What do you get when you cross a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model with a hot new sports car? One cool app. Lexus and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit have fans revving their engines with the release of Lexus’ new TORI 500 racing app, available at Lexus.com/tori500 and iTunes.
The app brings to life an actual racetrack the automaker created in the shape of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Tori Praver’s body. Players of the TORI 500 game get to see what it’s like to race the all-new 2013 Lexus GS sport sedan around a larger-than-life, 3-D image of the supermodel.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54771-lexus-gs-si-swimsuit-model-tori-praver-with-tori-500-racing-game-app
JOHNNIE WALKER®, the world’s best-selling brand of Scotch whisky, opened The JOHNNIE WALKER HOUSE™ in Shanghai’s Sinan Mansions on May 19, 2011. The JOHNNIE WALKER HOUSE™ is the first of its kind outside of Scotland and marks a new chapter for whisky culture in China. Interactive sensory journeys, inspirational forums and luxury dinners make this house a unique experience for every guest.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/johnniewalker/50382/
Here is my cover for Maroon 5 - Payphone (Explicit) ft. Wiz Khalifa. I heard the song and thought it would do really well with a more intimate acoustic feel. Hope you enjoy it! - Eli Lieb. ELI LIEB'S ALBUM AVAILABLE NOW - http://www.elilieb.com ON ITUNES!!: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eli-lieb/id467628121 Become a fan on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/eliliebmusic Follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/elilieb Maroon 5 - Payphone (Explicit) ft. Wiz Khalifa (Cover by Eli Lieb - Acoustic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H51mGvcEV5M
Revellers across the world will be able to see for themselves why there’s nothing like celebrating New Year’s Eve in Sydney, thanks to Tourism Australia’s latest digital and social media campaign.
Tourism Australia has created a short film overnight featuring footage downloaded by Sydney revellers sharing their New Year’s Eve experience via an iPhone app created specially to mark the year-end celebrations.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/53880-tourism-australia-new-year-s-eve-in-sydney-project-12-fireworks-video
Hologic, Inc. (Hologic or the Company) (Nasdaq: HOLX), a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of premium diagnostics products, medical imaging systems and surgical products dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of women, will showcase its 3D mammography and other new, ready-to-market technologies in women’s imaging at the 21st Annual National Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference (NCBC) in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 12-16, 2011. The NCBC is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to excellence in breast healthcare for the general public.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/hologic/39364/
Jay-Z talks with Fuse about the direction music has taken over the years and where it will go in the future. Catch Jay-Z LIVE and commercial free from Madison Square Garden this Friday, September 11th at 9pm/8c on Fuse.
Visit www.thespiritconnect.com for full streaming video.
Most are familiar with Astrology in horoscopes found in newspapers and magazines. Basing their destiny on a particular month a person is born in. Following within one of the 12 zodiacal signs : Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarrius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. But unknown to most, Astrology is a complex art that develops an INDIVIDUAL horoscope based on the persons time of birth, city of birth and year of birth.
Astrology Today tracks the various changes and evolutions of Astrology and its developments. Interviewing practicing astrologers such as Glen Perry, Ray Merriman, Monica Dimeano and Chris McRae. Outling the changes from a fatalistic art in the heyday of medieval culture - to the psychological humanistic view.
Thousands of Haitian people have endured living on dirt floors amid stifling heat and tropical downpours since the Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake. But about 1,000 of Haiti’s most vulnerable people, particularly the elderly and young children, are finding some relief in temporary shelter structures provided by Haitian Relief & Missions (HRM) and its all-volunteer U.S. workers.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/haitian-relief-and-missions/48036/
Official trailer for Gucci Guilty -- the new fragrance for her.
A tale of passion and defiance.
Full version coming soon...
Starring Evan Rachel Wood and Chris Evans.
Directed by Frank Miller.
Soundtrack by Friendly Fires.
Become a fan, discover new content and win tickets to the MTV VMAs at: http://www.gucciguilty.com
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ADP®, a leading provider of human resource outsourcing, payroll, tax, business outsourcing and benefits administration services, and integrated computing solutions for vehicle dealers, today announced the launch of ALINE Pay by ADPSM, a comprehensive electronic payroll disbursement solution that helps employers reduce administration time and minimize their risk of financial and compliance exposure. The ALINE Pay electronic pay solution is designed to be compliant in all 50 states through a new innovative wage funding and distribution solution and gives both employers and employees flexibility in choosing the method of payment that best meets their needs: ADP Full Service Direct Deposit, the new ALINE Card by ADPSM or ALINE Check by ADPSM.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51192-adp-aline-pay-electronic-payroll-compliance-solution