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Ein völlig neues Konzept für einen Mehrzweck-Roller stellen Wissenschaftler von TUM CREATE auf der 3. Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show (EV Taiwan) vor: Das Zwei-Rad-Konzept-Fahrzeug VOI hat seinen Namen von dem vietnamesischen Wort für Elefant? ein Symbol für sicheren und intelligenten Transport. Studierende der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und Singapurs Nanyang Technological University (NTU) entwickelten und bauten es gemeinsam in Singapur. Mit dem Konzept VOI verfolgen die Studierenden das Ziel, einen agilen und erschwinglichen Zwei-Rad-Transporter zu entwickeln, der die Sicherheit eines Autos bietet. Kompakt und manövrierfähig ist der Elektroroller das ideale Vehikel für dicht besiedelte Megastädte, in denen Staus ein permanentes Problem darstellen. Eine geschlossene Passagierkabine verleiht dem Chassis zusätzliche Steifigkeit und schützt den Insassen. Der Fahrer sitzt hinten erhöht und überblickt das Verkehrsgeschehen. Mit dem VOI kommt der Passagier schnell und sicher von Ort zu Ort, selbst wenn sich der Autoverkehr staut. Damit ist der Elektroroller auch eine ideale Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr, indem er die Wege zwischen den Stationen bedient. Doch der VOI ist nicht nur auf den Personentransport begrenzt: Sein Vorbau kann auch Güter transportieren oder eine mobile Küche. Das effiziente Elektrofahrzeug entlastet die städtische Umwelt, da es selbst keine Abgase erzeugt. Dank seiner Leichtbaukonstruktion besitzt es eine Reichweite von 80 Kilometern. Seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei 45 Kilometern pro Stunde.
Tags // elektroantrieb  roller  scooter  tum 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4285 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1221 | Comments: 1
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2014 will mark the fifth consecutive year of restaurant industry sales growth despite a continued challenging economic landscape, according to the National Restaurant Association’s 2014 Restaurant Industry Forecast released today. Industry sales are projected to exceed $683 billion in 2014, up 3.6 percent from 2013’s sales volume of $659.3 billion. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4011 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m8s | Views: 1220 | Comments: 0
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Exclusive to Coles Facebook fans, a new One Direction competition has launched! There are 20 x 3 tickets up for grabs to see One Direction live at the Coles exclusive Sydney matinee concert on 6/10/13, PLUS 200 x $25 Coles gift cards to be won. Head to for more. #Coles1D Prize is tickets only and does not include travel expenses.
Tags // exclusive  facebook 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4215 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 1212 | Comments: 0
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Perfect for graduates just starting out, entrepreneurs and anyone desiring to create a new future, The Power of Nothing (January 2014; Sourcebooks, Simple Truths; ISBN 9781608102693;Hard Cover; $15.95 U.S.) by leadership coach Barbara Zerfoss provides a uniquely simple 3-step approach on how to open up to a blank page and achieve success in life or career. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3879 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 1211 | Comments: 2
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Trekking through the Himalaya (with a short stop at Mt. Everest’s base camp), sailing the Ganges River, crossing the North Pacific Ocean on a container ship, meditating with monks in a Tibetan monastery – these are not the typical activities you might expect during a family vacation with two young children. But the Kirkby family is on an extraordinary adventure halfway around the globe – and inviting everyone to come along. Travel Channel’s mesmerizing and cinematic new series, “Big Crazy Family Adventure,” premiering Sunday, June 21 with back-to-back episodes at 9:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, follows wilderness guide, writer and award-winning photographer Bruce Kirkby throughout this epic trip – from his home in Kimberley, British Columbia, to a remote monastery in the Himalaya – with his wife, Christine Pitkanen, and their two young boys: Bodi, 7 and Taj, 3. There’s just one catch: on their 13,000-mile adventure they won’t be taking ANY airplanes. To fully experience the life-changing and serendipitous moments that exploring the world provides, they’ll get to their final destination through surface travel only – canoe, container ship, ferry, high-speed train, river boat, tuk tuk, pony, their own eight feet and more. The series is comprised of nine, hour-long episodes. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3558 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 1204 | Comments: 0
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Discussion About Love Of Allah And Contentment From Allah (swt) By Daee Ahmed Moait
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  love  contentment 
Added: 4266 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 10m-0s | Views: 1195 | Comments: 1
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Für Deutschlands größten Industrie-Konzern war nach 2012 zum dritten Mal in Folge ein neues Rekordjahr. Die 12 Volkswagen-Tochterunternehmen lieferten 9,3 Millionen Fahrzeuge aus. Das bedeutet gegenüber dem Vorjahr ein beeindruckendes Plus von einer Million Autos. Im Geschäftsjahr 2012 hat der VW-Konzern ein Nachsteuerergebnis von 21,9 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet. Das sind noch einmal 6,1 Milliarden mehr als im Vorjahr und damit das beste Ergebnis in der Unternehmensgeschichte.Trotz der allgegenwärtigen Krisenstimmung konnte der VW-Konzern zum Teil erhebliche Marktanteile hinzugewinnen. In China waren es noch einmal 25 Prozent, in den USA 34 Prozent und in Russland sogar 41 Prozent Zuwachs.Trotz aller Hindernisse ist Volkswagen weiterhin im Plan, um, wie geplant, 2018 an die Weltspitze zu gelangen. Nach eigenem Bekunden wollen die Wolfsburger aber nicht nur in Sachen Zulassungen und Umsatz weltweit die Nummer eins werden. Der VW-Konzern will bis zum Jahr 2018 als der stärkste, fairste und ökologischste Autobauer gelten.
Tags // vw  konzern  wolfsburg 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4319 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 1187 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated In this episode of Nina Harley's Guide To Sex, Nina talks about being bi curious and how to have a great sexual experience with someone of the same sex. Don't forget to use Offer Code NINA at the checkout at to get 50% OFF on almost ANY ITEM, 3 FREE Bonus DVDs, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Shipping on your ENTIRE ORDER.
Tags // guide  to  sex 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4343 days ago by ninabitoniguidetosex
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 1174 | Comments: 1
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The official music video for Woo Child's "Don't I".
Lead Single off the Heirs EP produced by @JBJRofficial Woo Child's Music has been featured on TV and Video Games, including Target's Bullseye University, WWE Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown, as well as the video games "UFC Undisputed 3" and "Saint's Row 3". Versatile, talented, and honest, Woo Child is rapidly making a name for himself as a true up and comer in the fiercely competitive hip hop game. A relentless work ethic and skilled flow is vaulting Woo Child to new heights, as he writes and performs all of his own music, which is garnering interest across the country through internet marketing and free downloads. After the free release of Woo Child Presents: Industry Takeover and generating thousands of downloads by fans all over the world, he began crafting his current project, ?Anywhere?."
Tags // woo  child  dont  i  dont  i  woo  child  rive  video  rive  rap  hip  hop  official  music  video  official 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3886 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 1175 | Comments: 0
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The just-released 2014 Salary Guides from Robert Half show that U.S. starting salaries for professional occupations are projected to increase an average of 3.7 percent next year. Technology positions are expected to see the largest gains among all fields researched, with an anticipated 5.6 percent increase in the average salary for newly hired workers. Accounting and finance professionals can expect starting salaries to rise an average of 3.4 percent, according to the research. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4105 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1173 | Comments: 0
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I was inspired to write this song shortly after I had first watched a video by Danai Moraiti which was her performing a Greek song "i garsona (Panos Tountas)" on her electric piano. What really captured my heart was her most beautiful smile at the end of her performance. I have never seen such a smile in all of this world. From that moment on, I ordained her to be my QUEEN OF SMILES !!!! .... That was well over a year ago as I had encountered a problem after I had already sang the lyrics that I had written for this song. I didn't know then as I do not know now, how to pronounce her name in English .... A most embarrassing dilemma .... In English, the combination of "ai" creates a long vowel "A"sound but her name is in Greek. I spent over a month researching her name on Google and I asked people who were European but nobody knew for sure and so I abandoned this song. I didn't know Danai as well back then and I did not wish to mispronounce her name but we are such good friends now that I feel more comfortable in taking this risk. If I am wrong on the pronunciation of her name, I will then wear a tutu and dance the Nutcracker for DANAI as we go fishing. You can see and hear more of Danai here LYRICS Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Danai and me go fishing by the sea ... She and me ... "She and me." We shall catch a fish or maybe 2 or 3 ... We'll see ... "We shall see." I'll bring the poles and she'll bring the worms. I'll bait the hooks and then we'll take turns casting our lines out into the bay where we shall fish onto the break of day. Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3218 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 1172 | Comments: 2
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Top Hybrids and Electric Cars Must Buy 2016 [ Buying Guide ] Top Recommended Hybrids and Electric Cars List Car you need to buy: ====== 2016 Tesla Model S ======== We owned a 2013 Tesla Model S for 18 months and despite numerous dealer visits and maintenance issues, we were ultimately sad to see it go. It's quick, comfortable, quiet, spacious, and can tote as much cargo as some crossover SUVs. The "85" version can go 265 miles on a charge, so range anxiety is a nonissue. We even drove ours from L.A. to New York in less than three days using Tesla's free Supercharger quick-charge network. We definitely have gripes, including some underwhelming interior trim pieces and a lack of small item storage. There's also the below-average reliability, although our dealer experiences were exceptional. So even though it's not perfect, the Model S remains our favorite electric car. ============2016 Kia Soul EV============ Kia's first real foray into the electric vehicle world is a success. In fact, the funky Soul is arguably more appealing when it swaps out its internal combustion engine for an electric motor. In our testing, the Soul EV went farther on a charge than its similarly sized and priced competitors, and then recharged quickly thereafter. It also doesn't suffer a reduction in cargo space versus the non-EV Soul, meaning it provides the utility of a small SUV rather than that of a small hatchback like its rivals. A long warranty and generous features are other benefits. ===============2015 BMW i3============= BMW's i3 is a remarkable vehicle. Its main structure is made of light yet strong carbon fiber instead of the usual steel or aluminum. This helps reduce the i3's weight, which pays dividends for both electric range and performance. With its electric motor in back and the battery under the floor, the i3 boasts sporty acceleration and handling. ======= 2015 BMW i8 =========== You want your plug-in hybrid to be a head-turning sports car? Look no further than the BMW i8, the two-door supercar for the environmentally conscious. Like the more attainable BMW i3, the i8 is built around a carbon-fiber passenger cell. But in the i8 an electric motor drives the front wheels and a turbocharged three-cylinder gasoline engine pushes from behind. ===== Luxury Hybrid 2016 Porsche Panamera E-Hybrid ===== Porsche's flagship sedan is the Panamera, a low-slung four-door with a hatchback trunk. The 2016 Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid is the plug-in hybrid version, and it offers 16 miles of pure electric driving before the supercharged 3.0-liter gasoline V6 engine takes over. Acceleration, handling and braking are pure Porsche, which is something of a trick for a car this large. It's perfect for those shoppers ======= Hybrid SUV 2016 Toyota Highlander Hybrid ========= No other automaker bothers to offer a hybrid version of its three-row SUV. But Toyota's Highlander Hybrid doesn't earn a spot in our Buying Guide purely by default. It continues to show just how well the hybrid formula can be applied to a big, family-friendly crossover SUV. The hybrid version earns a 28 mpg combined estimate, or 7-8 mpg better than the V6-powered Highlander. In addition to that, the Highlander Hybrid offers solid build quality, respectable acceleration, a sophisticated and quiet ride quality and plenty of standard and available features. ====== 2016 Toyota Camry Hybrid 2016 Toyota Prius ===== Substantial changes last year vaulted the Toyota Camry Hybrid onto our top-recommended list. Although it doesn't quite match the fuel economy of some competitors, the real-world cost of that difference is negligible. Plus, dismissing the Camry simply because of an mpg or two would mean missing out on an otherwise compelling sedan. Comfort remains a Camry priority, but this latest Camry Hybrid also handles pretty well. ====== Hybrid Cars 2016 Ford Fusion Hybrid / Energi ===== The 2016 Ford Fusion Hybrid is a great choice for car shoppers who are new to hybrids. It's quiet, comfortable and feels very much like a normal family sedan, while delivering the fuel economy you expect from a hybrid. It's also a Ford Fusion, which means you also get impressive refinement, good road manners and plenty of standard and available high-tech features. ======= 2016 Volkswagen e-Golf ===== Among entry-level EVs, the Volkswagen e-Golf is our favorite. It handles well, has a handsome interior, delivers class-competitive range and has the optimal equipment for quick battery recharging. What's even better, cargo space is unchanged from the non-EV Golf because the batteries are located under the floor.
Added: 3211 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 6m49s | Views: 1167 | Comments: 3
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