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What your small business can learn from apple's marketing strategy. Apple's marketing strategy is powerful and has made them the success story they are. Apple uses unique marketing techniques. What is unique about apple's marketing technique? This video deconstructs apple's marketing secret! You can apply this in your small business marketing.
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Pringles® proudly announces Kent Jenkins, also known as “SnubbyJ” the winner of The Tournament of Flavors bracket-style contest with a total of 681,270 votes. Jenkins, a student at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, conquered the Tournament with a video demonstrating his unique, home-crafted PVC pipe musical instrument using Pringles Original cans.
The Pringles Tournament of Flavors featured crowd sourced videos showcasing humorous interpretations of various Pringles flavors. Fans voted through the brand’s Facebook page to advance their favorite videos to the next round. The Tournament’s 16 videos went through four elimination rounds until the top two – Original’s “Tub Thumping” and BBQ’s “The Pringles Aficionado” – went head-to-head in the final round. As fans voted, they could win a variety of prizes including free Pringles and $500 gift cards.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/55827-pringles-tournament-of-flavors-original-tub-thumping-video-hailed-victor
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Backyard barbecues, coolers packed for picnics, al fresco dining and hot summer days are all the ingredients for a bad case of food poisoning if you’re not careful.
Cases of foodborne illness peak during the summer months, according to the USDA. But taking a few precautions can help you avoid food poisoning, say experts featured on BeSmartBeWell.com/Food-Safety in a series of videos produced by the health and wellness website. Learn more about summertime risks and get tips to stay safe this summer—and all year long.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to https://www.multivu.com/mnr/50835-be-smart-be-well-avoid-illness-food-poisoning-this-summer
Huggies® y la personalidad mejicana de TV y padre de dos niños, Poncho de Anda, están ayudando a los padres hispanos de todas partes con sugerencias, recomendaciones y una nueva serie de videos de web sobre la mejor forma de enfrentar los desastres y el estrés de ser papás. Con su estreno en el día de hoy en la página de Facebook de Huggies Latino, www.facebook.com/huggieslatino, esta nueva serie de videos proporcionan un vistazo a la forma de lidiar con los sucesos cotidianos de una familia ocupada. Ya sea al empacar antes de un viaje, prepararse para recibir huéspedes en casa o dominar el arte de darle de comer al bebé, Poncho y su esposa, Lina Amashta, comparten sus conocimientos y experiencia de criar a dos niños de 2 años y 10 meses de edad.
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