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Carowinds, the premier entertainment destination of the Carolinas, is gearing up for the most exciting season ever, with the debut of the world’s tallest and fastest giga coaster, Fury 325 on Saturday, March 28. Fury 325 will simulate the wild, daring and spontaneous flight of the hornet. Riders will board one of three 32–passenger open air trains and begin their ascent to the top of a 325–foot tall hill (over 30 stories) followed by an initial 81–degree first drop. The train then races through a series of hills, curves and quick transitions while reaching speeds of up to 95 miles per hour along 6,602 feet of track. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
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Added: 3623 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 923 | Comments: 0
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Black History Month is a time when all Americans honor the rich African American culture in our society. It was Carter G. Woodson, an African American historian, who began a weeklong celebration, called Negro History Week, in 1926 as a way to honor Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. One of the best ways to celebrate is by reading books by and about African Americans. Virginia Hamilton’s works are among the many books that call upon readers to think about slavery, freedom, and heritage. Through her stories, Hamilton began the genre of liberation literature, which serves to instill cultural pride, as well as a sense of family and the importance of relationships. Black History Month is a time to help readers realize that these universal themes transcend race and that through the power of story, all races are truly united. Non-fiction, Women's Lit, Liberation
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Added: 4029 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 912 | Comments: 0
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting pregnant women about the risks of listeriosis, a foodborne disease that can severely affect a pregnant women and her unborn child. Listeria can affect all races and ethnic groups, but pregnant women are 10 times more likely than other healthy adults to get listeriosis due to hormonal changes that affect the immune system during pregnancy. Pregnant Hispanic women are about 24 times more likely than the general population to get listeriosis. A pregnant mother may pass Listeria onto her unborn baby without even knowing it because she doesn’t feel sick at all, yet the disease can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature labor, the delivery of a low birthweight infant, a wide range of health problems for a newborn, or even infant death. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2869 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m15s | Views: 847 | Comments: 0
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SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced the next game in the best-selling Total War: WARHAMMER trilogy. Total War: WARHAMMER II will be the second release in an ongoing partnership between globally-acclaimed developer Creative Assembly™ and Games Workshop®, creators of the world-renowned Warhammer® Fantasy Battles tabletop wargame and miniatures. Total War: WARHAMMER II unveils the mystery-shrouded continents far to the west of The Old World. Featuring four iconic new races from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world – the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and a fourth yet to be revealed – players will battle across enchanted isles, bleak hinterlands, treacherous swamps and perilous jungles. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2883 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 828 | Comments: 1
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SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced the next game in the best-selling Total War: WARHAMMER trilogy. Total War: WARHAMMER II will be the second release in an ongoing partnership between globally-acclaimed developer Creative Assembly™ and Games Workshop®, creators of the world-renowned Warhammer® Fantasy Battles tabletop wargame and miniatures. Total War: WARHAMMER II unveils the mystery-shrouded continents far to the west of The Old World. Featuring four iconic new races from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world – the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and a fourth yet to be revealed – players will battle across enchanted isles, bleak hinterlands, treacherous swamps and perilous jungles. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2883 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 804 | Comments: 1
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SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced the next game in the best-selling Total War: WARHAMMER trilogy. Total War: WARHAMMER II will be the second release in an ongoing partnership between globally-acclaimed developer Creative Assembly™ and Games Workshop®, creators of the world-renowned Warhammer® Fantasy Battles tabletop wargame and miniatures. Total War: WARHAMMER II unveils the mystery-shrouded continents far to the west of The Old World. Featuring four iconic new races from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world – the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and a fourth yet to be revealed – players will battle across enchanted isles, bleak hinterlands, treacherous swamps and perilous jungles. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2883 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 803 | Comments: 1
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The health of babies in the United States has taken a step backward as the nation’s preterm birth rate worsened for the first time in eight years, the March of Dimes said today. The U.S. earned a “C” grade on the latest March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card amidst widening differences in prematurity rates across different races and ethnicities. “The 2016 March of Dimes Report Card demonstrates that there is an unfair burden of premature birth among specific racial and ethnic groups as well as geographic areas,” says Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, president of the March of Dimes. “The March of Dimes strives for a world where every baby has a fair chance, yet we see this is not the reality for many mothers and babies. Babies in this country have different chances of surviving and thriving simply based on the circumstances of their birth.” The U.S. preterm birth rate went up from 9.57 to 9.63 in 2015, according to final data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Across the country, preterm birth rates were nearly 48 percent higher among black women and more than 15 percent higher among American Indian/Alaska Native women compared to white women. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3036 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 784 | Comments: 0
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The Sleeping King is the start of a new fantasy series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Cindy Dees.The Sleeping King is the first in an epic fantasy series, featuring the best of the genre: near immortal imperial overlords, a prophecy of a sleeping elven king who’s said to be the savior of the races . . . and two young people who are set on a path to save the day. Find out more at and Fantasy
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Added: 3460 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 764 | Comments: 0
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Fancy hats, mint juleps and thoroughbred horses – the three main ingredients to one of the premier sporting events and celebrations in the country. As someone who always brings the fun wherever he goes, Captain Morgan is looking to shake up the festivities by making an unprecedented offer to enter a mule – yes, you read that right – in the elite horse race of the season. Captain Morgan’s newest friend, the Morgan Mule – who is 1 part horse, 1 part donkey and 2 parts Captain – has always wanted to prove his racing chops. The exclusive competition is typically limited to 20, three-year-old thoroughbred horses who qualify based on a tiered point system from a series of races. But as an advocate of fun for all, Captain Morgan is promising that if the Morgan Mule is allowed to compete, he will donate $1 million to charity. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2852 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 758 | Comments: 1
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