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Results 49-60 of 1000 for ' most ' (0 seconds) Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5855 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 11167 | Comments: 0
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The G.O.D. boys Douglas Young and Ben Lau did it again. They turned Hong Kong upside down with the most outrageous party of the year. Bringing together a high energy group of hip hop ballers, fashionistas, the ultra chic underground, and of course, all the pretty boyz. Half naked models all around and if you felt like getting your own kit off a game of strip poker was wide open. 24 Herbs, the edgy cantonese hip hop band kept the crowd crazed while FINDS restaurant made sure endless cocktails flowed down the throats of the super fabs. Catch a glimpse of what you missed, or cannot remember, at www.SO-U.TV. For more information on how you can be in the spotlight too contact
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6239 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m32s | Views: 11143 | Comments: 2
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Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5855 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 11109 | Comments: 0
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If you kill yourself at the gym to get that tight, firm butt to perky perfection then you owe it to yourself and maybe your special somebody to show it off. Liz McClarnon teams up with Andrex to launch sexy limited edition knickers designed to celebrate the launch of the most luxurious toilet tissue ever, Andrex® Shea Butter.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Sexy 
Added: 5725 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 11101 | Comments: 2



The Times of India “A Day in the Life of Chennai” advertisement won the historic first Cannes Golden Lion for a film from India. It was produced by Good Morning films ( The main crew that set out to shoot this film was not unlike a task force from the UN. UP-ite, Bengali, Punjabi, Parsi, Malayalee, Hyderabadi, Englishman from Australia and Germany and of course Tamilians of Chennai all comprised the backgrounds of the chief technicians of this film. Jason West (of “Rock on” fame) was entrusted with shooting the Times Of India film and the music was produced by Vijay Anthony and sung by the renowned female folk singer Chinnaponnu. The location used was Kasimedu - Chennai’s Dharavi, Dongri and Kamatipura all rolled into one. Surprisingly this underbelly of Chennai proved to be not only the most exciting but also the most cooperative and accommodating for our shoot. The cutouts from the ad ranged from 12 to 50 feet! With the monstrous size of 50 feet also came the nightmarish logistics that were minor issues compared to the fact that all cut outs (except those of the ruling party) were banned from being put up in the city of Chennai! Some swift maneuvering so in some cases, we had to just had to sneak in, get our shots and get out without disrupting normal activity and attract unwanted attention! The official permission letter for shooting on the various public locations across Chennai reached us only on Day 2 of the shoot and that too with allotted time slots which were the complete opposite of what was requested in the shooting plan submitted to the cops! Brilliant maneuvering by the production team and some kamikaze shooting techniques adapted by director Bob and DOP Jason resulted in some of the memorable shots and moments of the film.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5701 days ago by goodmorningfilms
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 11099 | Comments: 1
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The Reptilian Agenda will be filmed in 2010. There has been several attempts to stop the making of the film in the past 3 years. The Film will be made despite unusual negative interest outside of the film industry while most of the original Production team mysteriously left without reason. The film is now confirmed to shoot this year by Tyreece Motion Pictures- Independent Film Makers. Mike the founder of Tyreece Motion Pictures stated the film will be made even if I have to finance it myself. For detial email:
Added: 5487 days ago by Media2000uk
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 11093 | Comments: 0
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Cooking is an emotional thing. Most chefs would agree with that. However, what happens if someone decides to do things differently and change a tried and tested routine? Are convenience and ready-made meals the real deal or is it rather the good old sumptuous steak straight out of the frying pan?
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5990 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 11083 | Comments: 2



Close-Up TV News recognizes SB International for its commitment to providing quality products to the energy sector and its advocacy for the exploration of alternative fuels. From the drills used to extract oil to the pipelines needed to transmit natural gas, steel remains one of the most vital resources for American and International industry. But while there are many domestic producers of steel, there still exists a gap between need and demand that can only be met through the import of steel products. Founded in 1981, SB International ( specializes in importing steel and other steel products for distribution throughout North America. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5128 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m27s | Views: 11074 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Flowers: unusual strange amazing ugly funny beautiful flowers-Beauty of Nature inspirational video
Categories // Music  Family  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5815 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 11046 | Comments: 4
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Embassy is one of the most interesting of new galleries to open in Hong Kong. It is a incubator for new and emerging artists. Meet the founder, Gary Kramer and take a close look at this fascinating new creative space. Take a tour with us at
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6116 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 11029 | Comments: 2



Close-Up TV News recognizes the Orthopaedic & Spine Institute for its remarkable commitment to quality care, providing relief to thousands of patients. Spine surgery has advanced significantly over the past decade, allowing for more reliable outcomes, less surgical morbidity and quicker recovery. Dr Steven Cyr of the Orthopaedic & Spine Institute in San Antonio ( offers some of the country’s most advanced training, compassionate care and individualized treatment options to help eliminate back and neck pain and improve his patients’ quality of life. To view MultiMedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5254 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 7m37s | Views: 10971 | Comments: 0
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Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5855 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 10941 | Comments: 0
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