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Categories // Funny  Games  Sexy 
Added: 4308 days ago by rachelosussman
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 1030 | Comments: 4
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Saquon Barkley has been running for big yards on the field this season, and now off the field the New York Giants rookie is running on Dunkin’. Dunkin’, the official coffee of the New York Giants, today announced a new partnership with running back Saquon Barkley. As part of a one-year promotional campaign, Barkley will now be featured in a series of Dunkin’ advertisements and promotions throughout the New York Metro Area.* An instant fan favorite, Barkley will appear in a variety of Dunkin’ advertising, social media and live events beginning during the current NFL season. Kicking off with a series of video spots supporting Dunkin’s entirely new espresso experience, Barkley will promote various Dunkin’ food and beverages that keep Giants fans running all day long, such as the brand’s signature coffee & espresso beverages, baked goods and limited-time offer breakfast sandwiches. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2288 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 1049 | Comments: 2
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Mayne Mannish - Right Back (Explicit) ft. Eric Bellinger
Tags // maynemannish  rightback 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3809 days ago by promopalace
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 1027 | Comments: 1



Dua To Literally Boost Your Energy ᴴᴰ ┇ #DuaRevival ┇ by Ustadh Majed Mahmoud ┇ TDR Production ┇ Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu *This video is Created by & for The Daily Reminder. Feel free to re-upload and share. **No Music was used in the production of this video ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----- Keep Yourselves updated: TDR Website: (coming soon) TDR YT Channel: TDR fb Page: TDR on Twitter: TDR on G+: TDR on Vimeo: TDR on Sound-cloud: TDR Studio Fund: TDR Donation link: Speaker: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on YT: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on fb: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on twitter: ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----- Dua To Literally Boost Your Energy ᴴᴰ - Ustadh Majed Mahmoud One time Fatima (radiallahu anha) -- she went to complain to her husband Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu) about how exhausting and tiring the housework has become on her. You know what, the family - Ali and Fatima (radiallahu anhuma) -- was a very poor family actually. Unlike many other homes, they had no money to afford to have a servant or a maid to help out in the housework. So Fatima (radiallahu anha) used to do everything. And you gotta appreciate that because there were no washing machines, no dishwashers, no vacuums, nothing! It was all physical work. So Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu) hearing this, he says, 'Ya Fatima! How about you get a servant?'(Fatima says) 'How can I get a servant? We don't have money for this stuff?' He tells her, 'Ya Fatima! I have heard that your father Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) just recently received some prisoners of war. And why not you go and request from your father (Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to give you one of those people to be a servant for us? Why not?' Fatima liked the idea. She never the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had received such a group of prisoners of war, and she wants now to go to the house of R asulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and she heads there right away. She knocks on the door. Aisha (radiallahu anha), the wife of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam opens the door and they greet each other and Fatima asks, 'Ya Aisha! Is my father there?' And Aisha says, 'No, he's not here.' Then Fatima basically wants to tell her exactly what her request is like and she tells her, 'You know what? I heard my father has received some prisoners of war and I was hoping I could get one [like] to be [like] a servant for our family. That'd be really nice.' So Aisha (radiallahu anha) says, 'You know what, the moment your father comes back I will surely let him know of what your need is.' Beautiful! Fatima goes back home. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam -- after some time -- comes back to his house. And Aisha tells him exactly why Fatima came and the request, 'you know what, she's looking for a servant to help her out with all the housework.' Rasulullah says, 'you know what, I'm going to go right now to the house of Ali.' Allahu Akbar! Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam heads to the house of Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu). As he gets there, Ali and Fatima -- they would like to stand up and greet the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. But the Prophet says, 'Ala makaa nikum."He says, ' Ala makaa nikum -- Stay the way you are. Stay in your bed, no need to stand up. Just relax.' And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam -- Allahu Akbar! -- He comes and he sits on their bed in between Fatima and Ali (radiallahu anhuma). And he tells them... "Hal adullukuma 'ala khayrim mimma sa altuma -- shall I not guide you of something that is better and more beneficial to both of you than whatever you have requested (i.e. having a servant)? Whenever you're about to go to sleep -- itha awaytuma firaashikuma -- you shall say fasbbiha thalaatha wa thalaatheen (say Subhanallah thirty three times) wahmadaa thalaatha wa thalatheen (say Alhamdulillah thirty three times) wa kabbirah arba'un wa thalatheen (and say Allahu Akbar thirty four times). Haatha khayrullakum min khadim -- Allahu Akbar! -- This is better for you than having a servant!'
Tags // islam  islamic  dua  supplication 
Added: 3861 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 1023 | Comments: 3
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Globally, 1.2 billion people have no access to electricity. On the occasion of VELUX 75th anniversary the company decided to address this issue. Together with the social business Little Sun and the NGO Plan International they are collaborating to bring clean, reliable and affordable light to off-grid regions in Zambia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. 14,500 Natural Light lamps from the VELUX Group have now arrived in Africa and the first recipients can already look forward to a better quality of life. Among them are young girls between 10 and 18 years of age who live in a safe house in the slum area Mntendere in the Zambian capital Lusaka. "The lamps mean the girls can do their homework when they get back from school and can feel safer at night, instead of huddling together in the dark after sunset. And it’s particularly important for our children that they feel safe – many are carrying the mental baggage such as the trauma of violence, rape or drugs," says safe house manager Verann Delarey. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3294 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1025 | Comments: 0
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Abbott announced today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval and launch of the iDesign Advanced WaveScan Studio System. The system acts as the "brain" of the LASIK procedure, generating a high-definition scan that measures and maps irregularities of the eye that may impact vision. From these measurements, the iDesign System creates an accurate and personalized LASIK treatment plan based on the unique "blueprint" of each person’s eyes. The iDesign System captures more than 1,200 micro readings of the eye, as well as identifying the shape of the cornea, its curvature, how light passes through the eye and pupil diameter under different lighting conditions – all in one, three-second scan that can be used to precisely correct vision. The development of the sensor technology within the iDesign System was the result of an earlier discovery by Abbott scientists, which NASA used to accurately measure and shape the mirrors in the James Webb Space Telescope to ensure it will transmit high resolution images of deep space back to earth. The telescope is scheduled to launch in 2018. To view the Multimedia News Release, please go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3515 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1022 | Comments: 2
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Toys“R”Us® today announced the launch of its annual nationwide fundraising campaign to benefit the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Now through Sunday, December 6, customers can spread holiday joy to some of the 15.5 million U.S. children living in poverty by donating new, unwrapped toys at any Toys“R”Us or Babies“R”Us® store across the country and online at The company will also collect monetary donations in-store and online through Christmas Eve. NBA Legend, philanthropist and entrepreneur, Shaquille O’Neal once again joins the company’s campaign as his alter ego Shaq-A-Claus, to encourage shoppers to donate to Toys for Tots. Throughout the campaign, Shaquille will also invite social media users to #PlayItForward, an initiative designed to further spread awareness of the millions of children living in poverty and to inspire families to donate to the cause. “Making wishes come true around the holidays is especially important to me, as I know how much one toy and one act of kindness can matter. When I was a kid, I was given my very own Dr. J autographed basketball, inspiring me to believe I could grow up to be a basketball star,” said Shaquille O’Neal. “For years, I would shop for presents at Toys“R”Us and distribute them to underprivileged children on Christmas morning. Now, in partnership with Toys“R”Us and the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, I’m making it my mission as Shaq-A-Claus to give back and spread holiday cheer to the millions of needy kids in the U.S. I encourage everyone to join me this year and remember – every toy counts!” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3428 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 1017 | Comments: 1
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Whole You, a Mitsui Chemicals Company dedicated to offering innovative healthcare solutions to help those with sensory and physical mobility challenges experience life more fully, launched its Whole Day campaign video today. The video follows acclaimed photographer Bruce Hall, who has been legally-blind since birth, as he captures a celebration of the senses and movement. “At Whole You we want nothing less than to change how people understand what it means to be healthy – we develop solutions that enable people to move, see, smell, taste and experience the world more fully than ever before,” said Hiromi Inagaki, chief innovation officer, Whole You. “The video with Bruce is an expression of this vision, a place where sensory or physical mobility challenges don’t hold us back, where we celebrate the senses and freedom of movement to have a deeper appreciation of a life lived beyond limitations.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3378 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 1019 | Comments: 0
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For families who have a dependent with special needs, financial planning often takes a back seat to the necessities of daily life; but it also bears an increased importance. “April’s Autism Awareness Month offers a great opportunity to emphasize the importance of planning for families who are caring for a dependent child, sibling or spouse with special needs,” said Ruthann Driscoll, JD, CLU, CFP®, director of advanced planning at Northwestern Mutual. “Crafting a comprehensive plan that addresses the needs of the dependent with special needs — for today and for tomorrow — and balancing that with the needs of the rest of the family is essential to achieving lifelong financial security.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3605 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 1
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Spring brings the vibrant colors back to nature and the atmosphere becomes immensely live. It is that time of the year which encourages people to come out of their cozy cells and enjoy the outdoors. Spring is a perfect time to plan vacations and look for destinations that suit their desires.
Tags // spring  break  2014 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4281 days ago by inertiatours21
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1010 | Comments: 0
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Everyone knows the famous line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding: ‘Put some Windex® on it!’ Fourteen years later, Academy Award nominated screenwriter and actress Nia Vardalos brings back America’s favorite Greek family to the big screen on March 25, 2016, with more family fun and plenty of Windex® Original Glass Cleaner. Over the years the family has grown, but one thing remains the same – Greek dad Gus Portokalos will be ready for anything as long as he has his trusty Windex® Original Glass Cleaner. The Windex® brand has been part of the hilarious Portokalos family since the beginning, long before Toula met Ian at Dancing Zorbas and then married him! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3273 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 1016 | Comments: 0
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Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH), the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and launch of the Cochlear™ Nucleus® Hybrid Implant System, a revolutionary new hybrid hearing solution that helps people who may hear a little but are still missing a lot, even with their hearing aids. The Nucleus Hybrid System is a unique combination of proven solutions, which allows people to get back what they've been missing by amplifying the low-pitched hearing a person does have while restoring access to the high-pitched hearing they've lost. People who are candidates for the technology no longer have to worry about straining to hear with their hearing aids as the Nucleus Hybrid System will allow them to maximize their hearing in all frequencies. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3997 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 1011 | Comments: 2
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