -
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Added: 2848 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 775 | Comments: 0
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Find top Celebrity Makeup Artist and beauty expert in New York City. Lana G. is a well-known beauty expert in NYC who specializes in bridal and celebrity makeup. Call us today at 917 860 1500 for booking.
Tags // celebrity  makeup  artist 
Added: 4262 days ago by Bridalbeauty
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 778 | Comments: 2
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Bilim Karşısındaki Engelleri Aşmak (Break the Science Barrier) - Bölüm 1 Richard Dawkins bilim alanında tanıdık bir isim. Çok satan bir dizi kitabı, Gen Bencildir, Kör Saatçi ve Olasılıksızlık Dağına Tırmanmak (Kuzey Yayınları tarafından Türkçe'ye çevriliyor) ile evrim hakkındaki bakışımızı değiştirdi. Bu yıl (1995) Bilimin Halkça Anlaşılması kürsüsünün ilk Oxford'lı profesörü oldu. Şimdi de bilime bakışımızı değiştirmek istiyor. Bu çok ağır bir top. Gerçek bir gülleden daha ağır çünkü dayanıklı kurşundan yapıldı. İnsan kafasından on kat daha ağır. Şimdi sizden istediğim bu noktaya doğru gitmeniz, topu burnunuza doğru tutmanız. Topu bırakın ve aynı noktada durun. Newton'ın enerji korunumu kanunu nedeniyle bu topun burnunuzun ucunda aniden durup size zarar vermeyeceğinden emin olabilirsiniz. Şu anda bu deneye katılmak isteyen gönüllü var mı? O halde kendim yapmak durumundayım. Asıl sorun bilimin doğal hayatımızın bir parçası olmamasıdır. Hepimiz bu deneyde bir tehlike olmadığını bilmeliyiz. Bilimin bize böyle söylediğini bilmeliyiz. Ancak belli ki hepimiz böyle yapmıyoruz. Benim bu programdaki amacım ise bilimin hayatımızda neden önemli bir yer tutması gerektiğini göstermek. Bilime sırtımızı döndüğümüz ve bilim karşıtlığını kucakladığımız an, yüzyüze kalacağımız tehlikeleri göstermeyi umuyorum. Ve bilimin ne yapabileceğini anlamadan alacağımız riskleri... Başlamak için en uygun yer her şeyin başlangıcına gitmek olacak. Evrenin kökeni hakkında bilmediğimiz çok şey var ve araştırmaya devam etmeliyiz. Fakat evrimsel yaşamın büyük resmi hiç şüpheye yer bırakmayacak şekilde ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünya yaklaşık 4.5 milyar yaşında. Ve kısa bir süre sonra, ilk bir milyar yılda ilk canlı hücreler ortaya çıktı ve bunun ardından hepimiz türedik, tüm bitkiler, tüm hayvanlar, tüm insanlar... Bu kanıtlanmış bir olgudur. Tüm canlılar hepimiz kuzeniz. Bilim insanları bunu, dünyanın düz değil, yuvarlak olması veya Dünya'nın diğer şekilde değil de Güneş'in etrafında dönmesi gibi kabul ederler. Buna inanmamak gülünç olur.
Added: 2975 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 772 | Comments: 2
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Less than a year into a new Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ratings program for front crash prevention, auto manufacturers are making strides in adopting the most beneficial systems with automatic braking capabilities and are offering the features on a wider variety of models. Twenty-one of 24 cars and SUVs, all 2014 models unless noted, earn an advanced or higher rating in the latest round of IIHS evaluations.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3944 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 770 | Comments: 1
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Later this year, Hyundai will be the first mainstream automaker to launch an augmented reality owner's manual app. The Hyundai Virtual Guide app is the brand's modern take on the traditional owner's manual, allowing consumers to use their smartphone or tablet computer to get how-to information for repairs, maintenance and vehicle features. At launch, the Hyundai Virtual Guide is compatible with the 2015 Sonata model, and will soon become available for additional models. The new app recognizes more than 45 major features of the Sonata and is available for free download on the Apple App store and Google Play. Hyundai used quality consumer survey results to determine the top difficult-to-use features to incorporate into the Virtual Guide. The app also contains 82 how-to videos, six 3D overlay images that appear once users scan areas of their vehicle like the engine bay and more than 50 informational guides. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3413 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 766 | Comments: 0
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Just 15 vehicles qualify for the TOP SAFETY PICK+ award from IIHS after the requirements were strengthened to include good-rated headlights and good or acceptable passenger-side protection in small overlap front crashes. Another 47 vehicles earn the TOP SAFETY PICK award, which now requires acceptable or good headlights. In contrast, headlights weren’t factored in for 2017 TOP SAFETY PICK, and an acceptable headlight rating was enough to bump a 2017 award winner into "plus" territory. The inclusion of a passenger-side crash test is a first for any IIHS award. The Institute developed the passenger-side small overlap front crash test after it became clear that some manufacturers weren't paying sufficient attention to the passenger side as they made improvements to achieve better performance in the driver-side small overlap front test.
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Added: 2656 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 773 | Comments: 2
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The number of vehicles earning either of two awards from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has jumped to 71 from 39 this time last year, giving consumers more choices for optimum protection in crashes. The number of winners in the top tier — TOP SAFETY PICK+ — has increased by 11 for 2015, despite a tougher standard for front crash prevention. While the bar has been raised for TOP SAFETY PICK+, the criteria for TOP SAFETY PICK are unchanged from 2014: a good or acceptable rating in the challenging small overlap front test and a good rating in each of the Institute's four other crashworthiness evaluations — moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraints. The 2015 TOP SAFETY PICK+ designation is awarded to vehicles that meet those criteria and also have an available front crash prevention system that earns an advanced or superior rating.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3736 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 769 | Comments: 1
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The statistics on food waste are alarming. Nearly all Americans are guilty of tossing edible food both before and after it hits their plates. The good news is, it’s easy to make small changes that can save a family of four up to $1,500 a year in food bills. That’s the message being delivered on Stop Food Waste Day by foodservice leader Compass Group, food manufacturer Unilever, and Top Chef personality, Tom Colicchio. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2887 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m43s | Views: 757 | Comments: 2
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Robert Johnson Project From: ZZ Top - 1980 - Rockpalast Live in Essen
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4243 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 756 | Comments: 0
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Hi, Rudy here, to tell you how to protect your eyes from disease. First, let’s start with Krill Oil. Neptune Krill Oil is now at the top of the list for omega 3 oil since it is found in Antarctica where there is little or no pollution. Krill oil has less dangerous levels of mercury and lead. It also has phospholipids that fish oil does not have, which helps to build your cell membranes.
Tags // how  to  get  rid  of  floaters  in  your  eyes  msm  eye  drops  benefits 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1752 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m18s | Views: 756 | Comments: 0
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Your working day in and day out on your website/blog and it’s not making as much money as you think it should. What is going on? Maybe you have fallen into the trap of making a couple of these mistakes. In this video you will learn the top 6 mistakes that entrepreneurs are making and they don’t even know it.
Tags // money  time  management  business  blog  website 
Added: 3848 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 753 | Comments: 3
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Kelley Blue Book, the vehicle valuation and information source trusted and relied upon by both consumers and the automotive industry, today announces the winners of the 2017 Kelley Blue Book Best Buy Awards, honoring the top new model-year vehicle choices available in the U.S. market. The 2017 Honda Civic is named Kelley Blue Book’s Overall Best Buy of 2017, alongside Best Buy Award winners in 12 major vehicle categories. The Kelley Blue Book Best Buy Awards are designed to provide a significant service to new-car buyers by identifying the cream of the crop of all available 2017 model-year vehicles. The awards are the culmination of a year-long regimen of expert vehicle evaluation and testing of nearly every new vehicle available in America, along with analysis of a broad swath of vehicle-related data, including vehicle pricing/transaction prices, 5-Year Cost to Own data (which includes depreciation, insurance, maintenance, financing, fuel, fees and taxes for new cars), consumer reviews and ratings, and vehicle sales/retail sales information. Of more than 300 new-car models available for 2017, Kelley Blue Book’s expert editors initially narrowed the field to a few dozen Best Buy Award contenders in 12 major vehicle categories and then spent several weeks testing and evaluating all of the finalists head-to-head to ultimately determine the winners. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // best  buy  awards  kelley  blue  book  auto  car  vehicle  honda  civic  multivu  7952451 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3043 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 756 | Comments: 0
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