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Results 37-37 of 37 for ' spin ' (1 seconds) | Call (206) 899-0609 | Weber Compatible Turbo Grill | By allowing the food to rotate over the coals, from hot to cold zones, it not only keeps your food from burning, it allows food to cook very evenly and retain more moisture; creating a very succulent; crispy on the outside, moist on the inside, result. The TurboGrillâ„¢ is a kit that you assemble and then attach to most Weber-style kettle grills which allows your food to spin while cooking. This not only keeps the food from burning but also creates an exceptionally juicy and flavorful final result. American Grill Revolution | | will be adapting specific recipes and more into a magazine in the near future to get you rocking on your TurboGrillâ„¢ in style. | Call (206) 899-0609 Your 40 page BBQ School eBook is here -
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