We at
51FIFTY believe in following our dreams. Fear of failing is not
something we are familiar with. We have strong beliefs and do not care
if they sound crazy or extreme. We mark our own paths, walk the walk
and talk the talk. Everyday we look at how we can better ourselves and
enhance the world around us. We wake up in the morning excited about
the day ahead of us because we know that we will make the best of that
day. We believe in ourselves and do not fear the challenges that we
will face. We are in control of what we do and how we feel. Most people
do not understand how we can do this. This is because we are unique, we
are alive, we are 51FIFTY. We bring to you the life style
of 51FIFTY. For the ones who might not know, 51FIFTY (5150) is the
California penal code for crazy. Our kind have been called crazy over
the years but never thought much of it. We at 51FIFTY want to express
ourselves and show that we are more than the simple world around us. We
take on life’s challenges and never give up. We live life to the
fullest, set our goals and follow our dreams. We feel alive and bring
intensity to everything around us. We do this because we have a passion
for life. We at 51 FIFTY would like to share this
excitement for life by presenting you our 51FIFTY Energy Drink line of
products. Whether it’s a regular, sugar-free or extreme pick-me-up,
we’ve got what you need. We make things happen, we are not afraid, we are 51FIFTY! Healthy fast food using dairy free sauce also curry,chilli and gravy and other sauces to create different dishes everyday to look forward to. Making friends with vegetables will be your greatest ally against disease and helping keeping you slim. Debbie also talks about how you can get raw food into your diet and enjoy it even in the winter. You can see even if you are very lazy (as Debbie admits she is ) there is no excuse to not eat healthy . Adding sprouted seeds to foods after cooking ensures you don\\\'t destroy the enzymes and feed your cells too. This will help with reducing cravings as pointed out autopsies in America ( and other westernised nations) show we are overfed by actually suffering signs of malnutrition. When you live on a diet of highly processed foods the body will send out hunger signals (for many reasons) one of them being an hour or so after eating it realizes there is missing nutrients in this meal, go and get me some please. We interpret this as being hungry and go and eat the first thing we come across and the whole cycle continues. There is a link above to Debbie Williams hypnosis and NLP recording Lean for Life download this and ditch the dairy can help you to break the addiction that many junk foods as well as so called marketed health foods ie \\\'milk and dairy foods have on you. You wouldn\\\'t get down on your hands and knees in a field and suckle of a cow would you? Why not include rat milk or horse milk? One of the reasons we get addicted to dairy is that it contains caso-morphine to ensure the baby has a big desire to drink lots of it. By the time we are 4 years or age most of us lose the ability to fully digest the sugar in milk (lactose) as this is the time we should be fully weaned of our mother\\\'s milk . Drinking milk in adulthood can lead to all sorts of problems one of the best resources for more info is Robert Cohen\\\'s website or my ditch the dairy recording.
At 90, Marjorie McFadden found herself unable to swallow. At Stanford Hospital & Clinics, she found innovative care that restored her ability to enjoy food again. Stanford digestive surgeon, Homero Rivas, MD, performed a per oral endoscopic myotomy, or POEM, to correct McFadden's achalasia, an unusual tightening of the muscles at the lower end of the esophagus. For McFadden's full story:
In Texas, football and those Friday night lights are true to people’s hearts – but the importance of hydration may not always be top of mind. Representatives from Nestlé® Pure Life® recently visited a local Texas youth and football cheer practice to help inspire the coaches and parents to make healthy choices for their families and join the Nestlé Pure Life Hydration Movement. To encourage the kids to drink water and stay hydrated during practice, Nestlé Pure Life donated more than 12,000 bottles of water to the League.
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What works up a thirst more than one William Levy? Try six! The seduction begins today as Pepsi NEXT®, the only cola to deliver real cola taste with 60% less sugar, and Levy debut the “Wheel of Levy,” the brand’s latest mission to get America to Drink it to Believe it. The actor flexes his acting muscles to showcase six versatile personas in hot pursuit of one united goal — to get America to try a Pepsi NEXT – for free.
Simply visit to spin the “Wheel of Levy,” decide on which Levy compels you to give into the unbelievable taste of Pepsi NEXT and register to receive a 2 Liter of Pepsi NEXT. And don’t worry; there is a Levy for everyone.
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Seattle’s Best Coffee, together with innovative food manufacturer Inventure Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNAK)—the company responsible for bringing the “at home” frozen smoothie category to life in grocery store freezers three years ago—today unveiled Seattle’s Best Coffee® Frozen Coffee Blends, available in grocery, club and mass merchandise stores nationwide. Part of Starbucks corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX), Seattle’s Best brings great coffee to new and unexpected places. The blended coffee drink category continues to grow, with U.S. sales surging to $4.3 billion last year[1].
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The FRS Company announced a major national promotion with Tim Tebow that will kick off this month. The campaign, titled “Time with Tebow,” brings the famed professional football quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner to fans across the country.
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Finding yourself stranded in your car due to treacherous conditions like snow, ice, poor visibility and slick roads only to discover you have junk in the trunk, rather than the necessary roadside emergency supplies, can place you and your family in jeopardy.
According to a new survey by State Farm® and KRC Research, more than 60 percent of drivers had some sort of “junk” (non-emergency supplies) in their trunk ranging from extra clothes and shoes to used food or drink containers. While 99 percent of drivers had at least one emergency supply in their vehicle, such as spare tire or jumper cables, a mere nine percent carried all the essential emergency roadside supplies.
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