Have a blog but find creating new content is depleting your resources or eating your time? Or maybe you’d just like to see new, fresh voices on your blog. If you’re weary of cranking out new posts on your own, maybe you should look into finding guest bloggers. We share here seven ways get a guest blogger for your site.
To mark the one-year anniversary of the most popular Tiny Desk Concert ever and the 10th anniversary of his debut album, Rappa Ternt Sanga, we hosted T-Pain at our Washington, D.C. headquarters. The inimitable Floridian performed a short set of classics, both his own and others', and brand new, never before heard song from his forthcoming album, Stoicville: The Phoenix.
Follow @NPRandB and @NPRHipHop.
Director: Mito Habe-Evans; Producer: Frannie Kelly; Videographers: Colin Marshall, Julia Reihs, Cameron Robert, Morgan Walker; Audio Engineers: Andy Huether, Josh Rogosin, Neil Tevault; Special Thanks: Chris Berry, Saidah Blount, Bobby Carter, Kate Drozynski, Kiana Fitzgerald, Savoy Jefferson, Cedric Shine, Justin Winn; Executive Producer: Anya Grundmann
In a recent article on front page, it talked about a study that indicated using nutritional supplement could be dangerous to your health. When reading these types of studies, I always like to see who puts out the study and who sponsored it. The medical industry always sponsors studies that point to a detrimental effect, when using nutritional supplements. It seems to me that the medical industry is quite happy to keep you sick so that you can provide them with a continual doctor and hospital visits and purchase drugs.
Hi, Rudy, Nutritionist, here again, to give you some good information on supplements and their use.
With farm-to-table foods, markets and restaurants popping up everywhere, it’s no surprise more than three-quarters of moms are actively looking for locally sourced options when grocery shopping for themselves and their families, according to a new survey from the National Milk Life Campaign.1 As one of the original farm-to-table foods, milk often originates from dairy farms about 300 miles away from your grocery store2, and typically arrives in just 48 hours, on average, from many family-owned and operated dairy farms. Yet 77 percent of moms surveyed didn’t realize how far their milk typically travels from farm to glass.
Moms may also have misconceptions about what happens after milk leaves the farm, including what is added to the farm-fresh beverage before it goes to consumers. More than one-third incorrectly believe preservatives are added to milk, and nearly 18 percent think sugar is added. In reality, milk is remarkably simple and contains just three ingredients – milk, vitamin A and vitamin D – and no added sugar. Another third of moms didn’t know that pasteurization is the process that kills bacteria – extending milk’s shelf life and keeping it fresher for longer, ensuring it’s safe to drink.
To view the multimedia release go to:
MundoFox anunció el día de hoy el estreno de la telenovela, “¿Quién Mató a Patricia Soler?”, una producción original protagonizada por la actriz mexicana Itatí Cantoral y el actor español Miguel de Miguel. “¿Quién Mató a Patricia Soler?” marca el esperado regreso de Cantoral a la televisión. La novela se transmitirá exclusivamente por MundoFox de lunes a viernes a las 9PM/8c a partir del 9 de febrero.
Disfrute aquí de la versión interactiva en formato de comunicado de prensa multimedia:
Pilot Corporation of America (Pilot Pen) is encouraging parents and students to help erase bullying this school year through their ‘Erase Bullying for Good’ campaign. This campaign was developed in partnership with STOMP Out Bullying, the leading bullying prevention organization in the U.S. The ‘Erase Bullying for Good’ campaign is funded with proceeds from sales of Pilot’s FriXion Clicker erasable gel ink pen, a revolutionary kind of erasable pen that enables students to enjoy mistake-free writing. A total of $125,000 will be donated to STOMP Out Bullying for the educational and support programs they offer parents, students and educators designed to transform and prevent negative bullying behaviors in U.S. schools.
Bullying has become a real problem in U.S. schools and Pilot Pen wanted to help be part of the solution. “There are a lot of parents that work at Pilot, and we are well aware of the challenges facing kids today. We wanted to help address the issue of bullying at a national level by supporting STOMP Out Bullying. They are the ideal resource & partner, with their educational programs and confidential help chat line for teens,” said Ariann Langsam, Director of Marketing at Pilot Corporation of America.
To view the multimedia release go to:
BHATAK NA BANDE A Short Film Promo A Presented by Jacob Films & Entertainment Directed by Bhavesh Mishra,Produced by Pradip Jacob, Lyrics, Story, Screenplay & Dialogue Pradip Jacob, D.O.P.: Chittranjan Dhal, Music Director: Raj Verma, Singers: Brijesh Shandilya, Art Director: Devendta Tawde, Costume Desighner Rekha Jacob, Starring : Harshit Mishra, Sumit Pathak, Mahesh Mehra, Ramji Mishra, Sujeet Patel, Rahul Singh, Advocate Kamlesh Singh, Renuka Shah, Rekha Jacob and Ramesh Goel.
Klişe bir laf ama adamlar uzaya araç gönderirken, İslam dünyasında hâlâ dünya düz mü değil mi diye tartışılması gerçekten trajik. Bu tartışma birçok müslümana bile saçma gelecektir eminim. Ancak konu din olunca ve her şeyin ölçütü kutsal kitaplar olarak görüldüğünde, gerçeklerin orada yazanlara uydurulması bilindik bir durum haline gelmekte. İşte bu sebeple, 1975 yılında Suudi Arabistan'ın en önemli din otoritesi kabul edilen Şeyh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz tarafından Dünya'nın düz olduğu fetvası verilmiş ve buna inanmayanların dinsiz kabul edilerek, cezelandırılması gerektiği bildirilmiştir. Bugün, ülkemizde, hadisleri baz alarak Adem'in dinozorlarla aynı dönemde yaşadığını ve 30 m. uzunlukta olduğunu söyleyen biyoloji profesörlerimiz varken, dünyanın düz olduğunu söyleyen uzmanlar hiçbir müslümanı da şaşırtmamalı. ("Kuran'da Dünya'nın düz olarak geçtiğini söyleyenlere itirazınız var da, evrim yalandır diyenlere niye yok?" diye bir soru yönlendirilebilir kendilerine.)
Şüphesiz buna inananlar sadece müslümanlar değil. 1956 yılında Britanya'da, Flat Earth Society (Düz Dünya Cemiyeti) adıyla, Dünya'nın düz olduğunu savunan ve bugün hala aktif olan bir organizasyon bile kuruldu. Bilim karşıtlığı hiçbir zaman popülaritesini yitirmiyor.
Konuyla ilgili olarak aşağıdaki kaynaklara bakmanızı da tavsiye ederim: (İngilizce) (Zekeriya bin Mahmut el Kazvini'nin 16. yy'da Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş astronomi kitabı Acaibul Mahlukat'tan alınan bu tasvirde, Dünya bir büyükbaş hayvanın üzerinde duran düz bir disk olarak tasvir ediliyor.)
Para celebrar el Día Nacional de las Hermanas el domingo pasado, la campaña Somos Fuertes de Milk Life anunció el nombramiento de las hermanas y primeras bailarinas internacionales Lorena y Lorna Feijoo como sus más recientes Embajadoras de la Fuerza. El programa Somos Fuertes está diseñado para unir a los hispanos de todo el país y animar a las familias en todos los rincones de la nación a que comiencen sus mañanas con un vaso de leche, lo que les ayuda a proporcionar la energía necesaria para alimentar su día.
Experimente aquí el comunicado de prensa multimedia:
MilkSplash™, the zero–calorie milk flavoring, is the perfect solution for parents who want their kids to drink more milk and make healthier beverage choices this summer. A gentle squeeze and simple stir can turn nutritious white milk into a delicious treat kids will love.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
There is something about a pickup truck that makes the driver feel a
little more macho than piloting your average saloon or sport compact.
It’s the ability to haul, tow and go anywhere you damn well please. The
Isuzu D-max is no exception with its rugged good looks and pulling
power, it will give you the delusion of being bulletproof.....See More
As sleaze oozes from the Pentagon,
banished Marine and Naval Academy alum Susanna Marcasi finds a web of
corruption and must take on a man to whom all are beholden, Defense
Secretary Manfred Stahl. Can she bring down the cloistered power
brokers deep within the military’s superstructure and survive? Blood
Stripe: The Susanna Marcasi Chronicles. Find out more at: or on Amazon at: Cincinnati City Beat and
Amazon reviewer John Kelly says “Like a literary version of ‘A Few Good
Men (and Women)’ on steroids, Gina Maria DiNicolo rips into your
emotional core like a ‘kill shot’ from page one and never lets up for
322 pages. This book, not for the weak of heart, tells the story of
strength, courage and no mercy in the most elite units of the U.S.
Armed Forces.” Baltimore native Gina Maria DiNicolo graduated
from the U.S. Naval Academy with a degree in history and an attraction
to the unconventional. She accepted a commission in the U.S. Marine
Corps where she worked in aviation, recruiting, history, and public
affairs. As a fulltime author and historian, in addition to her two
books, DiNicolo has written scores of articles for the Military Officer
Magazine and other publications. After publishing Blood Stripe, she
sought to get her historian game on and accepted a one-year, work/study
assignment as a senior editor for the U.S. Army Center of Military
History in Washington, D.C., producing studies on military operations
in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is a dancer specializing in Argentine
Tango. For a review copy of Blood Stripe: The Susanna
Marcasi Chronicles or to arrange an interview with Gina Maria
DiNicolo contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book
Marketing or by phone