Tomorrow is International Youth Day. In a year when youth unemployment in the United States has hit a record high at 24%, and globally at 45%, poor youth graduating from Children International’s Youth Program state they are more educated and possess job skills needed to get a job and have a better future.
In a report released by the Kansas City-based humanitarian organization, the over 12,000 youth graduating from Children International’s Youth Program also report participation in the organization’s program is vital to their success in school, ability to remain healthy and motivation to reach their goals.
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Today LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: LF), education innovation leader and creator of award-winning learning products, announces its Tag. Give. Read. program to help more U.S. children learn and love to read. LeapFrog laid the program groundwork with a 2009 donation of $1.5 million in Tag Reading Systems and books to the classrooms of more than 10,000 U.S. Kindergarten students. By the end of the school year, 99% of teachers said they would recommend Tag Readers to other teachers and to parents, because their students’ attitudes about reading and reading skills both had improved.
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Carson-Dellosa Publishing, LLC, in partnership with Guinness World Records, announced the grand-prize winner in its Guinness World Records® Classroom Challenge at a record-breaking event held Friday, May 20th in Owingsville, KY. As grand-prize winners under the direction of 4th Grade teacher Jessica Goldy, the students of Owingsville Elementary School created the world’s longest friendship bracelet. Students created a total of 3,799 links that were connected to make one bracelet measuring 810 feet. Friday morning, under the supervision of a Guinness World Records® adjudicator, the exciting event was held on the school’s football field.
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\\\The Columbine Cause\\\ by Evan Long raises questions about the April 20, 1999 attack on Columbine High School which have gone unaddressed or unanswered by corporate and state media, including:
Why do counts of the ballistics evidence charts yield totals far greater than the three hundred-odd shots officially stated by law enforcement officials to have been fired?
Why did students and teachers inside the school during the attack describe up to a dozen distinct shooters, some of whom some of them were able to identify by name as neither Eric Harris nor Dylan Klebold?
Why were the people of the world told that the attack was a \\\wake-up call\\\ when some Columbine students knew it to have been \\\the big rumor\\\ for up to two years in advance?
There is much more to the story of the attack on Columbine than has been widely made known.
Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom.
Teachers, our education system’s most integral component, suffer from inadequate resources in the classroom, which, in turn, hampers their ability to meet students’ needs. To compensate, teachers spend an average of $1,200 of their own money every school year - totally $4 billion annually - purchasing materials for their classrooms, undermining teacher morale, and ultimately student success.
Adopt-A-Classroom empowers teachers with additional funds to mitigate their out-of-pocket expenses and to purchase hands-on learning resources so they can transform their classrooms into vibrant centers for learning. The community support not only bolsters teacher morale but also student enthusiasm for school. - Joan Yee, the Princeton Review Hong Kong’s Executive Director explains why further education is important during these difficult times. She describes why attaining a Master’s degree is the solution.
Happiness and smiles were abundant today as 85 homeless students from the Tampa area received a private visit from the Harlem Globetrotters and $15,000—the grand prize in the Howard Johnson (HOJO) hotel brand’s The Give Happy Challenge, a national competition that challenged people to make others happy.
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\The Columbine Cause\ by Evan Long raises questions about the April 20, 1999 attack on Columbine High School which have gone unaddressed or unanswered by corporate and state media, including:
Why do counts of the ballistics evidence charts yield totals far greater than the three hundred-odd shots officially stated by law enforcement officials to have been fired?
Why did students and teachers inside the school during the attack describe up to a dozen distinct shooters, some of whom some of them were able to identify by name as neither Eric Harris nor Dylan Klebold?
Why were the people of the world told that the attack was a \wake-up call\ when some Columbine students knew it to have been \the big rumor\ for up to two years in advance?
There is much more to the story of the attack on Columbine than has been widely made known.
Educational documentary study in Switzerland. IMI University Centre selected in 2009 by British film studio to promote education abroad for the Chinese market. Most audio is in English with Chinese Subtitles. The movie is about the beauty of Switzerland, specifically Lucerne as an ideal educational hub for studies abroad at highest level. Thanks to IMI student Monika to play the main role.
Registration for CyberPatriot III is open until October 8, so hurry to enroll your team!
CyberPatriot, established by the Air Force Association, is the nation’s largest and fastest-growing high school cyber defense competition. It was created to inspire high school students to consider careers in cybersecurity or other technology and mathematic disciplines critical to our nation’s future. The deadline to participate in this premier competition is now less than 30 days away.
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Red Hawk Elementary’s Red Hawk Movement, Erie, Colo. – Movement and exercise are more than activities at Red Hawk Elementary, they are foundational elements of the school culture. As a new public school in the St. Vrain Valley School District located outside of Denver, Red Hawk built physical activity into the plan from day one. Using a rotating daily “movement calendar,” students gain 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on a daily basis, in addition to scheduled PE class and recess. These structured routines are taught by the professional PE staff outdoors or in the gym, and can be repeated in the classroom with student leaders taking charge. Strategically placed 20-minute blocks occur once in the morning to increase energy and attentiveness at the start of the day, and once in the afternoon immediately before math and science, the most challenging academic subjects. Favorite activities include the ‘Red Hawk Walk,’ in which students power-walk along designated routes throughout the building, as well as in-class cardio and dance breaks. Each Friday the week ends with “All-School Movement,” when all 460 students, faculty and staff head outside to participate in a coordinated fitness routine set to popular music.
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Transitions Optical and VSP® Vision Care brought a state-of-the-art 40-foot mobile eyecare clinic, nicknamed “Eyenstein,” to the Harlem community to provide comprehensive eye exams and complimentary eyewear to area children to help them prepare for the start of a new school year. The mobile eyecare clinic, onsite at East Harlem Scholars Academy on Thursday, August 18, will also be at the Harlem Week Children’s Festival which is open to the public on Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21.
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