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Results 37-48 of 73 for ' yes ' (0 seconds) the Social Network for Freelancers. is aimed at providing professionals with the easiest way to get in touch with capable freelancers all over the world. As opposed to many social networks, does not focus on personal branding, but only on results. How do we make it happen? Projects are made of real people. The projects you have contributed to probably included more than one person. The good news is: when adding projects to your portfolio, you will be able to add a list of your coworkers. The better news is: adding them will trigger a verification system allowing them to rate your work, confirm that yes, you are a real person and yes, so are they. The long term effect? A network exclusively made of real people!
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4683 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 4151 | Comments: 1
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Tags // yes  yes  yes 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Family 
Added: 5538 days ago by loteacc
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 4083 | Comments: 1
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how cutee
Tags // yes  yes  yes 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Family 
Added: 5538 days ago by loteacc
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 4042 | Comments: 1
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awhh ew gross
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Categories // Funny  Comedy  Family 
Added: 5538 days ago by loteacc
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 4038 | Comments: 1
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Categories // Music  Funny  Family 
Added: 5538 days ago by loteacc
Runtime: 6m22s | Views: 3914 | Comments: 0
      Girl: I\\\'ve been wondering… where do websites come from? Mom: Hmm. Well, when two people are in love with each other, they want to express their love in a way that everyone can see. And that\\\'s when they make a website. Girl: But how do they do it? Dad: We wanted to save this talk for when you were older, but since you\\\'re asking… When a mom and dad know they want to create a new baby website, they put the kids to bed early, turn off all the lights… and log onto Mom: Yes, then they just decide what kind of website they want and they\\\'re done! The stork will bring the new-born website within 48 hours. Girl: Oh, now I understand! Is that how babies are made too?
Tags // website  free  website  get  a  website  build  a  website 
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4603 days ago by freewebsite
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 3523 | Comments: 1
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Houston Undercover Cops cartoon series will resume with a brand new episode on June 28, 2013 after being on hatius hold for three months since the last episode. Creators of the cartoon series successfully make changes to Houston Undercover Cops by changing the stick figure animation world to 2d animation world. Undercover Police officers: Magic Simpson and Chad Holland are back on the streets after returning from vacation in Brazil. Yes Magic and Chad is the 5 0 and if you are caught committing a crime they will get you. If you step to them that will be suicide. Yeah we know that you have been in trouble with the law before. But have you ever been in trouble with Magic and Chad? You can run but you can't hide because the universe demands justice and the people who are out to serve and protect going to get you one way or another. Think twice before you make bad decisions shoot at them and you're dead. We didn't write the law nor we didn't make the rules. We have to enforce the law and breaking the laws will not be tolerated. The undercover officers are back on the streets so all the thugs better watch out because you never know when they will creep up on your set. Tell me what you going to when they come for you! MagicSimpson1 Productions 2013
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 4271 days ago by Magic123
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2850 | Comments: 4



It is 100 years since a simple song was released to the public. A song that unites music legends Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, Johnny Cash and The Pogues. One song that Elvis loved so much he had it played at his funeral. Yes, it’s the one and only Danny Boy. And it is celebrating its 100th birthday on June 21st, 2013. The song’s melody was first heard in Ireland in the streets of Limavady, County Londonderry where it was known as The Londonderry Air. However it wasn’t until 1910 that Frederick Weatherly, an Englishman, composed the lyrics for this melody. His famous words were published in 1913, making this year the song’s 100th anniversary. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4274 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1998 | Comments: 2



Hey, it\'s Damon Sacks as santa. Yes, this is Dr. Damon Sacks, MD. Seasons greetings to you from your doctor in Dallas, Texas. And just in case you were curious for all those TV fans, no, this is not the same doctor who starred on arrested development. Have a great holiday!
Tags // damon  sacks  damon  sacks 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4452 days ago by acasa1
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 1930 | Comments: 0
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Yes, because for many years I was a Democrat.
Tags // reagan  democrats  donaldson 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4474 days ago by reaganpaintings
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 1880 | Comments: 0
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Yes! You heard that absolutely right. Plancess brings to you affordable 1 hour classes that will clear a number of your doubts, comprehensively. Excel in all engineering entrance exams with Plancess. Visit to know more!
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Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4505 days ago by plancess
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 1853 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Interview with Impulse Fitness Marketing Executive whom was a personal trainer/bodybuilder himself as he speaks of:- 1) How bodybuilders can establish his/her own gym through Impulse Fitness via business loan by PUNB? 2) Why is it important for a starter to hire professional BodyBuilder/Personal trainer to achieve your goal? Q: What is your name? A: My name is Zul Helmi. People often call me Angah, or Helmi. Q: What do you do here to today at Impulse Fitness? A: We are running a booth to introduce our company and also to introduce our package of promotion for complete gynamsium. Q: Who are your customers? A: Commonly are bodybuilders and gym owners. We also provide home use equipments to home-user. Q: DO you train yourself, An\'gah? A: Yes of course, I train myself also. Q: Do you engage a bodybuilder or personal trainer? A: Before this, I was also a personal trainer, and I am doing my Bachelor is Sport Science and Recreation at UiTM. Q: Do you encourage starter to seek professsional advice from personal trainer instead of doing it ownself at home, and why? A: From my opinion, we have to take advantage of training in gynasium as there are many personal trainers (and also other members with experience). In bodybuilding, there are theory and experience. We need to make use of their experience to make up our own set of experience. We will not get very efficient result if we train at home. There is no one to monitor you, whether you are cheating or doing the wrong technique (which leads to wrong habit). Hire a Bodybuilder/Personal trainer at Q: Do you encourage to have an equipment? A: Yes of course, with an equipment, there\'s a commitment. Without one, we cannot see how it can help and how much our body can develop. Q: Lastly, do you have a tip to newbie who wants to build a fit body, a simple one, and how to choose a personal trainer? A: Number 1, you have to know the principle of training. It has to be at the back of the mind. It will be used everyday. To hire a personal trainer, you have to search for one who is reliable, with proof of own body result and knowledge. ****************************************************************************************************** Check out Mr Kuala Lumpur 2013 organised by KLBBF. It was contested by over 100 bodybuilders.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4286 days ago by Wishine
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 1808 | Comments: 2
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