Kaplan University master’s degree graduate Onica Browne obtained her Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on international business. In her case, this Kaplan University online program offered a unique learning experience to collaborate with students in other countries, enriching the learning process.
Kaplan University offers online degree programs including an MBA distance learning program designed to foster thought leadership, innovation, and corporate social responsibility on a global scale. Upon completion of the MBA program students could have the opportunity to pursue several career paths.* An MBA is one of the most sought after university degrees online as it can be applied in almost any realm of the business world and is often of interest to students looking to advance in their field.
Kaplan University’s online MBA program is designed for the working student. Our classes are flexible and the courses are designed to be closely related to what students will encounter in their career. More employers seek the knowledge and discipline that is relevant to completing graduate school. An MBA degree could help create value in an employer’s eyes and set you apart in today’s competitive business environment. We strive to set ourselves apart by continually developing and enhancing our curriculum to help prepare our students to succeed in their careers.
* Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required.
“I had my undergraduate degree in international business for just about seven years and I have always wanted to get my master’s degree. When I looked at other universities and selected Kaplan [University] for my master’s degree, Kaplan [University] gave you the most ‘bang for your buck.’ I met professors that were actually in the industries that they taught. This was not purely an academic setting. Everything that we do in international business is all about relating to other people and everything we do at Kaplan [University] is about how you relate to other people and how that relation allows you to do better.
I met people who were from China, who were from Japan, who were from the Middle East; I met a gentleman who was a program developer for Microsoft based in Shanghai. I had one of my classmates in Iraq at the time and we would collaborate on different projects while she was in Iraq and I was in the United States.
That’s the beauty of Kaplan [University]. We share and we learn from each other and then you can go back to work the next day and apply the same information that you learned in class. I work for the US Small Business Administration. Because I have my Master’s Degree from Kaplan [University] I actually was able to obtain the job that I have right now where I’m helping small businesses. Without my master’s degree from Kaplan [University] I would not have even been considered for the position so my degree is allowing me to touch people outside of me and allowing them to touch people outside of them so it’s almost like paying it forward.”
At Kaplan University, our main focus in developing our online MBA programs is career development. We believe the time and effort that is required to obtain a master’s degree online should be apparent the first day the student begins their new career. Earning an MBA could be a step in the right direction towards a fulfilling and satisfying career.*
Kaplan University’s Master of Business Administration online offers students the tools to understand the relevant knowledge and proficiencies, and to apply what they have learned in class at work. Our unique distance learning MBA program is designed to accommodate students that work full time. You can attend class virtually anywhere you have an Internet connection, and the coursework material is available to you at any time. Students can pursue their goals and complete their MBA online for a brighter future.
Kaplan University strives to put our students first. We have our fingers on the pulse of what is going on in the business world and integrate that knowledge into our courses. At Kaplan University, we are proud to offer our students resources to help them succeed in their pursuit of continuing education. Our instructors care about their students and are available to answer questions or offer support.
* Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required.
“We’re very proud of our MBA program. The MBA Program enables students to develop a portfolio of practical, resume building experiences while they’re still in school. What they can do with that is really demonstrate that they know what business is about and they know how to manage and lead projects.
I think one of the things that we’ve worked very diligently toward is to build a curriculum that provides students with real world experience so that they’re able to that the skills that they’re earning in the classroom, learning in the classroom and carry those immediately into the workforce.
The one thing that I would have to say that Kaplan [University] afforded me that other programs I looked at did not afford me is the practical use of every course and I can take it right from the classroom right to my work every single day.
We have specializations in marketing, management, finance, entrepreneurship which is very popular, international business.
An emphasis in International Business with all of its aspects from Human Resources to International Finance, International Projects, and International Marketing; that is something that I think will help me greatly especially in the consulting field.
What they’re able to say with the MBA is that they’ve got areas of expertise in Finance and Economics and Accounting and that they’ve got the skill set that goes beyond what somebody with a bachelor’s degree would have.
All of a sudden my supervisor is realizing that I’m being underutilized, so now I have more responsibilities that are more challenging.
The challenge is there for sure, but it’s the tools like the Writing Center, the Math Center- the things that make a student be able to succeed.
You will find help and assistance from the beginning. Your academic advisor, the financial advisor, and every step you will always have somebody that will be there right by your side.
I’ve had many students contact me years after they’ve completed their degree and say it was because of having earned my MBA I’m now working in a different capacity; working in a leadership role, working as a VP, working as a CEO at a small corporation. Or many students go off and start their own business because they got the confidence of the skills that they’ve gained.
If you want your MBA, I can just tell you- Kaplan [University] is your first choice, it is. The structure of th
Shwayze and Cisco hanging out outside the Roxy in LA talk about what the girls of Redemption Song need to be prepared for when it comes to being a professional singer. Catch Redemption Song Wednesdays at 11pm ET on FUSE.
Permeable or not, this is in the case of glass, in fact the question. Light shines through, this is what most people think, however, this is not quite true. Low iron glass is aimed to protect cells, but it is supposed to also let more light energy shine on the modules than normal window glass. On the other hand, modern three-or four-glazed windows let light through, but form an energy-saving temperature barrier. This way in the winter the cold stays outside and the heat inside. In the summer modern windows can automatically darken and prevent the room from heating up - energy for air conditioning is therefore saved. Glass has a lot of potential, a fact the visitors to the trade fairs glasstec and solarpeq in Düsseldorf, will have the chance to convince themselves of.
Together with comedienne Heather McDonald, Kotex Natural Balance, from Kimberly-Clark Corporation, is asking women to stand up and share their thoughts about what’s real and what’s not so real about the claims, innovations and storylines they see in today’s feminine care advertisements. Starting May 7, McDonald will star in a new web video series on the Kotex Natural Balance Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/kotex) and YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/kotexvideos) that calls out the jargon in the category (what does nano-breeze maxi pad technology even mean?) and invites women to join in the conversation.
Women can upload their videos and comments on the Kotex Natural Balance Facebook page to let McDonald and Kotex Natural Balance know what’s real and what’s not. Their submissions will help inspire five more videos starring McDonald and influence material for a live Stand Up For What’s Real comedy tour that will visit major cities later this year. McDonald will perform live at select stops.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/56082-kotex-heather-mcdonald-web-video-comedy-series-feminine-care-ad-jargon
What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.
Video adaptations from the book, "What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories", edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press.
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Ever feel like you have to jump from site to site in order to piece together what’s happening in the world? Good news for those who like to stay up-to-date on the latest trends — msnNOW, a new service from MSN at now.msn.com, will help you stay in the know. msnNOW is the first service to surface the latest buzz from Facebook, Twitter, Bing and BreakingNews.com, all in one place. It cuts through the clutter of the Web, providing an up-to-the-minute view of breaking trends and the hottest social conversations, what people are saying about them, and why they matter.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54633-msn-launches-msnnow
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As part of its fresh-from-the-farm video and recipe series, “California Grown” is releasing a new video featuring Cecchini & Cecchini Farms of Brentwood, Calif., the only remaining asparagus farmer in Contra Costa County.
The video series, which highlights California farmers and the real stories behind some of California’s favorite agricultural products, was started last year as part of an ongoing effort to connect consumers to the people and families that produce the locally grown foods they enjoy.
In the newest video, Barbara Cecchini shares what she loves about farming in California, how her family got involved in their farming operation, what sets their asparagus apart from products grown in other regions, and why she feels it’s important to buy California-grown products.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/55964-california-grown-asparagus-farmer-cecchini-farms-contra-costa-county
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Every day thousands of people save millions of pounds on their household bills using moneysupermarket.com. But what do people do with the money they’ve saved? We challenged customers to make a short video to tell us what they did with their savings.