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Search // bob
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Orbis, the international nonprofit that unites the world in the fight against blindness, is proud to land its new, state-of-the-art Flying Eye Hospital in Shenyang, China this week to commence its first training program, running from September 5 - 23. Six years in the making, the third-generation Flying Eye Hospital is the world’s only mobile ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft, donated by FedEx. Hundreds of experts have come together to combine the latest in avionics, hospital engineering, technology and clinical expertise to make the new Flying Eye Hospital a reality. It features modular design, 3D technology and live broadcast capabilities, which enables Orbis and their expert Volunteer Faculty to train more doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals—ultimately treating more people and restoring their sight. “Today, I am incredibly proud that our Flying Eye Hospital can get to work on its first program,” Bob Ranck, Orbis CEO and President, said. “It is a testament to the hundreds of volunteers, global corporate partners, governments and other individuals who have worked tirelessly to make this unique aircraft a reality, and we thank them one and all. Our mission at Orbis is to bring the world together to fight blindness, and the Flying Eye Hospital is an important tool for achieving this. It is an equal-parts teacher, envoy and advocate for the right to sight. We are excited to start this new chapter in Orbis history here in Shenyang, China.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3098 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 0



Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine, host of Food Network’s Restaurant: Impossible, announced today that he is teaming up with Tropicana Las Vegas to open his first signature restaurant on the Las Vegas Strip. At the press conference, the exterior of the Tropicana Las Vegas came to life, where a high-energy video showed the crowd what they can expect to see from the newest chef in town. In true Robert Irvine fashion, the celebrity chef made his entrance by rappelling 22 stories (220 feet) down the exterior of the Tropicana hotel to the assembled press below. In introducing Chef Irvine, Bob Sheldon, President of Las Vegas Operations for Tropicana’s parent company, Penn National Gaming, said, “Chef Robert Irvine has tackled some of the toughest culinary challenges around the world, and we’re excited to have him take on Las Vegas, right here at the Tropicana. We are thrilled to be the Las Vegas home to such an acclaimed world-class chef. With his unparalleled passion, energy and culinary skills, he is the perfect addition to our family.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3211 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 1015 | Comments: 0
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Available to view for the first time, fans of everyone’s favourite construction hero Bob the Builder; can now take a first look at the exciting content from the brand new series featuring an all-new look and first-class celebrity voice cast. The new trailer will be available to watch on the Bob the Builder YouTube Channel today. Bob the Builder has been entertaining pre-schoolers for the past 16 years with his antics in the seaside harbour town of Fixham, bringing the world of construction to life in an inspiring and meaningful way. For the upcoming new CGI-animated series launching on Channel 5’s Milkshake from 1st September 2015 at 7.20am, Bob the Builder has been given his biggest re-vamp in the show’s history with a modern look and feel. The new-look Bob is still the same Bob that audiences know and love though. His dungarees might have been replaced with a hi-vis jacket but his chunky boots, yellow hard hat and checked shirt all remain, ensuring TV’s best-loved builder remains just as recognisable as ever. With his trusty tool belt now jam-packed with all manner of handy kit, Bob is ready to go… No project is too big, no problem too hard to solve. The new series will see Bob the Builder continuing its long tradition of telling fun and interesting stories through positivity and teamwork with exciting characters, relatable locations and an aspirational hero. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 3496 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 991 | Comments: 2
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On Thursday, March 21, 2013 the smash-hit show JERSEY BOYS celebrated its fifth anniversary in Las Vegas by presenting a star to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons on the “Las Vegas Walk of Stars” outside of the show’s home, Paris Las Vegas. Original Four Seasons group members Frankie Valli and Bob Gaudio were at the event to receive the commemorative star. It was the 64th star to be unveiled on Las Vegas Boulevard. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4364 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 982 | Comments: 2



Sandra Lee is an internationally acclaimed expert in all things food and entertaining and is best known for her cooking made easy approach. By using ready-made store-bought foods, she makes serving up delicious, yet approachable everyday meals and party favorites look easy. To kick off the fall season, Bob Evans has teamed up with the celebrity chef to offer numerous mealtime solutions to busy families on the go made with their collection of side dishes that range from mashed potatoes to macaroni and cheese. Found in the refrigerated section of most local grocery chains, busy families can turn to them as a solution for a simple side dish or use them as a key ingredient when making one of the fun, semi-homemade recipes found at “I’m thrilled to be working with Bob Evans – their grocery food products are delicious and offer quality ingredients like their potato side dishes made with real potatoes, real milk and real butter,” said Sandra Lee. “I appreciate the notion of quality side dishes that save time, taste homemade and go from package to table in a matter of minutes. I’m all about making life easier, so I’m happy to share my newest trick in the kitchen and will be turning to Bob Evans sides as I plan my fall and holiday recipes.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3449 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 988 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: 1979 Dave Kelly & Bob Hall - Survivors
Tags // dave  kelly  bob  hall  robert  johnson  come  on  in  my  kitchen 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4282 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 972 | Comments: 0



Meet orphaned animals that found happy homes! From cats and dogs to pigs and sheep, the amazing animals featured in 125 Pet Rescues have had awesome adventures. Their heartwarming true tales are sure to inspire the next generation of animal caretakers. Hear from canine adoptee Bob Barker and get a peek inside the book in this video! Buy the book at: NG Store: https://shop.…Amazon: animals and kids
Tags // 125  pet  rescues  dog  rescue  cat  rescue  pets  national  geographic  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 2730 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 951 | Comments: 4



Robert Johnson Project From: The Bob Halperin Trio - Darn good music 2004
Tags // bob  halprin  trio  robert  johnson  love  in  vain 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4110 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 5m18s | Views: 947 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: Bob Brozman - Devils slide 1988
Tags // bob  brozman  robert  johnson  honeymoon  blues 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4206 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 928 | Comments: 0
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Meet orphaned animals that found happy homes!From cats and dogs to pigs and sheep, the amazing animals featured in 125 Pet Rescues have had awesome adventures. Their heartwarming true tales are sure to inspire the next generation of animal caretakers. Hear from canine adoptee Bob Barker and get a peek inside the book in this video! Buy the book at:NG Store:…Amazon: animals and kids
Tags // 125  pet  rescues  dog  rescue  cat  rescue  pets  national  geographic  book  trailer 
Added: 2814 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 918 | Comments: 2



At the heart of Ketel One Vodka lies one family’s unwavering passion for crafting the world’s finest spirits. Inspired by over 325 years of distilling expertise, the Nolet family brings old-world pot still craft and modern distilling techniques together in one flawless process. From Joannes to Jacobus to Carolus Sr., creator of Ketel One Vodka, to Carolus Jr. and Bob Nolet today, each of the 11 generations of Nolet family distillers is tasked with upholding a legacy of distilling excellence. Some may consider the Nolets a little obsessive, but those individuals just don’t understand. Everything must be done with meticulous attention to detail, because the family name is riding on every bottle of Ketel One Vodka. “We take our work very seriously, not ourselves,” said Carl Nolet Jr., 11th Generation Nolet Family Distillery. “The stories we tell are all true and based on family events, beliefs and the pressure of upholding 11 generations of legacy for generations to come.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3016 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 912 | Comments: 0
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In America, an estimated three million households are food insecure - that amounts to one in six people who lack the nutritious food needed to live a healthy life. Bob Evans Farms is pledging to continue the fight to end hunger through its Hunger Free Communities campaign, and is offering more ways to help feed families this holiday season. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4142 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m27s | Views: 873 | Comments: 2
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