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Cox Communications and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) hosted their 5th National Teen Summit On Internet Safety on Tuesday, June 15th in Washington, D.C. The Summit brought together teens from across the country to discuss a wide range of online safety issues including cyberbullying, sexting and the potential long-term impact of social media posts on the teens' digital reputation. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5375 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m56s | Views: 10432 | Comments: 2
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To help Americans determine their risk for chronic diseases and get them on a path to better health, CVS/pharmacy announced today the launch of the 2011 “To Your Health” program, offering free preventive health screenings at more than 800 events in communities across the country. The program will get underway in Houston on Saturday, March 5th, and continue in Dallas, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago and Miami. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5117 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 10395 | Comments: 2
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Fuego este invitat peste tot si are fani in toate colturile tarii. Popularitatea lui se datoreaza si energiei si mobilitatii dar in primul rand frumusetii sale sufletesti. Raspunde intotdeauna prezent pentru recitaluri in Romania dar si in strainatate, si este nelipsit fiind oaspetele de onoare la expozitii, spectacole, lansari, campanii electorale, petreceri diverse, manifestari orasenesti, nunti, botezuri si revelioane. Contact impresariat artistic si programari-0722.410.597 sau 0745.503.350 ori trimiteti e-mail la Fuego-un artist pentru inima ta !
Categories // Music 
Added: 6096 days ago by fuego
Runtime: 4m54s | Views: 10290 | Comments: 0



Ein Monsterdoener will sich an Max rechen...
Tags // max  torrt  kebab  d?ner  doener  comic  cartoon  toon  animation  trick  clip  film  fun  funny  lustig  witzig  cool  geil  german 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 6466 days ago by MaxTorrt
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 10260 | Comments: 3



As Hollywood prepares for a summer filled with 3-D blockbuster hopefuls and cable networks launch 3-D networks and programming for newly-released 3-D televisions, the trend towards this new technology is hard to miss—except for the millions of Americans who literally can’t see it. Movies including “Avatar” and “Alice in Wonderland” have already left their impression on the 3-D screen and new movies using the technology are making their way into theaters across the country. Meanwhile, ESPN and the Discovery Channel are preparing to broadcast in 3-D. This new technology is catching the eyes of fans nationwide, but some people may not be able to enjoy the 3-D experience because of vision problems. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5405 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 10196 | Comments: 2
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Just a Mixtape 6 - Mister K.I.D. - Realest Just A Mixtape available for FREE Download. It\'s Free, quit complainin! Link : Myspace Sides :
Categories // Music 
Added: 5729 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 4m5s | Views: 10026 | Comments: 0



Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. and Callaway Golf Company (NYSE: ELY) have signed an agreement to connect the resources of their world-renowned Research and Development teams. This unique alliance establishes an ongoing collaboration to develop innovative technologies and materials designed to enhance the performance of each company’s products. The partnership, as well as the introduction of a new, co-developed material called Forged Composite™, was officially celebrated today at the 2010 Paris Motor Show by Automobili Lamborghini President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann and George Fellows, President and CEO, Callaway Golf. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 5266 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 9998 | Comments: 3
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Présentation de la classe assassin en closed bêta 2 d'aion la tour de l'éternité.
Categories // Games 
Added: 6171 days ago by butters59
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 9975 | Comments: 2



Thomas McNamara, otherwise known as Macky, has been making art for as long as he can remember, winning sculpting contests as early as junior high. At 11, his father got him a lead soldier-making kit. That’s when art was introduced and it quickly became evident that it was to be his purpose in life. At 11 he could melt the lead in a small pot, pour it into molds, and paint the little figurines. These soldiers were often given to his parent’s friends. The response was wild - the adults all loved them!! As a boy this was real validation for a child surrounded by intimidating, book-smart people. The art carried Macky into all the art classes at Cardinal Newman high school. His love for lead figure painting continued to grow during this period. It was the MTV generation, which Macky believes also had a huge impact on him . . . Since then, there have been many great moments, including showcasing Macky's art on two episodes of MTV's “PUNK'd”, which featured Ashlee Simpson and Hugh Jackman. Mutt™ has been the label for Macky's passion since 1997. Just recently, Mutt donated a customized 3-foot skateboard to the Rush foundation, a charity created to send kids to art school. It was a huge honor for Macky to be able to be a part of such a worthy charity. Courtesy of Thomas McNamara on
Added: 6136 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 9957 | Comments: 1
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Cu Tornero, Mihai Traistariu s-a impus imediat in peisajul muzical din Romania. Este prezent pentru recitaluri in Romania dar si in strainatate, si este permanent invitat la spectacole, lansari, campanii electorale, petreceri diverse, manifestari orasenesti, nunti, botezuri si revelioane. Contact impresariat artistic si programari-0722.410.597 sau 0745.503.350 ori trimiteti e-mail la
Categories // Music 
Added: 6043 days ago by traistariu
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 9958 | Comments: 0
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D. Sidney Potter is someone who ate, slept, and breathed real estate flipping since its newest inception in 2002 to its crash in 2007. He employed a controversial burn and churn strategy of buying multi-homes and rapidly reselling these homes at a substantial profit. This methodology proved to be effective, brutal, and efficient. Having made just over a million dollars in four short years, Sidney then found himself engaged in the cleanup, which nearly ruined him financially. The true life story of how a successful new tract home investor went from zero to hero, back to zero. Learn about the book and about this author:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5153 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 9958 | Comments: 1
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Nintendo baja el precio de venta sugerido al público de su sistema Wii™ a $149.99 e incluye un juego de Mario™ con la consola. A partir del 15 de mayo, el sistema Wii —con nuevo precio— estará disponible en blanco o negro e incluirá el juego Mario Kart™ Wii y un accesorio Wii Wheel™ del mismo color. Estos reemplazarán a los juegos que se incluían anteriormente Wii Sports™ y Wii Sports Resort™. Ese mismo día, Nintendo lanzará la nueva colección Nintendo® Selects de juegos para Wii, un conjunto de juegos populares que millones de personas ya han disfrutado, a un precio de venta sugerido al público de $19.99. Los cuatro juegos que no pueden faltar —incluidos en esta colección— son The Legend of Zelda™: Twilight Princess, Animal Crossing™: City Folk, Mario™ Super Sluggers y Wii Sports — el cual por primera vez estará disponible a la venta por separado. Los padres y los fanáticos de los videojuegos ahora pueden ampliar fácilmente su biblioteca de divertidos juegos para Wii para toda la familia. Para mas, va a
Categories // Games  Business 
Added: 5044 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 9946 | Comments: 4
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